Tuesday, May 19, 2009



I awoke this morning at 5:45am to a 3 and a beautiful morning. I took my am pills, put my flag out and settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages. My Business Card design was supposed to be revue able yesterday but no sign so far and I'm looking forward to them.

I have received a couple of notices from face book but I have not been able to get on my page to respond. I did get a response from Tim.

I have at least 2 more graduates to celebrate. Nephew (and Godson) Michael from Evergreen High School. And my good friend Donna's son Jusef Ali Word is graduating from the University of Puget Sound. I think he is graduating as the 2009 class president. I am not sure what he plans for his future, but I am sure he will be successful at whatever road he takes. I would advise Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, and Congressman Baird to take notice.


I watched the Presidents' announcement on the new CAFE standards and bounced between C-span and CNBC. The CNBC talking heads (wall streeters) were totally against it because it would put those unsuspecting Americans in unsafe cars because they will be too light and not stand up in a crash, Besides we have got all that untaped American oil, Sarah and those other Republicans have told us, to fill that gap. While working on this posting it appears that over 90% of the Senate was listening to real people and -5% listening to Wall Street. Also the house is debating S-896, Earl has the gavel and Barney Frank is carrying the bill, and it doesn't appear any of the 8 or 9 reps in my vision are against this bill. (THE HOPE BILL)


The Dodgers are still winning without Manny. The Mariners are definitely home, but waiting till the 9th inning is pretty intense with all us believers. Hopefully to nights game won't be decided in the 9th inning, but will be a Mariners win.

The Beavers are also at home tonight.

That fund raiser for Jamie Moyers children's charitable Foundation with Cal Ripken should be an awesome event if you can make it.


NWOLC's Labor Appreciation is coming up, I hope you all have your tickets! We got ours, now all I have to do is schedule a nap.

The Helena AOH is still raising funds for their to-do, The Meagher Memorial at Fort Benton Montana. Donations can be sent to The Meagher Memorial at PO Box 1916; Helena Montana 59624. With the many Irish followers I have, maybe I can give them some aid. I'll be sending them a check today, thanks to the spirits on the Mountain.


The ongoing saga of:


More pictures?

Get Involved

World MS Day is May 27. Join the Global Movement!
More than two million people worldwide live with MS. This year, for the first time, 80 MS organizations around the globe are taking part in World MS Day on May 27, 2009 to build awareness about the disease to move us closer to a world free of multiple sclerosis.
See how you can get involved >>

Brandee is still looking for help also.


Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell, http://www.americanrightsatwork.org

Please make a QUICK phone call today (it takes under a minute!), then forward this to all your friends.
1.Call Senator Specter's office toll-free at (888) 890-4648.
2.One of Specter's interns will probably answer. Tell him or her you're calling to ask Senator Specter to vote YES on the Employee Free Choice Act. Most calls end right there, but you can add:
The Employee Free Choice Act is crucial to working families.
I'm disappointed in the Senator's reversal on this issue and hope he'll do the right thing after co-sponsoring the bill in 2005.
The recession has hit middle-class families the hardest, and this bill is a critical piece of our economic recovery.

I will be adding a link for Denise and Epilepsy as soon as I get it.


I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donations can be utilized to there fullest extent. They are still doing the Lords work.

Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a
prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

And maybe even a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher and Ryan and all their families.

Mike; I'm just over 800 and I'm feeling 4.

Now don't forget, say your prayers, and I'll see you next time on my blog.


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