Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thank You Martha Schrader


I awoke this morning at 5:30am to a 3- after a good 8+ hours of sleep. I took my am pills and settled into my chair for 2 good massages to prepare for a very busy day. I have an appointment with my NCA and he intends to adjust my back cast and give me a treatment (chiropractic) and then I have an appointment with my tax guy and I may not have to file an extension, for the first time in a long time. I also needed him to answer a question I got from the SSD people after which he did a short search and cleared it up for me. With all my running, I was actually out of the house for almost 5 hours. I did tell my NCA that the supplements were working good and I think I was already having positive effects with his cast. I received an update email from Senator Schrader, and I actually responded to her and she got back to me almost immediately. I will attach our “conversation” in Other Stuff. When we got home I had already received a package from SSD in Salem. I did have a short conversation with my brother Mike and he gave me some bad news. I have a longtime good friend being treated for diabetes down the hill at Kaiser. That reminded me about Obama’s actions on stem cell research. I sent him a thank you and I understand even Nancy Reagan did also.


Thank you Barack. And while I was no supporter of Ronald Reagan I believe he could have benefited from removal of that ban. Thank you Martha, the full conversation follows.


Even with the Lakers cheap shots again this year the Blazers prevailed


Please help Judi for the MS walk on April 4th:

Help for Brandee and babies everywhere, Take a look:

Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell……….http://www.americanrightsatwork.org

Thank VP Biden here http://freechoice.seiu.org/page/s/thankbiden

For your thoughts on the recovery……….http://my.barackobama.com/recovery

To see where your federal dollars goes ….... http://recovery.gov


I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent. Their new “Free Choice add” is GREAT.

Please, I also hope you can share the American Rights, the MS, March of Dimes and the recovery websites so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working, can’t you tell!

Sorry for the late post but as you can tell I was pretty busy today; And Mike, Today I am over 800, and I am posting at a 3+.


Thanks for the contact. I still consider myself a big supporter of both you and Kurt. I do have a question though. A large part of the Obama recoveryplan is to get people to work on "shovel ready" projects that have good benefits. Also he wants to get us off of Foriegn Oil. It seems the Oregon Legislature is fighting him on both those counts. We currently have a Coal fired plant in eastern Oregon and a proposal for a Liquified Natural Gas plant in Northwestern Oregon. The LNG Plant as proposed in NW Oregon has been through 10+ years of scrutiny, and the Boardman Coal Fired plant has been operating for a couple of decades. The proposed LNG Plant is by a Private investor offering about 1000 good union jobs. Is it the stance of the Legislature that they are anti union or that they just want Federal Dollars only to help in the recovery.

William W. "Wally" Mehrens, a confused constituant.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sen Schrader
To: Wally Mehrens
Sent: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 1:45 pm
Subject: RE: Obama recovery plan
Thanks for the email. The issues surrounding the coal plant and LNG are largely the result of environmental concerns. In fact--I think the Clackamas County D's have issued an anti-LNG resolution--but the person to check with is Jill Thorne. I agree that the state must participate in the recovery and we will have some pretty lively discussions about both of these issues as the session proceeds.
Sooo...I'm assuming that you are on the side of proceeding with the projects because of job creation? Is there a way we can generate a discussion from both sides of the issue?

Let m know.

Thanks for the quick response. My ability to leave the house is pretty limited because of my MS but I do manage to follow and comment a lot about what is going on on my little Blog.

Well, I started a Blog. (Judi made me) It’s at http://wallymehrens.blogspot.com. Check it out, I may be talking about you.

Thanks for your time;


Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog………….

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