Monday, July 13, 2009



I awoke this morning at 6am to a 2- after 7+ hours of sleep, and a cloudy wet morning. I took my am pills, I put the flag out, I sat out for a cig and some vitamin d (do ya think it got through the clouds? [the vitamin d]) and then settled into my Lazy Boy for 4 massages. I haven't put my contraption on as I think I will be driving to my NCA appointment this morning, and I will cinch up when I get home, I think, also did 4+ hours yesterday, and I am trying to decide if it will be packed when we leave for Montana tomorrow. I installed the “google earth” program and it is really cool.

I should let everyone know if you call me when I'm driving, I will let it go to voice mail until I stop the car and free up my third hand, as I generally sit on my third hand when driving with hand controls, and as everyone knows, when driving in Portland traffic with all the crazy's out there one shouldn't get into it without grabbing ones a$$..

Now, I will say thank you, to all those who joined my request for prayers for my two friends, and now Kelli and her brother also, and the men and women in the service of their State and Country.

Our “Prayer Chain” for Dianna is having good results so far, Judi took a few helpings of he seafood fettuccine over for her and I'm sure that will perk her up. Thank You, and I would ask everyone to continue that can. As I said in my email, I AM living proof of good results. And as I am back to driving, all those OTHER drivers will need those prayers.

My daily prayer is to Mary Mother of God…..”O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear OUR prayer. As your children we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially for my dear friends Dianna and Jim, Kelli and her brother and all in need.

We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help ALL of us, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever, Amen.”


I hope everyone watched “Bill Moyers Journal” last night. (7-10-09) His main guest was a former P.R. Mucky Muck at Cigna Insurance. If you are at all interested in the Health Care Debate, a reviewing at PBS or a transcript is a must. I will also say, MANY of those, I have entrusted in D.C. Are not looking so favorable right now.

I watched “This Week” on ABC yesterday. The debate was between Senator Durbin (D) of Illinois and Senator Kyl ® of Arizona on health care. I sure hope my buddy Bruce Temple is watching, I would think Senator Durbin is on his Hero's list. I decided to give him a call and he told me it was Sue's Birthday yesterday so I told him that was the real reason I was calling then ;-).

Health Care Now !

My health care story is posted, so is my cousin Mick Jacques story in Arizona, thanks to Mary Ellen. 30 years in a Wheel Chair, and even on my scooter I think I'd be lucky to keep up with him, awesome upper body strength. While mine and Mick's stories may not be too compelling, I would still encourage you to read as many as you can. Neither one of us, I think, are worried about the Killer Whales in Washington or the mice in California.

Will you make sure the true voice of the majority is heard? Call Congress and tell them to support a plan that makes health care affordable for everyone: 1-866-210-3678
As health care activists, our calls are especially important right now. Industry lobbyists may have deep pockets, but they can't talk about health care the same way we can. They don't understand what it's like to live this crisis every day - and to have our family members, our friends, and our neighbors struggling to provide decent care for themselves and their loved ones, too.
We get it and we need to make sure Congress gets it, too. Call your member of Congress right now: 1-866-210-3678
I also received a call to action to contact my Senators regarding the “Public Option” in the Health Plan. I was told by Senator Merkley's office he does support the public option. Senator Wyden's office was a little more vague. I did tell his office, I have been to HIS plan, published on the web, and I was concerned that I could not find a “Public Option” in it.
I did get an email report on Daniel's visit with Governor Kulongoski. According to him it sounded like he was given the typical politician's responses. He told me he was the one selected from his Battalion, that obviously rates him to selection as one of my “HERO'S”. It didn't sound like he was overly impressed, with the Governor, but all those men and women are definitely in need of that soft landing bill. I did email him back and tell him that there will be a new Governor when he and the rest of the “Jane's, and Joe's” get back, due to term limit's, and at least I still think, even as a “short timer” he will do all he can to “cover your backs” and from what I hear there may be a candidate or two running that were also at the muster; hopefully with a memory.
As near as I can figure, all that needs to be done at the State Level (Legislature) is complete. I believe the next brick (pillow) to be placed, is the responsibility of the Federal Government and I believe that is in the hands of our own Senator Wyden. (a safe place for it right now, I hope) but, as that famous live artist says......GET 'ER DONE. - SOFT LANDING !

OK, what did YOU do for the Guard today.


