I slept in this morning until 7:30am but awoke to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I forgot to post yesterday, so today's will be a little longer as I attempt to combine both. I did forget to shut off my cell Friday night when I headed for bed so Marty's call yesterday morning was similar to an alarm clock. I took my am pills, and put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I did return the call call to Marty. And Mary, plese say Happy 30th birthday to Kelli......or was that ...her Birthday is on the 30th? He is finished on that Vancouver project and they left everyone happy. He did send me a few pictures so I think it deserves it's own LINK, Marty's Bragging? They do look sharp.
Friday I did participate in that conference call on health care with President Obama, He was on Air Force One. I am not sure if they were just looking for support (which I do); or if they are looking for comments, it was definitely a pitch for support but they did take 3-4 comments. Mine was not one of them, but I did get a follow up report:
Wally --
Two days ago, President Obama called in from Air Force One to join tens of thousands of Organizing for America supporters on a conference call to discuss our Health Care Organizing Campaign.
In case you missed it -- or just want to hear what happened again -- we've posted the audio from the call.
Listen to the audio and leave a comment here.
On the call the President laid out his goals for real health care reform, talked about some of the personal health care stories he's read from OFA members, and took questions on how we can help win this campaign.
He called on the thousands of participants to host Health Care Kickoff Events on June 6th and participate in OFA's National Health Care Day of Service on June 27th.
Please listen to the call, and pass this note on to any of your friends who might be interested:
There seems to be a little battle going on here in Oregon between a couple of Unions (mine is not one) and Senator Wyden over whether he wants to tax employee benefits. Senator Wyden ran an ad ( I did not see it but my wife told me about it) and he said the Unions sponsoring the ad had it all wrong.
There was no mention of taxing fringe benefits on the “conference” (robo?) call. I did get to the Labor Appreciation dinner last night and again Judy O'Connor did a wonderful job.
I turned my TV onto the regular fodder channels, C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news yesterday. They were interviewing the GP of the Auto Workers and reporting on the vote for the recommended contract changes at GM. The contract changes were accepted with a 74% favorable vote.
Today the format changes continue. I think my permanent “Hero's” box is up, but the “pay pal” box for direct connections to MY charities of choice is not complete yet. If it works the way I want a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I list in my “Community Organizers” section. I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct link.
And yes, Erin, I will try to get a personal Picture (Judi sent me a couple of good ones, hard at work at my work station. We have good friend who is a professional Photographer coming by today to work on a fund raiser that I will will be reporting on later.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I checked to see how good their Baseball program is. I hope it is “Pasadena City College. If it is the same one I found on line their list of Alumni is very impressive. I am not sure if others will feel the same way, but of the many honored graduates they list is “Jackie Robinson”, along with a number of current MLB, NFL, and NBA players.
I still don't know what did happen in Astoria last Thursday, but that project was not reported on by CNBC today? Come on Salem, Get behind the President.
Health Care Now ! Is it True? Senator Wyden supports taxing fringe benefits??? When I checked his website I had two concerns, one, the picture had him announcing it with Senator Lieberman ( and you should all know how I feel about him by now) and two, he was concerned about some plans with “Lavish” programs, but he did not define lavish. I did speak to his Labor Liaison last night and expressed my concerns and she said she would relay them.
This is what I got off his website:
The Healthy Americans Act will make quality health care affordable for individuals families and employers.
All employers, along with individuals and the government, will share the responsibility of financing health care. Employers who provide employee health benefits would be required to convert their workers' health care premiums into higher wages for two years after the bill is enacted.
Employees, in turn, would be required to purchase private health coverage with their higher wages. To ensure that health care coverage is affordable, the plan would fully subsidize the premiums for those who live below the poverty line. Those people earning between 100 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty line ($10,400 annually per person) would also receive subsidies on a sliding scale to help pay their premiums. The bill also creates a generous standard deduction to help Americans pay for health coverage regardless of whether they get coverage on their own or through their employers.
Employers who don't currently offer health benefits would have to make phased-in "Employer Shared Responsibility Payments," which would be used to provide financial assistance to individuals and families of modest income.
After two years, all employers would make "Employer Shared Responsibility Payments" to the Federal government. These payments are relative to the size of the employer and their revenues.
The plan, known as the Healthy Americans Act, would:
guarantee private health care coverage for all Americans and allow them to choose the health insurance that is right for them;
provide health benefits equal to those that Members of Congress now enjoy;
modernize the employer-employee relationship regarding health care benefits making health care portable from job to job and even allow Americans to keep it between jobs;
provide incentives for individuals and insurers to focus on prevention, wellness and disease management rewarding Americans for maintaining healthy lifestyles;
establish tough cost containment measures that save $1.48 trillion over 10 years;
as demonstrated by the Congressional Budget Office, the plan would pay for itself once the act is up and running by eliminating administrative costs and changing the outdated tax code that gives businesses write-offs for even the most lavish designer health plans; and return surpluses to the government after the first two years of implementation
CNBC has really been pushing the need for and benefits of Natural Gas. Oregon Democrats, are you listening?
President Obama, I am still giving a B+, with that Supreme Court nominee (Yes we Can), but if your Health care plan includes taxing benefits you will for sure fall to a C-.
I didn't get my yellow ribbons up yesterday and I should have taken a roll to last night's gathering, I have a feeling they would have been a big hit.
Bring our people home!
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
Watching Lou vs Joe is as good as watching the play on the field.
Cubs win Friday night got me to 999 on a Friday.
The 9's on Friday bounced right over to Judi at dinner, and I haven't even checked the 9 megabuck's tickets I got Friday yet.
The Mariners are are hurting but that kid from Butte is still shining and deserves more playing time with Kenji on on the 15 day list, They beat Lackey for the first time in 6 games. Does Aardsma remind you of J.J. Putz??
Did you hear that astounding statistic yesterday during the Cubs Dodgers game? They have played 2,624 games in their history and each team has won 1,312. It appears the only difference between the two teams is one lone goat!
I Hope I get to a Beaver game before San Diego pulls all the talent up.
I plan to get a permanent link for Denise and her walk/run at:
American Rights at Work adds are getting better all the time.
Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I did talk to his mom Fiday night and she said that old address should be good.
Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
Mike; I was at 999 and I'm 4+, yesterday, and I am at 1750+- today.
Now don't forget, say your prayers. I'll see you next time on my blog.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
999 and Friday.................
I slept in this morning until 7:45am; I awoke to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I didn't set my alarm, but I did forget to shut off my cell last night when headed for bed so Marty's call this morning was similar to an alarm clock. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages, and a return call to Marty. He is finished on that Vancouver project and they left everyone happy. He did send me a few pictures and I think it deserves it's own LINK, Marty's Bragging? They do look sharp.
Yesterday I did participate in that conference call with President Obama, (He was on Air Force One) on Health Care. I am not sure if they are just looking for support (which I do); or if they are looking for comments, it was definitely a pitch for support, but they did take 3-4 comments. Mine was not one of them.
There seems to be a little battle going on here in Oregon between a couple of Unions (mine is not one) and Senator Wyden over whether he wants to tax employee benefits. Senator Wyden ran an ad ( I did not see it but my wife told me about it) and he said the Unions sponsoring the ad had it all wrong.
There was no mention of taxing fringe benefits on the “conference” (robo?) call.
I turned my TV onto the regular fodder channels, C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news. Not much so far. They were interviewing the GP of the Auto Workers and reporting on the vote for the recommended contract changes. The contract changes were accepted with a 74% favorable vote.
Today the format changes continue. I think my permanent “Hero's” box is up, but the “pay pal” box for direct connections to MY charities of choice is not complete yet. If it works the way I want a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I list in my “Community Organizers” section. I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct link.
And yes, Erin, I will try to get a personal Picture (Judi sent me a good one, hard at work at my work station) both here and on my face book page, we have good friend who is a professional Photographer coming by Sunday.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I've checked to see how good their Baseball program is. I hope it is “Pasadena City College. If it is the same one I found on line their list of Alumni is very impressive. I am not sure if others will feel the same way, but of the many honored graduates they list is “Jackie Robinson”, along with a number of current MLB, NFL, and NBA players.
CNBC was reporting the DOW is up single digits and OIL and GAS are still going up this morning. I think it's time to dig up all my backyard gold as it's just below $980. I still don't know what did happen in Astoria last Thursday, but that project was not reported on by CNBC today? Come on Salem, Get behind the President.
Health Care Now ! Is it True? Senator Wyden supports taxing fringe benefits???
CNBC is still really pushing the need and benefits of Natural Gas this morning.
President Obama, I am still giving you a B+, with that Supreme Court nominee (Yes we Can), but if your Health care plan includes taxing benefits you will for sure fall to a C-.
I'm didn't get my yellow ribbons up yesterday. Bring our people home!
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war, to end all wars, in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
The Cubs finally started to get some hits. Thank goodness the Dodgers are coming to town this week. :-o (for Marty) “it was still a squeaker” HIDE THE GOATS.
Watching Lou vs Joe is as good as watching the play on the field. Cubs win tonight gets me to 999 on a Friday.
The Mariners are are hurting but that kid from Butte is still shining and deserves more playing time with Kenji on on the 15 day list,
I Hope I get to a Beaver game before San Diego pulls all the talent up.
I plan to get a permanent link for Denise after their walk/run at:
American Rights at Work adds are getting better all the time.
Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I did talk to his Mom last night and she said that old address should be good.
Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
I need 16 word to get to my lucky numbers:
Mike; I'm at 999 and I'm 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers. I'll see you next time on my blog.
I slept in this morning until 7:45am; I awoke to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I didn't set my alarm, but I did forget to shut off my cell last night when headed for bed so Marty's call this morning was similar to an alarm clock. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages, and a return call to Marty. He is finished on that Vancouver project and they left everyone happy. He did send me a few pictures and I think it deserves it's own LINK, Marty's Bragging? They do look sharp.
Yesterday I did participate in that conference call with President Obama, (He was on Air Force One) on Health Care. I am not sure if they are just looking for support (which I do); or if they are looking for comments, it was definitely a pitch for support, but they did take 3-4 comments. Mine was not one of them.
There seems to be a little battle going on here in Oregon between a couple of Unions (mine is not one) and Senator Wyden over whether he wants to tax employee benefits. Senator Wyden ran an ad ( I did not see it but my wife told me about it) and he said the Unions sponsoring the ad had it all wrong.
There was no mention of taxing fringe benefits on the “conference” (robo?) call.
I turned my TV onto the regular fodder channels, C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news. Not much so far. They were interviewing the GP of the Auto Workers and reporting on the vote for the recommended contract changes. The contract changes were accepted with a 74% favorable vote.
Today the format changes continue. I think my permanent “Hero's” box is up, but the “pay pal” box for direct connections to MY charities of choice is not complete yet. If it works the way I want a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I list in my “Community Organizers” section. I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct link.
And yes, Erin, I will try to get a personal Picture (Judi sent me a good one, hard at work at my work station) both here and on my face book page, we have good friend who is a professional Photographer coming by Sunday.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I've checked to see how good their Baseball program is. I hope it is “Pasadena City College. If it is the same one I found on line their list of Alumni is very impressive. I am not sure if others will feel the same way, but of the many honored graduates they list is “Jackie Robinson”, along with a number of current MLB, NFL, and NBA players.
