Wednesday, January 7, 2009

13 days

I awoke this morning at about 6am to a 3-, I took my am pills, I noticed the chaos on the back deck from the wind last night, I had 4 sessions in my chair and did a short look at C-span, CNN, & CNBC. I am now at my workstation to post at a 3+.
On C-span 2 they showed a house committee meeting on the economic stimulus needs and it looked like they had a full house. It was George Miller’s, Democrat of California’s, committee. I sure like that guy.
On C-span 1 they were doing one-minute speeches. “And that’s just the way it is” Congressman Poe ranted on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My one-minute speech now follows:
I do believe that all politics is local. I really think I understand local politics. I have been observing the play out of the current Israeli, Palestinian conflict on many of the network TV news shows.
I must say, understanding Global Politics still seems to evade me. Didn’t Israel and Egypt go to war in the late 60’s? Who started it? And what was the result? Palestine currently borders Israel and Egypt, right? Hamas is currently part of the Palestinian Government. Members of Hamas are sending missiles into Israel and killing civilians. The debate in the UN seems to be whether Israel should, or must, defend their citizens under fire, stop returning fire and let Humanitarian aid, through to Gaza. Egypt borders Palestine on the south, Israel borders Palestine on the north and the east. Hamas has got missiles to shoot at Israel. How did they get there?


13 days to go!
The Republicans are still ranting on “House Rules” changes from yesterday, they are trying to say they are the only ones supporting President O’bama. We will see!
When I watched the house swearing in ceremony yesterday, with all the kids, I looked for Brian B. and William and Wallace but I didn’t see them.


My FFB team is still in the toilet bowl but I appear to be 80+ points behind. I reset my lineup and I will still be rooting for San Diego and Buffalo this weekend. It appeared the high point teams have lost their high point team members.
C’mon people, is this a leisure activity, or a sport?

Mary Beth Maxwell……….


Hopefully today I can get my wellbutrin to help me become a non smoker on the 11th.

Remember, Homeland Security is watching, and also an English professor. And soon, maybe, another Media Mogul, I sure hope Rachel does not get po’d. I also invited a professional writer for the Longshore workers to visit my blog.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand. Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!

And thanks again Toto.

I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

And Mike, it is over 500 today.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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