I awoke this morning at 7:45am to a 3+ after 9hrs+-of sleep. And no lower back pain. I put out my flag with the yellow ribbons under a clear 57 degree sky. I then came in to take my pills and for a couple of massages and coffees. Somehow I am feeling better than I really have a right to, thanks to Brother Mike “my official Wally catcher” and my partners from Boston, Mass Mutual and Jeff from the AFL-CIO Housing Trust at the BULL SESSION Golf Tournament yesterday, more on that later under the SPORTS SECTION and the LDN reports.
Judi is going to visit Dianna today and after I try to get a few hours in my cast I will be heading out for my WOP attempts. I should be getting a bill from the BULL auction as I think I was successful on a couple of items. The program was really good Monday night and the dinner was good and the Video, they showed was also very moving.
Mike and Courtney should be in S. Cal. today with him beginning his new adventures at Pasadena City College. I am sure the Orioles have a scout down there and I would suggest to Giz that he tell Peter to keep an eye out for that Mehrens that should be playing on Jackie Robinson Field next spring.
The Dianna, Princess Protocol, Parade and Christmas celebration with her granddaughter was absolutely awesome. While the Santa was mechanical and Elsie really liked it, but when the former, and soon to be next, Governor of Oregon, Dr. John; took time from his, surely, busy and tight schedule to check in on Dianna, it really lit up her day. I have to say here that Duke, is not the only one I will be doing anything I can for now this next political season.
At the Labor Day picnic we ran into Judy O'Connor escorting Senator Wyden around right after we got there and they were kind enough to take a pitcher with us, and he said he is still a regular blog reader, cool, huh! The pitcher has become my first “Wallys Bragging” entry.
I have settled back in to my lazy boy to catch some of the blog fodder shows and check the market and I'm sure there will be plenty to report on tomorrow.
I had cut back to 6 pages on my last report but after my “SPORTS and LDN” reports I may be back over 7 but I'll try not to rattle on.
As my blog, has attracted both a google and bing spider; spiders that like recipes, and I can't really blame them, as I have sampled most all of those recipes I think, and Judi asked me to check out the front pages of google and bing and she MADE THE FRONT PAGE!
Again, I will say thank you, to all those who joined my request for prayers for me, all my friends and relatives, and the men and women in the service of their State and Country.
May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be ever at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face And the rain fall softly on your fields And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand
I would ask everyone to continue the prayers that can. As I said in my original email, I AM living proof of good results. And as I am back to driving, and not just golf balls; all those OTHER drivers will need those prayers.
My daily prayer, is to Mary Mother of God….."O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear OUR prayer. As your children we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially for my dear friend Dianna and all in need.
We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help ALL of us, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever, Amen.”
After seeing Judy operate at her last Labor Day picnic, both she and Tony will be missed. While I did see Mick M. at the picnic, I still think think that Congressman Wu should have been there. I did also see Pete H. yesterday and told him of my challenge and while they have 10's of Millions of dollars and a decade plus or minus invested they are not giving up. I just wish Congressman Wu would reconsider his stance on that “Private Investment” recovery project in Astoria. I would challenge him to locate ANY of the current natural gas pipelines in the state without a map that showed their location. A challenge not taken.....Yet any way. And while I do like venturing to Lincoln City and Grande Ronde, It sure does seem like someone has a bad case of “I got Mine”.
The two teammates I had yesterday were very familiar with the Mohegan (sp?) Sun Casino back east and the fact it is doing a BILLION dollar expansion, renovation, that is also putting lots of workers to work and It isn't using taxpayer dollars to do it either. By the way, are they not a partner in the proposed project over in Clark County?
I know I have been repeating things, maybe too much, on my blog; but some of this stuff I need to be reminded of and some of this stuff others need to be reminded of, and after a year maybe I should clear things off and start over.
This is my attempt to keep track of my experiences with my LDN treatment for my Neurologist and his RN. So far with the 4.5mg I think I'm noticeably better. I know I wouldn't have been able to attempt that outing yesterday, THE BULL SESSION WIN, six weeks ago. I am experiencing better days, even since I started the new 3mg pill and now that I'm doing the new dosage I am seeing a marked change.
My regular excursions do not seem to be too tiering, and my lazyboy is as good as my oxycodone, most of the time.