CNBC was reporting the DOW is up single digits and OIL and GAS are still going up this morning. I think it's time to dig up all my backyard gold as it's just below $980. I still don't know what did happen in Astoria last Thursday, but that project was not reported on by CNBC today? Come on Salem, Get behind the President.
Health Care Now ! Is it True? Senator Wyden supports taxing fringe benefits???
CNBC is still really pushing the need and benefits of Natural Gas this morning.
President Obama, I am still giving you a B+, with that Supreme Court nominee (Yes we Can), but if your Health care plan includes taxing benefits you will for sure fall to a C-.
I'm didn't get my yellow ribbons up yesterday. Bring our people home!
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war, to end all wars, in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
The Cubs finally started to get some hits. Thank goodness the Dodgers are coming to town this week. :-o (for Marty) “it was still a squeaker” HIDE THE GOATS.
Watching Lou vs Joe is as good as watching the play on the field. Cubs win tonight gets me to 999 on a Friday.
The Mariners are are hurting but that kid from Butte is still shining and deserves more playing time with Kenji on on the 15 day list,
I Hope I get to a Beaver game before San Diego pulls all the talent up.
I plan to get a permanent link for Denise after their walk/run at:
American Rights at Work adds are getting better all the time.
Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I did talk to his Mom last night and she said that old address should be good.
Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
I need 16 word to get to my lucky numbers:
Mike; I'm at 999 and I'm 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers. I'll see you next time on my blog.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Conference Call with the President.
I awoke this morning at 6:45am to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
Today, I am supposed to participate in a conference call with President Obama, on Health Care. I am not sure if they are just looking for support (which I do); or if they are looking for comments. There seems to be a little battle going on here in Oregon between a couple of Unions (mine is not one) and Senator Wyden over whether he wants to tax employee benefits. Senator Wyden ran an ad ( I did not see it but my wife told me about it) and he said the Unions sponsoring the ad had it wrong. I am not sure what will be going on with this conference call, but if they are looking for support for a fringe benefit tax, they are not going to get it from me.
We met up with good friends Bruce and Sue yesterday and that was very nice. Bruce was up from the coast to get a new vehicle. Sounded like he got one. He was one of the first to get one of my retiree business cards, I wonder if he noticed the bug?
I turned my TV onto the regular fodder channels, C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news. Not much so far.
Today the format changes continue. I think my permanent “Hero's” box is up, but the “pay pal” box for direct connections to MY charities of choice is not complete yet. If it works the way I want a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I list in my “Community Organizers” section. I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct link.
And yes, Erin, I will try to get a personal Picture (Judi sent me a good one, hard at work at my work station) both here and on my face book page, we have good friend who is a professional Photographer coming by Sunday.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I checked and see how good their Baseball program is. I hope it is “Pasadena City College. If it is the same one I found on line their list of Alumni is very impressive. I am not sure if others will feel the same way, but of the many honored graduates they list is “Jackie Robinson”, along with a number of current MLB, NFL, and NBA players.
CNBC was reporting the DOW is up a touch and OIL and GAS are still going up this morning. I still don't know what did happen in Astoria last Thursday, but that project was not reported on by CNBC today? Come on Salem, Get behind the President.
Health Care Now ! Is it True? Senator Wyden supports taxing fringe benefits???
CNBC is still really pushing the need and benefits of Natural Gas this morning.
President Obama, I am still giving you a B+, with that Supreme Court nominee (Yes we Can), but if your Health care plan includes taxing benefits you will for sure fall to a C-.
I'm going to also try to get some yellow ribbons up today. Bring our people home!
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
The Cubs finally started to get some hits. Thank goodness the Dodgers are coming to town this week. :-o (for Marty)
The Mariners are are hurting but that kid from Butte had an excellent game yesterday and deserves more playing time with Kenji on on the 15 day list, I Hope I get to a Beaver game before San Diego pulls all the talent up.
I did get emails from both Bobbie and Denise on the epilepsy walk/run. After I post I'll check them out so the Epilepsy walk/run information should make Post tomorrow.
This is what I have so far:
Help if you can.
American Rights at Work.
Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I'm still waiting for an address from Trina or Dannette.
Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
Mike; I'm just over 600 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 6:45am to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
Today, I am supposed to participate in a conference call with President Obama, on Health Care. I am not sure if they are just looking for support (which I do); or if they are looking for comments. There seems to be a little battle going on here in Oregon between a couple of Unions (mine is not one) and Senator Wyden over whether he wants to tax employee benefits. Senator Wyden ran an ad ( I did not see it but my wife told me about it) and he said the Unions sponsoring the ad had it wrong. I am not sure what will be going on with this conference call, but if they are looking for support for a fringe benefit tax, they are not going to get it from me.
We met up with good friends Bruce and Sue yesterday and that was very nice. Bruce was up from the coast to get a new vehicle. Sounded like he got one. He was one of the first to get one of my retiree business cards, I wonder if he noticed the bug?
I turned my TV onto the regular fodder channels, C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news. Not much so far.
Today the format changes continue. I think my permanent “Hero's” box is up, but the “pay pal” box for direct connections to MY charities of choice is not complete yet. If it works the way I want a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I list in my “Community Organizers” section. I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct link.
And yes, Erin, I will try to get a personal Picture (Judi sent me a good one, hard at work at my work station) both here and on my face book page, we have good friend who is a professional Photographer coming by Sunday.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I checked and see how good their Baseball program is. I hope it is “Pasadena City College. If it is the same one I found on line their list of Alumni is very impressive. I am not sure if others will feel the same way, but of the many honored graduates they list is “Jackie Robinson”, along with a number of current MLB, NFL, and NBA players.
CNBC was reporting the DOW is up a touch and OIL and GAS are still going up this morning. I still don't know what did happen in Astoria last Thursday, but that project was not reported on by CNBC today? Come on Salem, Get behind the President.
Health Care Now ! Is it True? Senator Wyden supports taxing fringe benefits???
CNBC is still really pushing the need and benefits of Natural Gas this morning.
President Obama, I am still giving you a B+, with that Supreme Court nominee (Yes we Can), but if your Health care plan includes taxing benefits you will for sure fall to a C-.
I'm going to also try to get some yellow ribbons up today. Bring our people home!
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
The Cubs finally started to get some hits. Thank goodness the Dodgers are coming to town this week. :-o (for Marty)
The Mariners are are hurting but that kid from Butte had an excellent game yesterday and deserves more playing time with Kenji on on the 15 day list, I Hope I get to a Beaver game before San Diego pulls all the talent up.
I did get emails from both Bobbie and Denise on the epilepsy walk/run. After I post I'll check them out so the Epilepsy walk/run information should make Post tomorrow.
This is what I have so far:
Help if you can.
American Rights at Work.
Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I'm still waiting for an address from Trina or Dannette.
Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
Mike; I'm just over 600 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I slept in this morning until 10am and awoke to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
TODAY IS WORLD MS DAY. If you have already done something for MS, THANK YOU!!! If you have not, what are you waiting for if you have a fat wallet, all your going to get is a sore Back!
I turned my TV onto the regular fodder channels, C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news.
Today the format changes continue. I think my permanent “Hero's” box, but the “pay pal” box for direct connections to MY charities of choice is not complete yet. If it works the way I want a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I list in my “Community Organizers” section. I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct link. And yes, Erin, I will try to get a personal Picture both here and on my face book page, we have a professional Photographer coming by Sunday.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have too check and see how good their Baseball program is. I hope it is “Pasadena City College. If it is the same one I found on line their list of Alumni is very impressive. I am not sure if others will feel the same way, but of the many honored graduates they list is “Jackie Robinson”, along with a number of current MLB, NFL, and NBA players.
CNBC was reporting on individual Recovery projects this morning. I still don't know what did happen in Astoria last Thursday, but that project was not reported on by CNBC today? Come on Salem, Get behind the President.
Health Care Now ! Is it True? Senator Wyden supports taxing fringe benefits?
CNN is reporting President Obama has made a selection for a nominee to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor. From the 2nd circuit court of appeals. Another real American Dream Story. Obama said it was her decision on the Baseball strike that “Saved Baseball”.
CNBC is really pushing the need and benefits of Natural Gas this morning.
President Obama, I am still giving you a B+, with that Supreme Court nominee (Yes we Can), but if your Health care plan includes taxing benefits you will for sure fall to a C-.
I'm going to also try to get some yellow ribbons up today. Bring our people home!
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
The Cubs finally started to get some hits. Thank goodness the Dodgers are coming to town this week. :-o
The Mariners are are hurting but that kid from Butte should be getting more playing time with Kenji on on the 15 day list, I Hope I get to a Beaver game before San Diego pulls all the talent up.
If your a reader or follower out around 168th & Stark please keep an eye open for a gorguous golden retriever puppy named, BELLA, her chickens miss her. There is a reward.
I did get notice of emails from both Bobbie and Denise on my phone this morning, after I post I'll check them out so the Epilepsy run information should make Post tomorrow.
American Rights at Work. Their adds are getting better evey day.
Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?
Are the separate "BOXES" helpfull, did you notice the new picture, more to follow?
The DOW is trying to give up yesterday's 150+ and OIL & GAS are both up.
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I'm still waiting for an address from Trina or Dannette.
Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
For all those who went up the hill Monday, THANK YOU, again.
Mike; I'm just over 600 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I slept in this morning until 10am and awoke to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
TODAY IS WORLD MS DAY. If you have already done something for MS, THANK YOU!!! If you have not, what are you waiting for if you have a fat wallet, all your going to get is a sore Back!
I turned my TV onto the regular fodder channels, C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news.
Today the format changes continue. I think my permanent “Hero's” box, but the “pay pal” box for direct connections to MY charities of choice is not complete yet. If it works the way I want a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I list in my “Community Organizers” section. I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct link. And yes, Erin, I will try to get a personal Picture both here and on my face book page, we have a professional Photographer coming by Sunday.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have too check and see how good their Baseball program is. I hope it is “Pasadena City College. If it is the same one I found on line their list of Alumni is very impressive. I am not sure if others will feel the same way, but of the many honored graduates they list is “Jackie Robinson”, along with a number of current MLB, NFL, and NBA players.
CNBC was reporting on individual Recovery projects this morning. I still don't know what did happen in Astoria last Thursday, but that project was not reported on by CNBC today? Come on Salem, Get behind the President.
Health Care Now ! Is it True? Senator Wyden supports taxing fringe benefits?
CNN is reporting President Obama has made a selection for a nominee to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor. From the 2nd circuit court of appeals. Another real American Dream Story. Obama said it was her decision on the Baseball strike that “Saved Baseball”.
CNBC is really pushing the need and benefits of Natural Gas this morning.
President Obama, I am still giving you a B+, with that Supreme Court nominee (Yes we Can), but if your Health care plan includes taxing benefits you will for sure fall to a C-.
I'm going to also try to get some yellow ribbons up today. Bring our people home!