President Obama; I am now giving him a B-, even with his Supreme Court nominee, Sotomayor, (Yes we Can), but after that Bill Moyers Journal Friday night his grade is slipping slightly.
The Sotomayor hearing started already and so far it's just been posturing, and I am really disturbed that those hundreds, if not thousands of readers did not let me know I had been spelling her name wrong up until now.
I will be on my Montana trip this week so you all will have to watch for some Hero's and Zero's for me during these hearings.
Also, take note; I am not done with my cage rattling on Cody's promised job.
I did get the following response from the Feds following my inquiry:

Mr. Mehrens,

After reviewing this matter, it appears that this matter will be best handled by the Attorney General for Washington State.

Thank You

GSA Fraudnet

My letter ---

To Whom it may concern

I am not sure if this is the right place but here is my question.
My nephews son  was accepted for a summer jobs program in the State of
Washington that I thought was part of the Recovery Program.  The program is
called AHAS Works!  Located at Washington State University in Vancouver
Washington.  His Stepfather is with the Oregon National Guard and is being
deployed as we speak.

His son was informed June 24th he was accepted and then he was informed the
program was cancelled, just before his Dads deployment, and he does not get
his "summer employment"; I don't know if this would be considered program
fraud or abuse, but I definitely consider it National Guardsman family

William W. Mehrens
Clackamas, Oregon 97086

Take a look now at these critical first steps we've taken together and pass it on for others to see:

I did go to Senator Wydens web site and read his comparatives with the current health care system and I will share it here, even though they don't have a “Wally Welder” comparison, I wouldn't like being on the same page as Senator Lieberman anyway, I am still left with some questions.
I also got a call from AARP and when calling any of your Senators please encourage support for the Schummer, Brown ammendment to the Health Care bill, they say it is important for prescription costs and helpful to MS patients. I will do more investigation but it was a request from AARP and co-sponsored by Sherrod Brown, who I think is a real star.
So here goes, check it out:

And if you do go, please leave the message........GET “ER DONE - SOFT LANDING
Does anyone else think it's weird to see Arlen Specter on TV with a D (D-) after his name, probably not much more strange than seeing Lieberman in a Presidential ad with John McCain?

Bring our people home!

At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?


I still think Felix Hernandez is the Cy Young leader right now in the American league.

I still think Carlos Zambrano is the Cy Young leader in the National league. He sure looked good in the first of that day/night doubleheader yesterday. But that kid with the Dodgers is looking pretty good.

I am sure Roberto Clemente is looking down with pride. I used to have a complete bb card collection of Clemente, but it was misplaced or lost with my MS.

The American Rights at Work still needs help.

Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?

Here's two, from what I consider the top of the list, the OSBT (Oregon State Building Trades) and the NWOLC (Northwest Oregon Labor Council). Judy O'Connor told me last week she is retiring and Her and Tony are moving to Montana. I have known Judy, and Tony since Lon Immel and Ron Fortune. They taught her well, she learned even better; but I WAS the one to teach her to dance. She will definitely be missed and hard to replace, but whomever does, they will do fine, with aid from everyone.


“GET 'ER DONE” - SOFT LANDING ! And give them back their $40.00!

On my HERO list, my nephew Daniel has taken over now! You should know, it's not just because he is my nephew, or just because he is in the Oregon National Guard, or just because he fighting the heat in Kuwait, I think, as we speak, or because he is a legacy of past HERO winners.

Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, GLBT gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
(Dianna, Jim, Maria, Hayden, Kelli and her brother also)

I have a second zero's list inductee, that Price Representative guy from Georgia, he's not even swift enough to change a word or two in the speech the Insurance companies TOLD him, and others, to give on the health care bill. John Boehner, he likes to pronounce it baynor, I like it the other way myself, is still #1; I'm pretty sure they have the same scriptwriters. I am sure there will be additions to the list but as I listen to C-span there are so many too chose from. If you have a nominee, let me know.

Also; if you happen to be in the Bay Area (San Francisco – Oakland) anytime in July you are in for a treat. “Just having Labor Day in September isn't enough. Keep an eye out for Wyatt's Mom and Dad.

Mike; My “short” blog is still well over 2000 today, but I am now feeling 3+; I'll try to keep my blog up as best as I can, but you may not be hearing from me for over a week, but I'm sure you won't miss me.

Now don't forget to say your prayers. I'll see you next time on my blog

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