Sunday, April 19, 2009

Double blog day # 1 for Al Franken

William -

Finally, all the votes have been counted in the Minnesota Senate race between DFA endorsed Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman.

Al Franken won. Every time Norm Coleman has demanded new vote counts or challenged "suspected" ballots -- the margin of victory for Al has just increased.

You would think that losing would be enough for Norm to concede the race, but it isn't. DC Republicans are encouraging him to drag this election out for as long as possible and they're willing to bankroll new court challenges to keep it going.

Oh, Republicans in DC know Al Franken won. But for them, it's worth it to keep shelling out money to block another Democratic vote in support of President Obama.

Put simply, the incentives for DC Republicans are all wrong. So let's flip this on its head. Today, we're teaming up with a brand new partner, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), to launch the "Dollar a Day to Make Norm Go Away" Campaign.

Here's how it works: If thousands of us donate $1 a day to defeat Republicans and elect bold progressives in 2010 for every day that Norm Coleman refuses to concede, then suddenly Norm staying in this fight doesn't seem like a good idea for DC Republicans anymore.


All donations will go to directly to the PCCC – the new group formed by former MoveOn and labor organizers, Democratic campaigners, and the co-inventor of RSS & Reddit to help bold progressive candidates run effective campaigns and win.

Think about how a Dollar A Day will change the game. If thousands of people sign up, and Republicans up for re-election in 2010 see the progressives who are out to defeat them get an infusion of donations each day that Coleman is obstinate, what do you think will happen?

First, they may be in denial. But after a couple days, and as more and more progressives encourage their friends to hop on board, you'll have Republican Senators, House members, strategists, lobbyists, and their big money funders all calling Coleman saying, "Your time's up, Norm. Concede!"

Al Franken has won this election -- let's make sure that Norm Coleman gets the m

Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America

P.S. Just in case Norm is completely delusional and still refuses to get out, you can choose to limit the number of weeks you donate or cancel your daily donation anytime. CONTRIBUTE A "DOLLAR A DAY" NOW!

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