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
The Cubs finally started to get some hits. Thank goodness the Dodgers are coming to town this week. :-o
The Mariners are are hurting but that kid from Butte should be getting more playing time with Kenji on on the 15 day list, I Hope I get to a Beaver game before San Diego pulls all the talent up.
If your a reader or follower out around 168th & Stark please keep an eye open for a gorguous golden retriever puppy named, BELLA, her chickens miss her. There is a reward.
I did get notice of emails from both Bobbie and Denise on my phone this morning, after I post I'll check them out so the Epilepsy run information should make Post tomorrow.
American Rights at Work. Their adds are getting better evey day.
Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?
Are the separate "BOXES" helpfull, did you notice the new picture, more to follow?
The DOW is trying to give up yesterday's 150+ and OIL & GAS are both up.
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I'm still waiting for an address from Trina or Dannette.
Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
For all those who went up the hill Monday, THANK YOU, again.
Mike; I'm just over 600 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sonia Sotomayor
I awoke this morning at 5:30am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
I turned my TV onto the regular fodder channels, C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news. I apologize to all my cousins for forgetting Putt on my first Hero post yesterday; but he really did deserve a special post.
Today I will be attempting to try out some format changes. I am going to try to incorporate a permanent “Hero's” box, and a “pay pal” box for direct connections for MY charities of choice. If it works the way I want a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I report on in my “Community Organizers” section and I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct links.
And yes, Erin, I will try to get a personal Picture both here and on my face book page.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have too check and see how good their Baseball program is.
What DID happen in Astoria last Thursday? Come on Salem, Get behind the President.
Health Care Now !
CNN is reporting President Obama has made a selection for a nominee to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor. From the 2nd circuit court of appeals. Another real American Dream Story.
Obama did say it was her decision on the Baseball strike that “Saved Baseball”.
Kudlow, the resident curmudgeon on CNBC, is calling this time, “The Communization” of the government.
President Obama, I am still giving you a B, but a B+. (Yes we Can)
I'm going to also try to get some yellow ribbons up today.
Bring our people home!
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
The Cubs finally started to get some hits. Thank goodness the Dodgers are coming to town this week. :-o
The Mariners are back to 500, I think, isn't that above average?
American Rights at Work.
Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?
he DOW IS up 150+ and OIL & GAS are down.
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I'm still waiting for an address from Trina or Dannette.
Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
For all those who went up the hill yesterday, THANK YOU.
Mike; I'm just over 600 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 5:30am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
I turned my TV onto the regular fodder channels, C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news. I apologize to all my cousins for forgetting Putt on my first Hero post yesterday; but he really did deserve a special post.
Today I will be attempting to try out some format changes. I am going to try to incorporate a permanent “Hero's” box, and a “pay pal” box for direct connections for MY charities of choice. If it works the way I want a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I report on in my “Community Organizers” section and I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct links.
And yes, Erin, I will try to get a personal Picture both here and on my face book page.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have too check and see how good their Baseball program is.
What DID happen in Astoria last Thursday? Come on Salem, Get behind the President.
Health Care Now !
CNN is reporting President Obama has made a selection for a nominee to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor. From the 2nd circuit court of appeals. Another real American Dream Story.
Obama did say it was her decision on the Baseball strike that “Saved Baseball”.
Kudlow, the resident curmudgeon on CNBC, is calling this time, “The Communization” of the government.
President Obama, I am still giving you a B, but a B+. (Yes we Can)
I'm going to also try to get some yellow ribbons up today.
Bring our people home!
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
The Cubs finally started to get some hits. Thank goodness the Dodgers are coming to town this week. :-o
The Mariners are back to 500, I think, isn't that above average?
American Rights at Work.
Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?
he DOW IS up 150+ and OIL & GAS are down.
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I'm still waiting for an address from Trina or Dannette.
Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
For all those who went up the hill yesterday, THANK YOU.
Mike; I'm just over 600 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Monday, May 25, 2009
I cannot believe I left PUTT off my Hero's list earlier. As a Pearl Harbor Survivor, he does deserve a special POST all to his own.
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa
I cannot believe I left PUTT off my Hero's list earlier. As a Pearl Harbor Survivor, he does deserve a special POST all to his own.
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa
I awoke this morning at 6:55am to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
My posts today will be very short as it is Memorial Day.
Today is Booyah day. Thank you to all who have made today possible. And I will be doing a new My Hero's post. Just as a reminder here is the first installment from March 30:
#1 Lefty Mehrens, He is in the Butte Montana Baseball Hall of fame and listed in a couple of books.
#2 Barack Obama, He returned my faith in government.
#3 Mike Mehrens, He understands; all you can do, and he actually reads my blog regularly.
#4 Ron Wyden, He still looks out for old people, and now I am one. And He read my blog once.
#5 Hillary Rodam Clinton, She has “mucho” brains, the capacity for forgiveness, and I did not want to appear a sexist.
Now on Memorial Day: I'll add to my Hero's list:
My great Aunt Loretta and Uncle Babe from a WWII Gold Star Family.
My Uncle Larry, who, my first memory of him was in his sharp Navy Blues back on Jackson Street.
My Cousin-in-Law Dennis who was stationed in Germany back when the Russians were rattling their swords.
Those 3 very special Matt's resting up the hill.
My ex-Brother in Law, Mike Jones, a dog handler in Viet Nam.
My friend Bill whose ashes reside up the hill also.
Judi's relatives at Arlington. And her Mom and Dad up on the hill.
And everyone up there, including Mom and Dad and my Sister; and all you actives out there now, looking out for me.
My friend, Jusef Ali Word, who is definately destined for great things.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School.
His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have too check and see how good their Baseball program is.
I know many of my thoughts that I post are repetitive, and wow, I never really knew how much until I went looking for my Hero's post, but its mostly because they are important issues and thoughts, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy. Real proof of that, is here today.
Welcome home Denise. I hear her trip was wonderful, check out her face book page.
My only post report today is for President Obama.
Bring our people home!
Lou is in very unfamiliar territory. The Mariners lead stood up and Felix had a good day, their closer was as good as J.J. Putz.
Is there a better Community Organization than the National Guard?
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars back in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I'm still waiting for an address from Trina or Dannette.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent. But you might have to search back issues for those links.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
For all those being visited today, up the hill, and elsewhere, THANK YOU.
Mike; I'm at 711+- and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 6:55am to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
My posts today will be very short as it is Memorial Day.
Today is Booyah day. Thank you to all who have made today possible. And I will be doing a new My Hero's post. Just as a reminder here is the first installment from March 30:
#1 Lefty Mehrens, He is in the Butte Montana Baseball Hall of fame and listed in a couple of books.
#2 Barack Obama, He returned my faith in government.
#3 Mike Mehrens, He understands; all you can do, and he actually reads my blog regularly.
#4 Ron Wyden, He still looks out for old people, and now I am one. And He read my blog once.
#5 Hillary Rodam Clinton, She has “mucho” brains, the capacity for forgiveness, and I did not want to appear a sexist.
Now on Memorial Day: I'll add to my Hero's list:
My great Aunt Loretta and Uncle Babe from a WWII Gold Star Family.
My Uncle Larry, who, my first memory of him was in his sharp Navy Blues back on Jackson Street.
My Cousin-in-Law Dennis who was stationed in Germany back when the Russians were rattling their swords.
Those 3 very special Matt's resting up the hill.
My ex-Brother in Law, Mike Jones, a dog handler in Viet Nam.
My friend Bill whose ashes reside up the hill also.
Judi's relatives at Arlington. And her Mom and Dad up on the hill.
And everyone up there, including Mom and Dad and my Sister; and all you actives out there now, looking out for me.
My friend, Jusef Ali Word, who is definately destined for great things.
I will still report we have 1 more graduate to celebrate here. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School.
His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have too check and see how good their Baseball program is.
I know many of my thoughts that I post are repetitive, and wow, I never really knew how much until I went looking for my Hero's post, but its mostly because they are important issues and thoughts, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy. Real proof of that, is here today.
Welcome home Denise. I hear her trip was wonderful, check out her face book page.
My only post report today is for President Obama.
Bring our people home!
Lou is in very unfamiliar territory. The Mariners lead stood up and Felix had a good day, their closer was as good as J.J. Putz.
Is there a better Community Organization than the National Guard?
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars back in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same. I'm still waiting for an address from Trina or Dannette.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent. But you might have to search back issues for those links.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now.
For all those being visited today, up the hill, and elsewhere, THANK YOU.
Mike; I'm at 711+- and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I awoke this morning at 7:55am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections, but it is SUNDAY, so I will probably be pretty short and repetitive.
My posts tomorrow will be very short as it is Memorial Day.
I did get my “Business Cards” Friday and I think I have enough for about a decade, but I'm looking forward to giving them out.
I did join with Bill Bradbury, our Secretary of State and first announced Candidate for Governor, and the organization he has started to set some Priorities for Oregon along the lines of President Obama's Priorities.
I am still trying to organize my face book “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I. I think I actually have my “password” down now.
I did make the PICC group meeting Friday and we did make a couple of decisions. The “introduction” to PICC that is for the unfamiliar has been postponed to give us more time to organize.
I still have 1 more graduate to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School.
His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have to check and see how good their Baseball program is.
I know many of my thoughts that I post are repetitive, but is mostly because they are important issues and thoughts, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy.
Real proof of that will come tomorrow.
Our meeting with John M. Friday went well and we will be seeing if PICC has a future. If you are are reader familiar with PICC and have an opinion, please let me know?
Welcome home Denise.
One thing that took up temporary residence in one of the holes in my head. Was the fact that Bobbie Mehrens is now Bobbie Hutzenbieler.
By the way my Booyah's are not for Jim Cramer of CNBC.
Everyone is getting ready for the post memorial Day driving season. I hope my niece found some people to go camping with. I am sure the crowds will be big up the hill at Willamette National.
I did get to hear GENERAL Colin Powell this morning on CBS and the interview went very good.
Real Republicans must feel terrible that it is Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney that seem to have more followers in that Party than does Colin Powell.
I still have not heard the results of the meeting in Astoria, but lets hope the right message got out. I did get emails from both State Senator Martha Schrader and Secretary of State Bill Bradbury. Mr. Bradbury is convening a group on face book and Senator Schrader, both appear to be supporting the Obama Clean Energy proposals. I emailed them both to check on where they were with the Bradwood Landing Project, but I haven't heard back yet?
I will again post my letter to both Bradbury and Schrader:
Thank you Bill : for the email, and the phone call last week. I agree Oregon should be leading the way in attempting to implement President Obama's priorities. I have sent the following email to Senator Schrader. I hope she joins this battle also.
Dear Senator Schrader;
Oregon, like the rest of the country is in trying times. I consider myself a good Democrat and strong President Obama supporter. I am very disappointed in the attitude of the many Oregon Democrats that do NOT support our President. He is struggling with the economy and trying to put people back to Work and trying valiantly to get the Country off of Foriegn Oil. While I was at the Oregon National Guard Muster at the Memorial Colliseum saying good bye and Gods Speed to all our Guard members, including my nephew, stepping up to aid our country by being deployed to Iraq. (it's not really about oil) Meanwhile all of us here in Oregon continue to use all that $160.00 a barrel Oil and some, especially some Oregon Democrats are fighting the Natural gas facility in Astoria that will not only provide a cleaner fuel, but put 1,000 Union Workers to work with good wages and benefits. My questions are, are the Salem Democrats anti- Obama, Anti-union, anti-cleaner energy or just Anti?
William W. "Wally" Mehrens
11817 SE 119th Ave. Clackamas, Oregon
Thanks again, for including me in your fight.
I don't know if the Mariners or the Cubs won yesterday.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many? Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures? Not yet. Doug, your falling behind.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information. Bobbie; I'm waiting.
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
For all those being visited tomorrow, up the hill, and elsewhere, THANK YOU.
Mike; I'm at 1213 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 7:55am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections, but it is SUNDAY, so I will probably be pretty short and repetitive.
My posts tomorrow will be very short as it is Memorial Day.
I did get my “Business Cards” Friday and I think I have enough for about a decade, but I'm looking forward to giving them out.
I did join with Bill Bradbury, our Secretary of State and first announced Candidate for Governor, and the organization he has started to set some Priorities for Oregon along the lines of President Obama's Priorities.
I am still trying to organize my face book “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I. I think I actually have my “password” down now.
I did make the PICC group meeting Friday and we did make a couple of decisions. The “introduction” to PICC that is for the unfamiliar has been postponed to give us more time to organize.
I still have 1 more graduate to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School.
His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have to check and see how good their Baseball program is.
I know many of my thoughts that I post are repetitive, but is mostly because they are important issues and thoughts, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy.
Real proof of that will come tomorrow.
Our meeting with John M. Friday went well and we will be seeing if PICC has a future. If you are are reader familiar with PICC and have an opinion, please let me know?
Welcome home Denise.
One thing that took up temporary residence in one of the holes in my head. Was the fact that Bobbie Mehrens is now Bobbie Hutzenbieler.
By the way my Booyah's are not for Jim Cramer of CNBC.
Everyone is getting ready for the post memorial Day driving season. I hope my niece found some people to go camping with. I am sure the crowds will be big up the hill at Willamette National.
I did get to hear GENERAL Colin Powell this morning on CBS and the interview went very good.
Real Republicans must feel terrible that it is Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney that seem to have more followers in that Party than does Colin Powell.
I still have not heard the results of the meeting in Astoria, but lets hope the right message got out. I did get emails from both State Senator Martha Schrader and Secretary of State Bill Bradbury. Mr. Bradbury is convening a group on face book and Senator Schrader, both appear to be supporting the Obama Clean Energy proposals. I emailed them both to check on where they were with the Bradwood Landing Project, but I haven't heard back yet?
I will again post my letter to both Bradbury and Schrader:
Thank you Bill : for the email, and the phone call last week. I agree Oregon should be leading the way in attempting to implement President Obama's priorities. I have sent the following email to Senator Schrader. I hope she joins this battle also.
Dear Senator Schrader;
Oregon, like the rest of the country is in trying times. I consider myself a good Democrat and strong President Obama supporter. I am very disappointed in the attitude of the many Oregon Democrats that do NOT support our President. He is struggling with the economy and trying to put people back to Work and trying valiantly to get the Country off of Foriegn Oil. While I was at the Oregon National Guard Muster at the Memorial Colliseum saying good bye and Gods Speed to all our Guard members, including my nephew, stepping up to aid our country by being deployed to Iraq. (it's not really about oil) Meanwhile all of us here in Oregon continue to use all that $160.00 a barrel Oil and some, especially some Oregon Democrats are fighting the Natural gas facility in Astoria that will not only provide a cleaner fuel, but put 1,000 Union Workers to work with good wages and benefits. My questions are, are the Salem Democrats anti- Obama, Anti-union, anti-cleaner energy or just Anti?
William W. "Wally" Mehrens
11817 SE 119th Ave. Clackamas, Oregon
Thanks again, for including me in your fight.
I don't know if the Mariners or the Cubs won yesterday.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many? Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures? Not yet. Doug, your falling behind.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information. Bobbie; I'm waiting.
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
For all those being visited tomorrow, up the hill, and elsewhere, THANK YOU.
Mike; I'm at 1213 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
What happened in Astoria ?
I awoke this morning at 5:45am to a 4- and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections, but it is Saturday, so I will probably be pretty short and repetitive.
I did get my “Business Cards” yesterday and I think I have enough for about a decade, but I'm looking forward to giving them out.
I did join Bill Bradbury's, our Secretary of State, and first announced Candidate for Governor, organization he has started to set some Priorities for Oregon along the lines of President Obama's Priorities. I am still trying to organize my face book “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I.
I did make the PICC group meeting yesterday and we did make a couple of decisions. The “introduction” to PICC is for the unfamiliar has been postponed to give us more time to organize.
I still have 1 more graduate to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School.
His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have too check and see how good their Baseball program is.
I know many of my thoughts that I post are repetitive, but it is mostly because they are important issues and thoughts, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy.
I did see John M. yesterday and we will be seeing if PICC has a future. If you are are reader familiar with PICC and have an opinion, please let me know?
Tuesday is the day I get "checked out" for being able to drive with hand controls, wish me luck.
Everyone is getting ready for the post Memorial Day driving season, especially the oil companies.
I hope my niece found some people to go camping with.
I am sure the crowds will be big up the hill at Willamette National.
I still have not heard the results of the meeting in Astoria, but lets hope the right message got out. I did get emails from both State Senator Martha Schrader and Secretary of State Bill Bradbury. Mr. Bradbury is convening a group on face book and Senator Schrader both appear to be supporting the Obama Clean Energy proposals. I emailed them both to check on where they were with the Bradwood Landing Project, but I haven't heard back yet?
I'll now attempt to post my letter to both:
Thank you Bill : for the email, and the phone call last week. I agree Oregon should be leading the way in attempting to implement President Obama's priorities. I have sent the following email to Senator Schrader. I hope she joins this battle also.
Dear Senator Schrader;
Oregon, like the rest of the country is in trying times. I consider myself a good Democrat and strong President Obama supporter. I am very disappointed in the attitude of the many Oregon Democrats that do NOT support our President. He is struggling with the economy and trying to put people back to Work and trying valiantly to get the Country off of Foriegn Oil. While I was at the Oregon National Guard Muster at the Memorial Colliseum saying good bye and Gods Speed to all our Guard members, including my nephew, stepping up to aid our country by being deployed to Iraq. (it's not really about oil) Meanwhile all of us here in Oregon continue to use all that $160.00 a barrel Oil and some, especially some Oregon Democrats are fighting the Natural gas facility in Astoria that will not only provide a cleaner fuel, but put 1,000 Union Workers to work with good wages and benefits. My questions are, are the Salem Democrats anti- Obama, Anti-union, anti-cleaner energy or just Anti?
William W. "Wally" Mehrens
11817 se 119th Ave. Clackamas, Oregon
Thanks again, for including me in your fight.
I think the Mariners and Cubs won yesterday.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures? Not yet. Doug, your falling behind.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information. Bobbie; I'm waiting.
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm almost 1200 and I'm feeling 4+; even in my body cast.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 5:45am to a 4- and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections, but it is Saturday, so I will probably be pretty short and repetitive.
I did get my “Business Cards” yesterday and I think I have enough for about a decade, but I'm looking forward to giving them out.
I did join Bill Bradbury's, our Secretary of State, and first announced Candidate for Governor, organization he has started to set some Priorities for Oregon along the lines of President Obama's Priorities. I am still trying to organize my face book “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I.
I did make the PICC group meeting yesterday and we did make a couple of decisions. The “introduction” to PICC is for the unfamiliar has been postponed to give us more time to organize.
I still have 1 more graduate to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School.
His plan, I believe, is to go to Pasadena Community College in California starting in October. I'll have too check and see how good their Baseball program is.
I know many of my thoughts that I post are repetitive, but it is mostly because they are important issues and thoughts, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy.
I did see John M. yesterday and we will be seeing if PICC has a future. If you are are reader familiar with PICC and have an opinion, please let me know?
Tuesday is the day I get "checked out" for being able to drive with hand controls, wish me luck.
Everyone is getting ready for the post Memorial Day driving season, especially the oil companies.
I hope my niece found some people to go camping with.
I am sure the crowds will be big up the hill at Willamette National.
I still have not heard the results of the meeting in Astoria, but lets hope the right message got out. I did get emails from both State Senator Martha Schrader and Secretary of State Bill Bradbury. Mr. Bradbury is convening a group on face book and Senator Schrader both appear to be supporting the Obama Clean Energy proposals. I emailed them both to check on where they were with the Bradwood Landing Project, but I haven't heard back yet?
I'll now attempt to post my letter to both:
Thank you Bill : for the email, and the phone call last week. I agree Oregon should be leading the way in attempting to implement President Obama's priorities. I have sent the following email to Senator Schrader. I hope she joins this battle also.
Dear Senator Schrader;
Oregon, like the rest of the country is in trying times. I consider myself a good Democrat and strong President Obama supporter. I am very disappointed in the attitude of the many Oregon Democrats that do NOT support our President. He is struggling with the economy and trying to put people back to Work and trying valiantly to get the Country off of Foriegn Oil. While I was at the Oregon National Guard Muster at the Memorial Colliseum saying good bye and Gods Speed to all our Guard members, including my nephew, stepping up to aid our country by being deployed to Iraq. (it's not really about oil) Meanwhile all of us here in Oregon continue to use all that $160.00 a barrel Oil and some, especially some Oregon Democrats are fighting the Natural gas facility in Astoria that will not only provide a cleaner fuel, but put 1,000 Union Workers to work with good wages and benefits. My questions are, are the Salem Democrats anti- Obama, Anti-union, anti-cleaner energy or just Anti?
William W. "Wally" Mehrens
11817 se 119th Ave. Clackamas, Oregon
Thanks again, for including me in your fight.
I think the Mariners and Cubs won yesterday.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures? Not yet. Doug, your falling behind.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information. Bobbie; I'm waiting.
I did try to send an email to nephew Daniel. I used the address I had from his deployment in 2008 but I'm not sure if it's the same.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm almost 1200 and I'm feeling 4+; even in my body cast.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Friday, May 22, 2009
I awoke this morning at 6am to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections. They may be short because I have a meeting to attend this morning at should be on my way by 9:30am.
I did receive an invitation from Mr. Bill Bradbury, our Secretary of State and first announced Candidate for Governor, to join with him and an organization he has started to set some Priorities for Oregon along the lines of President Obama's Priorities. I have joined him on face book. I am just now trying to organize my face book “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. And my good friend Donna's son, Jusef Ali Word did graduate from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I have gotten him a card, but being the slow mover I am I haven't sent it off yet. I did hear from his Mom today and it was an excellent ceremony, but also a long weekend. I now know some of what he plans for his future. Donna informed me he is heading into the Americorp program. I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird again to take notice. I know many of my thoughts that I post are repetitive, but is mostly because they are important issues and thoughts, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy.
I should be seeing John M. today and we will be seeing if PICC has a future.
My first check on C-span showed that today is repeat day. CNBC shows the DOW is up almost 70 points and it appears that OIL and GAS prices are up again. OIL is over $60 a barrel and gas is over $1.80 a gallon. And gold is still up to $950+. Everyone is getting ready for the post memorial Day driving season. The talking heads are saying the world economy is fine but the US economy is failing.
I have not checked or heard the results of the meeting in Astoria last night but lets hope the right message got out.
I did get emails from both State Senator Martha Schrader and Secretary of State Bill Bradbury.
Mr. Bradbury is convening a group on face book and Senator Schrader both appear to be supporting the Obama Clean Energy proposals. I emailed them both to check on where they were with the Bradwood Landing Project?
I'll now attempt to post my letter to both:
Thnak you Bill : for the email, and the phone call last week. I agree Oregon should be leading the way in attempting to implement President Obama's priorities. I have sent the following email to Senator Schrader. I hope she joins this battle also.
Dear Senator Schrader;
Oregon, like the rest of the country is in trying times. I consider myself a good Democrat and strong President Obama supporter. I am very disappointed in the attitude of the many Oregon Democrats that do NOT support our President. He is struggling with the economy and trying to put people back to Work and trying valiantly to get the Country off of Foriegn Oil. While I was at the Oregon National Guard Muster at the Memorial Colliseum, saying good bye and Gods Speed to all our Guard members, including my nephew, stepping up to aid our country by being deployed to Iraq. (it's not really about oil) Meanwhile all of us here in Oregon continue to use all that $160.00 a barrel Oil and some, especially some Oregon Democrats are fighting the Natural gas facility in Astoria that will not only provide a cleaner not Foreign fuel, but put 1,000 Union Workers to work with good wages and benefits. My questions are, are the Salem Democrats anti-Obama, Anti-union, anti-clean energy or just Anti?
William W. "Wally" Mehrens
11817 se 119th Ave. Clackamas, Oregon
Thanks again, for including me in your fight.
The Cubs lost last night in a close one.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures? Not yet.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm over 1000 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 6am to a 3+ and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections. They may be short because I have a meeting to attend this morning at should be on my way by 9:30am.
I did receive an invitation from Mr. Bill Bradbury, our Secretary of State and first announced Candidate for Governor, to join with him and an organization he has started to set some Priorities for Oregon along the lines of President Obama's Priorities. I have joined him on face book. I am just now trying to organize my face book “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. And my good friend Donna's son, Jusef Ali Word did graduate from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I have gotten him a card, but being the slow mover I am I haven't sent it off yet. I did hear from his Mom today and it was an excellent ceremony, but also a long weekend. I now know some of what he plans for his future. Donna informed me he is heading into the Americorp program. I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird again to take notice. I know many of my thoughts that I post are repetitive, but is mostly because they are important issues and thoughts, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy.
I should be seeing John M. today and we will be seeing if PICC has a future.
My first check on C-span showed that today is repeat day. CNBC shows the DOW is up almost 70 points and it appears that OIL and GAS prices are up again. OIL is over $60 a barrel and gas is over $1.80 a gallon. And gold is still up to $950+. Everyone is getting ready for the post memorial Day driving season. The talking heads are saying the world economy is fine but the US economy is failing.
I have not checked or heard the results of the meeting in Astoria last night but lets hope the right message got out.
I did get emails from both State Senator Martha Schrader and Secretary of State Bill Bradbury.
Mr. Bradbury is convening a group on face book and Senator Schrader both appear to be supporting the Obama Clean Energy proposals. I emailed them both to check on where they were with the Bradwood Landing Project?
I'll now attempt to post my letter to both:
Thnak you Bill : for the email, and the phone call last week. I agree Oregon should be leading the way in attempting to implement President Obama's priorities. I have sent the following email to Senator Schrader. I hope she joins this battle also.
Dear Senator Schrader;
Oregon, like the rest of the country is in trying times. I consider myself a good Democrat and strong President Obama supporter. I am very disappointed in the attitude of the many Oregon Democrats that do NOT support our President. He is struggling with the economy and trying to put people back to Work and trying valiantly to get the Country off of Foriegn Oil. While I was at the Oregon National Guard Muster at the Memorial Colliseum, saying good bye and Gods Speed to all our Guard members, including my nephew, stepping up to aid our country by being deployed to Iraq. (it's not really about oil) Meanwhile all of us here in Oregon continue to use all that $160.00 a barrel Oil and some, especially some Oregon Democrats are fighting the Natural gas facility in Astoria that will not only provide a cleaner not Foreign fuel, but put 1,000 Union Workers to work with good wages and benefits. My questions are, are the Salem Democrats anti-Obama, Anti-union, anti-clean energy or just Anti?
William W. "Wally" Mehrens
11817 se 119th Ave. Clackamas, Oregon
Thanks again, for including me in your fight.
The Cubs lost last night in a close one.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures? Not yet.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm over 1000 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
President Obama needs help in Astoria Tonight.
I slept in this morning until 7am and awoke to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections.
I have finally got onto face book but I am now trying to organize my “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. And my good friend Donna's son, Jusef Ali Word did graduate from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I did get him a card, but being the slow mover I am, I haven't sent it off yet. I did hear from his Mom today, and it was an excellent ceremony, but also a long weekend. I now know some of what he plans for his future. Donna informed me he is heading into the Americorp program. I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird again to take notice.
I know many of the thoughts that I post are repetitive, but that is mostly because they are important issues and thoughts to me, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy.
I did also talk to John M., who is back from the legislative conference and reported it was relatively uneventful. I'll be seeing him tomorrow and we will be seeing if PICC has a future.
My first check on C-span showed that the Republicans are really expressing their anti-union bias and complaining about the help given to the Auto Companies. The Presidents' announcement on the new CAFE standards has been receiving much debate. CNBC talking heads are reporting it appears that OIL and GAS prices seem to be stabilizing at around $60 a barrel and $1.80 a gallon. The DOW is down over 180 points, and gold is up to $950+. Everyone is getting ready for the post memorial Day driving season. Erin Burnett, CNBC is reporting from Nigeria and wondering if the government has their workers under control ?
If you can, both The Obama Recovery Plan (1,000 union jobs) and his Energy Independence Plan (American produced Natural Gas) need help tonight, right her in Astoria.
The Mariners are home again tonight, and they didn't wait till the 9th inning yesterday to score the winning run. Griffey knocked in Ichiro in the first inning and their one run stood up, waiting till the 9th inning is pretty intense with all us believers. Hopefully tonights game won't be decided in the 9th inning, but will be a Mariners win with a run away. I did see some of the Cubs at the Cardinals yesterday, more tension, maybe tonight, not as much.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures? Not yet.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm almost 790 and I'm feeling 4.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I slept in this morning until 7am and awoke to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections.
I have finally got onto face book but I am now trying to organize my “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. And my good friend Donna's son, Jusef Ali Word did graduate from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I did get him a card, but being the slow mover I am, I haven't sent it off yet. I did hear from his Mom today, and it was an excellent ceremony, but also a long weekend. I now know some of what he plans for his future. Donna informed me he is heading into the Americorp program. I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird again to take notice.
I know many of the thoughts that I post are repetitive, but that is mostly because they are important issues and thoughts to me, and as you all know, I am sort of lazy.
I did also talk to John M., who is back from the legislative conference and reported it was relatively uneventful. I'll be seeing him tomorrow and we will be seeing if PICC has a future.
My first check on C-span showed that the Republicans are really expressing their anti-union bias and complaining about the help given to the Auto Companies. The Presidents' announcement on the new CAFE standards has been receiving much debate. CNBC talking heads are reporting it appears that OIL and GAS prices seem to be stabilizing at around $60 a barrel and $1.80 a gallon. The DOW is down over 180 points, and gold is up to $950+. Everyone is getting ready for the post memorial Day driving season. Erin Burnett, CNBC is reporting from Nigeria and wondering if the government has their workers under control ?
If you can, both The Obama Recovery Plan (1,000 union jobs) and his Energy Independence Plan (American produced Natural Gas) need help tonight, right her in Astoria.
The Mariners are home again tonight, and they didn't wait till the 9th inning yesterday to score the winning run. Griffey knocked in Ichiro in the first inning and their one run stood up, waiting till the 9th inning is pretty intense with all us believers. Hopefully tonights game won't be decided in the 9th inning, but will be a Mariners win with a run away. I did see some of the Cubs at the Cardinals yesterday, more tension, maybe tonight, not as much.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures? Not yet.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm almost 790 and I'm feeling 4.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I awoke this morning at 5:15am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. My Business Card design was completed yesterday I'm looking forward to them. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections.
I have finally got onto face book but am now trying to organize my “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School, and my good friend Donna's son, Jusef Ali Word is graduating from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I am not sure what he plans for his future, but I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird to take notice.
My first check on C-span showed a full committee debating the “cap & trades” proposals yesterday. It was a full house and much debate. I don't remember this intense a debate before going or continuing the war. The Presidents' announcement on the new CAFE standards has received much debate.
CNBC is reporting the DOW is up over 90 points, and OIL & GAS are also up, getting ready for the post memorial Day driving season. CNBC is also reporting on Geithner is testifying before Congress and the Dow is down slightly from my earlier report and OIL & GAS are still climbing.
The Mariners are definitely home, I did not see a Mariners game last night but I did see some of the Cubs at the Cardinals.
The Beavers Beavers game I reported on yesterday was a repeat.
That fund raiser for Jamie Moyers children's charitable Foundation with Cal Ripken should be an awesome event if you can make it.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures?
Get Involved World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
Please make a QUICK phone call today (it takes under a minute!), then forward this to all your friends.
1.You can call Senator Specter's office toll-free at (888) 890-4648.
2.One of Specter's interns will probably answer. Tell him or her you're calling to ask Senator Specter to vote YES on the Employee Free Choice Act. Most calls end right there, but you can add:
The Employee Free Choice Act is crucial to working families.
I'm disappointed in the Senator's reversal on this issue and hope he'll do the right thing after co-sponsoring the bill in 2005.
The recession has hit middle-class families the hardest, and this bill is a critical piece of our economic recovery.
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm just over 800 and I'm feeling 4.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 5:15am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. My Business Card design was completed yesterday I'm looking forward to them. I have tuned into my regular fodder TV stations and will be reporting in the appropriate sections.
I have finally got onto face book but am now trying to organize my “friends”. I have sent out new notices and I imagine those that have been getting them are as confused as I.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School, and my good friend Donna's son, Jusef Ali Word is graduating from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I am not sure what he plans for his future, but I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird to take notice.
My first check on C-span showed a full committee debating the “cap & trades” proposals yesterday. It was a full house and much debate. I don't remember this intense a debate before going or continuing the war. The Presidents' announcement on the new CAFE standards has received much debate.
CNBC is reporting the DOW is up over 90 points, and OIL & GAS are also up, getting ready for the post memorial Day driving season. CNBC is also reporting on Geithner is testifying before Congress and the Dow is down slightly from my earlier report and OIL & GAS are still climbing.
The Mariners are definitely home, I did not see a Mariners game last night but I did see some of the Cubs at the Cardinals.
The Beavers Beavers game I reported on yesterday was a repeat.
That fund raiser for Jamie Moyers children's charitable Foundation with Cal Ripken should be an awesome event if you can make it.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures?
Get Involved World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee's race was apparently successful, but wet, and I'm sure she is still looking for help.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
Please make a QUICK phone call today (it takes under a minute!), then forward this to all your friends.
1.You can call Senator Specter's office toll-free at (888) 890-4648.
2.One of Specter's interns will probably answer. Tell him or her you're calling to ask Senator Specter to vote YES on the Employee Free Choice Act. Most calls end right there, but you can add:
The Employee Free Choice Act is crucial to working families.
I'm disappointed in the Senator's reversal on this issue and hope he'll do the right thing after co-sponsoring the bill in 2005.
The recession has hit middle-class families the hardest, and this bill is a critical piece of our economic recovery.
I will be adding a link for Denise and the Epilepsy walk/run as soon as I get the information.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm just over 800 and I'm feeling 4.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I awoke this morning at 5:45am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. My Business Card design was supposed to be revue able yesterday but no sign so far and I'm looking forward to them.
I have received a couple of notices from face book but I have not been able to get on my page to respond. I did get a response from Tim.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. And my good friend Donna's son Jusef Ali Word is graduating from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I am not sure what he plans for his future, but I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird to take notice.
I watched the Presidents' announcement on the new CAFE standards and bounced between C-span and CNBC. The CNBC talking heads (wall streeters) were totally against it because it would put those unsuspecting Americans in unsafe cars because they will be too light and not stand up in a crash, Besides we have got all that untaped American oil, Sarah and those other Republicans have told us, to fill that gap. While working on this posting it appears that over 90% of the Senate was listening to real people and -5% listening to Wall Street. Also the house is debating S-896, Earl has the gavel and Barney Frank is carrying the bill, and it doesn't appear any of the 8 or 9 reps in my vision are against this bill. (THE HOPE BILL)
The Dodgers are still winning without Manny. The Mariners are definitely home, but waiting till the 9th inning is pretty intense with all us believers. Hopefully to nights game won't be decided in the 9th inning, but will be a Mariners win.
The Beavers are also at home tonight.
That fund raiser for Jamie Moyers children's charitable Foundation with Cal Ripken should be an awesome event if you can make it.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures?
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
Please make a QUICK phone call today (it takes under a minute!), then forward this to all your friends.
1.Call Senator Specter's office toll-free at (888) 890-4648.
2.One of Specter's interns will probably answer. Tell him or her you're calling to ask Senator Specter to vote YES on the Employee Free Choice Act. Most calls end right there, but you can add:
The Employee Free Choice Act is crucial to working families.
I'm disappointed in the Senator's reversal on this issue and hope he'll do the right thing after co-sponsoring the bill in 2005.
The recession has hit middle-class families the hardest, and this bill is a critical piece of our economic recovery.
I will be adding a link for Denise and Epilepsy as soon as I get it.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm just over 800 and I'm feeling 4.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 5:45am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. My Business Card design was supposed to be revue able yesterday but no sign so far and I'm looking forward to them.
I have received a couple of notices from face book but I have not been able to get on my page to respond. I did get a response from Tim.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. And my good friend Donna's son Jusef Ali Word is graduating from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I am not sure what he plans for his future, but I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird to take notice.
I watched the Presidents' announcement on the new CAFE standards and bounced between C-span and CNBC. The CNBC talking heads (wall streeters) were totally against it because it would put those unsuspecting Americans in unsafe cars because they will be too light and not stand up in a crash, Besides we have got all that untaped American oil, Sarah and those other Republicans have told us, to fill that gap. While working on this posting it appears that over 90% of the Senate was listening to real people and -5% listening to Wall Street. Also the house is debating S-896, Earl has the gavel and Barney Frank is carrying the bill, and it doesn't appear any of the 8 or 9 reps in my vision are against this bill. (THE HOPE BILL)
The Dodgers are still winning without Manny. The Mariners are definitely home, but waiting till the 9th inning is pretty intense with all us believers. Hopefully to nights game won't be decided in the 9th inning, but will be a Mariners win.
The Beavers are also at home tonight.
That fund raiser for Jamie Moyers children's charitable Foundation with Cal Ripken should be an awesome event if you can make it.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of:
More pictures?
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
Please make a QUICK phone call today (it takes under a minute!), then forward this to all your friends.
1.Call Senator Specter's office toll-free at (888) 890-4648.
2.One of Specter's interns will probably answer. Tell him or her you're calling to ask Senator Specter to vote YES on the Employee Free Choice Act. Most calls end right there, but you can add:
The Employee Free Choice Act is crucial to working families.
I'm disappointed in the Senator's reversal on this issue and hope he'll do the right thing after co-sponsoring the bill in 2005.
The recession has hit middle-class families the hardest, and this bill is a critical piece of our economic recovery.
I will be adding a link for Denise and Epilepsy as soon as I get it.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm just over 800 and I'm feeling 4.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I awoke this morning at 5:30am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. My Business Card design should be revue able today and I'm looking forward to them.
I really did enjoy Denise's party at Bobbie and Dennis' and the arrival of the surprise guests were actually a real surprise to Denise. They can really take pride in their home, and they do. As to the fact that my skills and abilities are still behind that 2 to 3 month old publisher, that blog may be the best place to review the celebration. Dennis (super popular cause he was the cook) did have a RED shirt on with a certain logo! I wonder if he is allowed to wear it when Dan is home? I did send Tim an email when I got home Saturday night, but he's sort of old, so he may have forgotten.
Also; Judi and I gave Denise the name of the best restaurant in D. C. and she is really looking forward to her trip. I hope she goes by to see her Congressman, Brian Baird and his office is very attentive to her, She is very in tune in his district and has many voters who are friends and relatives.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. And my good friend Donna's son Jusef Ali Word is graduating from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I am not sure what he plans for his future, but I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird to take notice.
I watched C-span and President Obama's commencement speech. After I watched for the second time I told Judi I thought it rated right up there with the “Ask not what your Country can do for you” and “I have a dream” speeches, maybe even at the top. I'll be looking for a link to put on my blog as it is a speech everyone should hear.
Now; I'll repeat this again because it appears that, after that bi-partisan summit at the White House to reach agreement to do something about health care, some of those that agreed at the meeting are funding the fight against health care. I'm not sure if my good friend Bruce T. is tuned in to this fight, or this blog yet, but I'm sure he can relate the hill President Obama is climbing.
I did get the following message from Organizing for America. I am going to join this fight, and for all you wonderful people trying to decide what to get a 59 year old retiree celebrating getting to 59 on July 28th, who has great health care right now, just not great health, please join with me.
William --
The fight to fix America's healthcare system is here. Monday, President Obama laid out his roadmap by announcing three principles for healthcare reform and calling on Congress to act this year. Hundreds of thousands of us joined that call online. Then -- yesterday morning -- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi responded, pledging to bring real healthcare reform to a vote by July 31st!
Special interest lobbyists and partisan ideologues will now go into overdrive, spreading distortions and twisting arms in D.C. to water down the final plan -- or stop it entirely. They did it before, and they're betting they can do it again. But they're forgetting something: you.
Will you sign up now to pledge a monthly $15 donation to power our healthcare campaign?
Your ongoing support will give us the confidence to plan and the resources to win.
The Dodgers are still winning without Manny. The Mariners are definitely home, but waiting till the 9th inning is pretty intense with all us believers.
That fund raiser for Jamie Moyers children's charitable Foundation with Cal Ripken should be an awesome event if you can make it.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of: More pictures?
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I hope the Women in Trades Fair went well.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm almost 1100 again and I'm feeling 4.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 5:30am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. My Business Card design should be revue able today and I'm looking forward to them.
I really did enjoy Denise's party at Bobbie and Dennis' and the arrival of the surprise guests were actually a real surprise to Denise. They can really take pride in their home, and they do. As to the fact that my skills and abilities are still behind that 2 to 3 month old publisher, that blog may be the best place to review the celebration. Dennis (super popular cause he was the cook) did have a RED shirt on with a certain logo! I wonder if he is allowed to wear it when Dan is home? I did send Tim an email when I got home Saturday night, but he's sort of old, so he may have forgotten.
Also; Judi and I gave Denise the name of the best restaurant in D. C. and she is really looking forward to her trip. I hope she goes by to see her Congressman, Brian Baird and his office is very attentive to her, She is very in tune in his district and has many voters who are friends and relatives.
I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. And my good friend Donna's son Jusef Ali Word is graduating from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I am not sure what he plans for his future, but I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird to take notice.
I watched C-span and President Obama's commencement speech. After I watched for the second time I told Judi I thought it rated right up there with the “Ask not what your Country can do for you” and “I have a dream” speeches, maybe even at the top. I'll be looking for a link to put on my blog as it is a speech everyone should hear.
Now; I'll repeat this again because it appears that, after that bi-partisan summit at the White House to reach agreement to do something about health care, some of those that agreed at the meeting are funding the fight against health care. I'm not sure if my good friend Bruce T. is tuned in to this fight, or this blog yet, but I'm sure he can relate the hill President Obama is climbing.
I did get the following message from Organizing for America. I am going to join this fight, and for all you wonderful people trying to decide what to get a 59 year old retiree celebrating getting to 59 on July 28th, who has great health care right now, just not great health, please join with me.
William --
The fight to fix America's healthcare system is here. Monday, President Obama laid out his roadmap by announcing three principles for healthcare reform and calling on Congress to act this year. Hundreds of thousands of us joined that call online. Then -- yesterday morning -- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi responded, pledging to bring real healthcare reform to a vote by July 31st!
Special interest lobbyists and partisan ideologues will now go into overdrive, spreading distortions and twisting arms in D.C. to water down the final plan -- or stop it entirely. They did it before, and they're betting they can do it again. But they're forgetting something: you.
Will you sign up now to pledge a monthly $15 donation to power our healthcare campaign?
Your ongoing support will give us the confidence to plan and the resources to win.
The Dodgers are still winning without Manny. The Mariners are definitely home, but waiting till the 9th inning is pretty intense with all us believers.
That fund raiser for Jamie Moyers children's charitable Foundation with Cal Ripken should be an awesome event if you can make it.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.
The ongoing saga of: More pictures?
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I hope the Women in Trades Fair went well.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm almost 1100 again and I'm feeling 4.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I awoke this morning at 7:45am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out, checked my email and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
My Business Card design should be revue able Monday and I'm looking forward to them.
I really did enjoy Denise's party at Bobbie and Dennis' and the arrival of the surprise guests were actually a real surprise of Denise. I am sure that the Wyatt Gabriel blog will have lots of reports. It is amazing to me how much change in their neighborhood has happened. They can really take pride in their home, and they do. As to the fact that my skills and abilities are still behind that 2 to 3 month old publisher, that blog may be the best place to review the celebration. Denise's brother Dan could not make it but they did leave up most of the “Duck” stuff on the Patio, so Dan should not be bothered, although, Dennis (super popular cause he was the cook) did have a RED shirt on with a certain logo! I also got to catch up with old friends, and relatives, including Patty and Tim. I did send Tim an email when I got home last night, but he's sort of old, so he may have forgotten.
Also; Judi and I gave Denise the name of the best restaurant in D. C. and she is really looking forward to her trip. I hope she goes by to see her Congressman, Brian Baird and his office is very attentive, She is very in tune in his district and has many voters who are friends and relatives.
I am watching C-span and they are at Notre Dame getting ready to cover the Obama speech and getting ready for “the big protest”. In the election of the first Catholic President there were so many worried that if Kennedy were elected the Pope would run the U.S. Many came to his defense as potentially the first Catholic President. Are some of those same people that stood up for President Kennedy helping coordinate the protesters today. Could that be considered hypocritical?
I did get to hear the introduction of President Obama and it was very well done and between the President's opening remarks he recieved many ovations and only one rude interuption. I haven't completely watched all of Obama's remarks, but what I have heard, I not only think he hit a home run, I think he is going for the cycle.
His address is not over yet but I hope every college graduate coul hear it.
Now; I'll repeat the following, because it appears that after last weeks bi-partisan summit at the White House, an attempt to reach agreement to do something about health care, some of those that agreed at the meeting are funding the fight against President's health care. ---
I did get the following message from Organizing for America. I am going to join this fight, and for all you wonderful people trying to decide what to get a 59 year old retiree celebrating getting to 59 on July 28th, who has great health care right now, just not great health, please join with me.
William --
The fight to fix America's healthcare system is here. Monday, President Obama laid out his roadmap by announcing three principles for healthcare reform and calling on Congress to act this year. Hundreds of thousands of us joined that call online. Then -- yesterday morning -- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi responded, pledging to bring real healthcare reform to a vote by July 31st!
Special interest lobbyists and partisan ideologues will now go into overdrive, spreading distortions and twisting arms in D.C. to water down the final plan -- or stop it entirely. They did it before, and they're betting they can do it again. But they're forgetting something: you.
Will you sign up now to pledge a monthly $15 donation to power our healthcare campaign?
Your ongoing support will give us the confidence to plan and the resources to win.
The Dodgers are still winning without Manny. The Mariners are finally home, but Randy Johnson will not have a chance to get to 300 in Seattle, it appears.
The Orioles still have the best owner in baseball.
Manny got busted for taking a player enhancement banned substance, I just didn't know the league was concerned about both types of bats. And, no “unnamed”, I won't mention anything about your prowess and the length of a baseball game. And I promise to drop the subject after today.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid.
The ongoing saga of:
I would be surprised if this site did not have new pitures today.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved:
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm over 1000 again and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 7:45am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out, checked my email and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.
My Business Card design should be revue able Monday and I'm looking forward to them.
I really did enjoy Denise's party at Bobbie and Dennis' and the arrival of the surprise guests were actually a real surprise of Denise. I am sure that the Wyatt Gabriel blog will have lots of reports. It is amazing to me how much change in their neighborhood has happened. They can really take pride in their home, and they do. As to the fact that my skills and abilities are still behind that 2 to 3 month old publisher, that blog may be the best place to review the celebration. Denise's brother Dan could not make it but they did leave up most of the “Duck” stuff on the Patio, so Dan should not be bothered, although, Dennis (super popular cause he was the cook) did have a RED shirt on with a certain logo! I also got to catch up with old friends, and relatives, including Patty and Tim. I did send Tim an email when I got home last night, but he's sort of old, so he may have forgotten.
Also; Judi and I gave Denise the name of the best restaurant in D. C. and she is really looking forward to her trip. I hope she goes by to see her Congressman, Brian Baird and his office is very attentive, She is very in tune in his district and has many voters who are friends and relatives.
I am watching C-span and they are at Notre Dame getting ready to cover the Obama speech and getting ready for “the big protest”. In the election of the first Catholic President there were so many worried that if Kennedy were elected the Pope would run the U.S. Many came to his defense as potentially the first Catholic President. Are some of those same people that stood up for President Kennedy helping coordinate the protesters today. Could that be considered hypocritical?
I did get to hear the introduction of President Obama and it was very well done and between the President's opening remarks he recieved many ovations and only one rude interuption. I haven't completely watched all of Obama's remarks, but what I have heard, I not only think he hit a home run, I think he is going for the cycle.
His address is not over yet but I hope every college graduate coul hear it.
Now; I'll repeat the following, because it appears that after last weeks bi-partisan summit at the White House, an attempt to reach agreement to do something about health care, some of those that agreed at the meeting are funding the fight against President's health care. ---
I did get the following message from Organizing for America. I am going to join this fight, and for all you wonderful people trying to decide what to get a 59 year old retiree celebrating getting to 59 on July 28th, who has great health care right now, just not great health, please join with me.
William --
The fight to fix America's healthcare system is here. Monday, President Obama laid out his roadmap by announcing three principles for healthcare reform and calling on Congress to act this year. Hundreds of thousands of us joined that call online. Then -- yesterday morning -- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi responded, pledging to bring real healthcare reform to a vote by July 31st!
Special interest lobbyists and partisan ideologues will now go into overdrive, spreading distortions and twisting arms in D.C. to water down the final plan -- or stop it entirely. They did it before, and they're betting they can do it again. But they're forgetting something: you.
Will you sign up now to pledge a monthly $15 donation to power our healthcare campaign?
Your ongoing support will give us the confidence to plan and the resources to win.
The Dodgers are still winning without Manny. The Mariners are finally home, but Randy Johnson will not have a chance to get to 300 in Seattle, it appears.
The Orioles still have the best owner in baseball.
Manny got busted for taking a player enhancement banned substance, I just didn't know the league was concerned about both types of bats. And, no “unnamed”, I won't mention anything about your prowess and the length of a baseball game. And I promise to drop the subject after today.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid.
The ongoing saga of:
I would be surprised if this site did not have new pitures today.
Get Involved
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved:
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm over 1000 again and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Friday, May 15, 2009
I awoke this morning at 7am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I counted out my “stash” from yesterday's successful trip to the Mountain, where the spirits were even kind to Judi. I did review my email message from Schwab and after 4/5 tries I still do not have an account yet, I don't think? The account “manager” that called after my last attempt assured me it would be a simple process, and I did get further along, and I am supposed to be getting something buy USPS but no luck so far.
I did finish the design for my Business Card and emailed it off to Hollywood Impress so I would have a legal bug and I hope to hear today If and when that will be accomplished.
I did have a nice visit with Darice and she told me her Dad is doing well. He has become a “snow bird”. A profession I have often considered as a second profession, but alas, at least for now, my traveling is limited.
I may share my business card design (such as it is) with you in this post some where I deem it appropriate. Although, If I do post it on my blog it may be a disincentive to get out and spread them around, or for the throngs of people to stop by, even though I did not put my address on this first draft.
I did get the following message from Organizing for America. I am going to join this fight, and for all you wonderful people trying to decide what to get a 59 year old retiree celebrating getting to 59 on July 28th, who has great health care right now, just not great health, please join with me:
William --
The fight to fix America's healthcare system is here. Monday, President Obama laid out his roadmap by announcing three principles for healthcare reform and calling on Congress to act this year. Hundreds of thousands of us joined that call online. Then -- yesterday morning -- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi responded, pledging to bring real healthcare reform to a vote by July 31st!
Special interest lobbyists and partisan ideologues will now go into overdrive, spreading distortions and twisting arms in D.C. to water down the final plan -- or stop it entirely. They did it before, and they're betting they can do it again. But they're forgetting something: you.
Will you sign up now to pledge a monthly $15 donation to power our healthcare campaign?
Your ongoing support will give us the confidence to plan and the resources to win.
Both Judi and I won on that away series yesterday, in that sport, that my brother Mike does not consider a sport.
The Dodgers are winning without Manny. The Mariners are finally home. The Orioles still have the best owner in baseball, and........ My replacement at CPBT is quite the man! While working on the Columbia Crossing Bridge project he did get a small break in his lobbying trip, he did get to see the Orioles in action.
Manny got busted for taking a player enhancement banned substance, I just didn't know the league was concerned about both types of bats.
And, no “unnamed”, I won't mention anything about your prowess and the length of a baseball game.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid.
The ongoing saga of:
For those that contacted the “Spirits” on the mountain yesterday, thank you.
Do you want more pictures?
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple
See how you can get involved
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I hope the Women in Trades Fair is going well, two days left, counting today.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm at 999, it's Friday and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
I awoke this morning at 7am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. I counted out my “stash” from yesterday's successful trip to the Mountain, where the spirits were even kind to Judi. I did review my email message from Schwab and after 4/5 tries I still do not have an account yet, I don't think? The account “manager” that called after my last attempt assured me it would be a simple process, and I did get further along, and I am supposed to be getting something buy USPS but no luck so far.
I did finish the design for my Business Card and emailed it off to Hollywood Impress so I would have a legal bug and I hope to hear today If and when that will be accomplished.
I did have a nice visit with Darice and she told me her Dad is doing well. He has become a “snow bird”. A profession I have often considered as a second profession, but alas, at least for now, my traveling is limited.
I may share my business card design (such as it is) with you in this post some where I deem it appropriate. Although, If I do post it on my blog it may be a disincentive to get out and spread them around, or for the throngs of people to stop by, even though I did not put my address on this first draft.
I did get the following message from Organizing for America. I am going to join this fight, and for all you wonderful people trying to decide what to get a 59 year old retiree celebrating getting to 59 on July 28th, who has great health care right now, just not great health, please join with me:
William --
The fight to fix America's healthcare system is here. Monday, President Obama laid out his roadmap by announcing three principles for healthcare reform and calling on Congress to act this year. Hundreds of thousands of us joined that call online. Then -- yesterday morning -- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi responded, pledging to bring real healthcare reform to a vote by July 31st!
Special interest lobbyists and partisan ideologues will now go into overdrive, spreading distortions and twisting arms in D.C. to water down the final plan -- or stop it entirely. They did it before, and they're betting they can do it again. But they're forgetting something: you.
Will you sign up now to pledge a monthly $15 donation to power our healthcare campaign?
Your ongoing support will give us the confidence to plan and the resources to win.
Both Judi and I won on that away series yesterday, in that sport, that my brother Mike does not consider a sport.
The Dodgers are winning without Manny. The Mariners are finally home. The Orioles still have the best owner in baseball, and........ My replacement at CPBT is quite the man! While working on the Columbia Crossing Bridge project he did get a small break in his lobbying trip, he did get to see the Orioles in action.
Manny got busted for taking a player enhancement banned substance, I just didn't know the league was concerned about both types of bats.
And, no “unnamed”, I won't mention anything about your prowess and the length of a baseball game.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid.
The ongoing saga of:
For those that contacted the “Spirits” on the mountain yesterday, thank you.
Do you want more pictures?
World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple
See how you can get involved
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell,
I hope the Women in Trades Fair is going well, two days left, counting today.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.
Mike; I'm at 999, it's Friday and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I awoke this morning at 6:45am to a 3 after 8+ hours of sleep. It is a sunny, dry, cool morning, I took my am pills, I settled into my chair to check my Power ball numbers and start gathering fodder in the normal way. TV on, local news, C-span, CNN, and CNBC. I checked my email to find the message asking for help for President Obama. The message was concerning his health care summit Monday and I will elaborate in the POLITICAL section. Fodder to follow in appropriate sections
After Judith's expert assistance on being able to post a Wally's Walkers Pitcher, I did get one up yesterday.
Judi brought my scooter battery in to charge and we will be making a trip to the mountain today, a couple hours anyway.
After my posting yesterday about Dianna and Dougs “situation”, in the interest full disclosure, I must say ,I am not a traditional Matchmaker. However, Elsie Marie Bloch does have a good flow.
After watching Bill Moyers Journal Friday night I have another book and Author to recommend. The Author is a women named Sarah Lawrence-Lightfoot, and her newest book is named “The Third Chapter”. I think I'll check out Judi's website and see if I can get a few copies. Probably a good retirement gift.
Hey, Oregon Guard, the Salem Legislatures got your Back.
Yesterday from Obama for America:
Monday morning, an unlikely gathering of health care industry and union leaders emerged from the White House, announcing a historic agreement to lower medical costs and save the average family up to $2,500. This kind of broad coalition would have been unthinkable in the past, when the old politics of division and short-term self interest held sway. But this is a new day.
Yesterday afternoon, President Obama announced the three bedrock principles that any comprehensive health care reform must achieve: (1) reduce costs, (2) guarantee choice, and (3) ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care. And he set a hard goal for getting it done by the end of this year.
For those determined to oppose reform, the President's announcement means lobbyists are already scrambling across D.C. For the rest of us, it means there's no time to lose. As we speak, Congress is negotiating the details for health care reform, so the first step is showing where the American people stand.
At least some one is still working to help “Bail Out” Home Owners that may have been taken advantage of by the Banks:
I received a very well done “Capital News” newsletter from my State Representative, Brent Barton. And it does have a bug.
Coffee's the first and third Saturday's of the month.
Still a hero:
Dick Durbin, Senator for Illinois Official site. Features audio and video greetings, plus press releases and news on issues and legislation. Includes biography, state-specific resources, ...
Still no reports on my attempted letters to the editor, the Oregonian, Statesman Journal or the Columbian. I'll check their websites later today.
If I have any readers out there that take the Oregonian, Statesman Journal or Columbian, please watch for my letter.
It's graduation time and I hope the next leg in the life of all the graduates is exiting and successful. I know there is 8%+ unemployment out there and these new graduates will add to that number, but remember summer employment is temporary and a great investment in this country's future.
There is still much debate in congress going on about the bailouts and T.A.R.P.; neither I nor my Sister in Washington State have seen any positive signs. Help us out Senator Durbin! My voters report said Senator Durbin's bill passed? Someone must be mistaken.
The Portland Beavers seem like a good buy right now.
Mariners did lose yesterday but they did hang in there till the 9th inning. I'll bet they will be glad to get home for awhile. It also looks like Randy Johnson MAY get his 300th win in Seattle. Isn't that where they started?
Marty's Dodgers are still rolling.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I did email uncle Hank to see if they have a website for their fund raiser.
Here it is:
Doug's bragging:
May 27th is World MS Day:
Wally's Walkers, we have a picture: I'll try to get a new one up today. Don't forget May 27th World MS Day.
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell, and they are getting better!
Do you know of any women, young or old and interested in what else is out there for different careers I would encourage you attend Women in Trades Fair, at IBEW 48. Check it out it started today with hopefully a good turnout.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent. And I hope someone else besides me responds that venal, and innacurate, Columbian Editorial.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, the recovery website and the Meagher Memorial fundraisers so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand. And maybe even a big prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families serving.
Mike; I'm over 1000 and I'm feeling 4+, and off to the mountain.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog
I awoke this morning at 6:45am to a 3 after 8+ hours of sleep. It is a sunny, dry, cool morning, I took my am pills, I settled into my chair to check my Power ball numbers and start gathering fodder in the normal way. TV on, local news, C-span, CNN, and CNBC. I checked my email to find the message asking for help for President Obama. The message was concerning his health care summit Monday and I will elaborate in the POLITICAL section. Fodder to follow in appropriate sections
After Judith's expert assistance on being able to post a Wally's Walkers Pitcher, I did get one up yesterday.
Judi brought my scooter battery in to charge and we will be making a trip to the mountain today, a couple hours anyway.
After my posting yesterday about Dianna and Dougs “situation”, in the interest full disclosure, I must say ,I am not a traditional Matchmaker. However, Elsie Marie Bloch does have a good flow.
After watching Bill Moyers Journal Friday night I have another book and Author to recommend. The Author is a women named Sarah Lawrence-Lightfoot, and her newest book is named “The Third Chapter”. I think I'll check out Judi's website and see if I can get a few copies. Probably a good retirement gift.
Hey, Oregon Guard, the Salem Legislatures got your Back.
Yesterday from Obama for America:
Monday morning, an unlikely gathering of health care industry and union leaders emerged from the White House, announcing a historic agreement to lower medical costs and save the average family up to $2,500. This kind of broad coalition would have been unthinkable in the past, when the old politics of division and short-term self interest held sway. But this is a new day.
Yesterday afternoon, President Obama announced the three bedrock principles that any comprehensive health care reform must achieve: (1) reduce costs, (2) guarantee choice, and (3) ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care. And he set a hard goal for getting it done by the end of this year.
For those determined to oppose reform, the President's announcement means lobbyists are already scrambling across D.C. For the rest of us, it means there's no time to lose. As we speak, Congress is negotiating the details for health care reform, so the first step is showing where the American people stand.
At least some one is still working to help “Bail Out” Home Owners that may have been taken advantage of by the Banks:
I received a very well done “Capital News” newsletter from my State Representative, Brent Barton. And it does have a bug.
Coffee's the first and third Saturday's of the month.
Still a hero:
Dick Durbin, Senator for Illinois Official site. Features audio and video greetings, plus press releases and news on issues and legislation. Includes biography, state-specific resources, ...
Still no reports on my attempted letters to the editor, the Oregonian, Statesman Journal or the Columbian. I'll check their websites later today.
If I have any readers out there that take the Oregonian, Statesman Journal or Columbian, please watch for my letter.
It's graduation time and I hope the next leg in the life of all the graduates is exiting and successful. I know there is 8%+ unemployment out there and these new graduates will add to that number, but remember summer employment is temporary and a great investment in this country's future.
There is still much debate in congress going on about the bailouts and T.A.R.P.; neither I nor my Sister in Washington State have seen any positive signs. Help us out Senator Durbin! My voters report said Senator Durbin's bill passed? Someone must be mistaken.
The Portland Beavers seem like a good buy right now.
Mariners did lose yesterday but they did hang in there till the 9th inning. I'll bet they will be glad to get home for awhile. It also looks like Randy Johnson MAY get his 300th win in Seattle. Isn't that where they started?
Marty's Dodgers are still rolling.
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I did email uncle Hank to see if they have a website for their fund raiser.
Here it is:
Doug's bragging:
May 27th is World MS Day:
Wally's Walkers, we have a picture: I'll try to get a new one up today. Don't forget May 27th World MS Day.
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell, and they are getting better!
Do you know of any women, young or old and interested in what else is out there for different careers I would encourage you attend Women in Trades Fair, at IBEW 48. Check it out it started today with hopefully a good turnout.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent. And I hope someone else besides me responds that venal, and innacurate, Columbian Editorial.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, the recovery website and the Meagher Memorial fundraisers so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand. And maybe even a big prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families serving.
Mike; I'm over 1000 and I'm feeling 4+, and off to the mountain.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I awoke this morning at 5:15am to a 3+ after 8+ hours of sleep. It is a clear, dry, cool morning, I took my am pills, I put out my flag. I put on my body cast and checked my email to find a message asking for help for President Obama. I haven't read it yet but will following my posting. My yard guys just arrived (7:30am) so I will take a short break. I then tuned into my regular sources for Blog Fodder. C-span, CNN, CNBC and the local news. I finally doing it; I'm ordering business cards for my blog. They will have a bug, and I suppose it's a good time to give them a plug. Hollywood Impress printing.
Fodder to follow; in the appropriate sections.
Judith did give some expert assistance on being able to post Wally's Walkers Pictures.
I am hoping Dianna finally got some sleep, after leaving the hospital. I do have the feeling that I will have to open another file, similar to the one I call “Doug's Bragging” file.
Elsie Marie Bloch...........Hmmm
After watching Bill Moyers Journal last Friday night I have another book and Author to recommend. The Author is a women named Sarah Lawrence-Lightfoot, and her newest book is named “The Third Chapter”. I think I'll check out Judi's website and see if I can get a few copies. Probably a good retirement gift.
Hey, Oregon Guard, the Salem Legislatures got your Back.
At least some one is still working to help “Bail Out” Home Owners who may have been taken advantage of by the Banks, Senator Durbin don't give up please.
Our Junior Senator was orating on those nasty credit card people today and should make us all proud.
I received a very well done “Capital News” newsletter from my State Representative, Brent Barton.
His coffee's are the first and third Saturday's of the month.
Dick Durbin, Senator for Illinois Official site. Features audio and video greetings, plus press releases and news on issues and legislation. Includes biography, state-specific resources, ...
I was asked by the Obama Campaign people to write a letter to the editor of support for him and I did. They said they would try to get it published in a couple local newspapers, it's was too bad the Columbian was not one of them. I'll wish them luck right here and hope this blog is not the only place it gets published. I'll be checking those newspapers websites to see if anything gets published, as I am not a subscriber to any of them. I did send my phone number, so they could verify if it was the “real”me, but I haven't heard from either the Oregonian or Statesman Journal yet.
I did take it upon myself and wrote my own “Letter to the Editor” of the Columbian Theyd id they did contact me for my address and phone number.
If I have any readers out there that take the Oregonian, Statesman Journal or Columbian, please watch for my letter.
It's graduation time and I hope the next leg in the life of all the graduates is exiting and successful. I know there is 8%+ unemployment out there and these new graduates will add to that number, but remember summer employment is temporary and a great investment in this country's future.
There is still much debate in congress going on about the bailouts and T.A.R.P.; neither I nor my Sister in Washington State have seen any positive signs. Help us out Senator Durbin! My voters report said Senator Durbin's bill passed?
Portland Beavers tickets seem like a good buy right now.
It also looks like Randy Johnson MAY get his 300th win in Seattle. Isn't that where they started?
NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.
The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I did email uncle Hank to see if they have a website for their fund raiser.
Here it is:
Doug's bragging:
May 27th is World MS Day:
Wally's Walkers, we have a pictures: Don't forget May 27th World MS Day.
Brandee is still looking for help also.
Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell, and they are getting better!
Do you know of any women, young or old and interested in what else is out there for different careers I would encourage you attend, starting tommorrow the Women in Trades Fair, at IBEW 48. check out:
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent. I did send them another small donation, because they are still doing the Lords work. And I hope someone else besides me responds that venal, and innacurate, Columbian Editorial.
Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, the recovery website and the Meagher Memorial fundraisers so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand. And maybe even a big prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families serving.
Mike; I'm over 1100 and I'm feeling 4+.
Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog
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