While my NCA was impressed at my last visit, I believe next time he will be amazed, maybe I'll be taking a BULL Session Trophy, No trophy, But. My next appointment with him is the 21st. He did his adjustments and commented on the fact that I was not as sensitive as past visits and he showed me the neck traction device and how to set it up, I didn't get the traction done but I still managed 18 holes of golf and I do feel like I walked a mile or more yesterday. He also commented on my “gait” and mobility. I have done a lot of walking lately and I do believe this new pill, and his supplements are helping. I did also give his phone number to niece Heidi and I sure hope he can help her as much as he has helped me.
I did have a good discussion with one of my local “Small Business” owners the other day at Gloriaz there on Sunnyside, a great place to stop for anyone, and I thought he had a good idea. We have 300 million Americans, if 50%+- of whom are working, don't they all have withholding? Why not take $10 a month from everyone, put it in a pot to cover/or buy; insurance for all Americans without health care. Seemed like a good KISS proposal to me.
One person that was at the NWOLC board meeting I went to was a gentleman that is running for a seat on the Metro Board. I have personally worked with him on many issues, and based on what I have seen from my lazy boy observation chair, (Metro Council Meetings are televised), he sure is needed there, and I am sure glad I got to have that conversation with the chair and explain why I was supporting him. This candidate's name is Duke Sheppard, and I will do everything and anything I can do to help. (even from my scooter)
Also; I understand, one of my favorite Oregon Legislators, who just happens to chair the Oregon House Labor committee may be challenged in his primary by a youngster that has a passionate wanna be attitude. I used to like that kid, but to move into a district because he thinks there may be blood in the water and it is a good opportunity for him, tells me he doesn't think things through, not a really good trait for a wanna be legislator. I did get a wheelie nomination form from my friends at the Bus Project and I decided to nominate him, for no other reason than he deserves it, as he worked really hard to keep the lemmings from running to the cliff. I was also appreciative of Jefferson Smith coming over to us at the picnic; the us being Judi, I and Mike following his introduction on the stage. I am hoping we can convince Mike to do another Fund raiser at Gloriaz and maybe get the BUS will stop by. I understand that other person, if he really was considering a run, has changed his mind. I should check with Mike to see if anyone besides him has filed.
My own State Representative, Brent Barton did have a good run on the Hero's list, but where was he Labor Day? With Judy O'Connor as a well deserved “HERO” on the Hero List, her actions Labor Day proved she was overdo. (She is also a lemming hearder) for all those reasons that are in the Congressional Record, AND, she did, ALL SHE COULD DO!
Thanks again Brent, on behalf of my nephew and all the guard serving; as we enjoy the freedom they have provided.
Did you happen to know it is more dangerous in the Capital of the United States than in Iraq, more murders per 100,000 population. Please, someone tell me I am wrong.
The Health Care Bill debate is really heating up now that “they” are back in session. It almost appears a few democrats want to give those supreme court, anti-Sotomayor, r's a run at my zero list. From what I heard the other day Max Baucus was no longer in the running then from what I heard and saw, he is back in the running for the zero list and from what I thought I heard this week, Ron may be eliminated from consideration also. (Kent Conrad N.D.?) I have been
watching Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island for quite a while on this and other issues and he has really impressed me (a candidate for HERO).
I've been watching a lot of the r's give their speeches on what is wrong with the President's plans and the (mostly) Democrats support of them, but they keep leaving that all important first or last line of their speech out......... “I GOT MINE”!
It has struck me, this Hero/Zero list nomination and choosing one is a lot like fishing off the Oregon Coast. While there are some who like BOTTOM FISHING and some bottom dwellers do cook up OK, isn't it more exciting to go Salmon and or Tuna fishing and don't they make for a better feast. Hmmn, just thinking in my holey brain way I guess.
Judi and I have been talking and we are considering putting on a “Deaf Frog Dinner” at the Mehrens Clackamas County estate, after all she is a Culinary Institute Chef and I am considered an excellent host, right? Would you take a chance on it?
Trina's setting up of my Internet program ( to be able to connect with Daniel, and Christopher directly (and others) and the video-call I recently had with Daniel, I found out he has been promoted, I think he is a Corporal or Vice General or something: and wasn't Radar on the TV series MASH really the one that kept their base running; and I understand Chris has some good news to share and I think it all has been keeping me at 4+.
Trina was in the neighborhood because she was helping out (volunteering) at the Guard near here, and she said she will try to stop by to help start that Lefty (the ballplayer – not political ) video I've been nagging about, I am sure glad I haven't seen her yet, as I am clearly not close to being ready. I have decided to stop nagging, ABOUT THAT ANYWAY.
You would think after nicking our Men and Women in the Guard $65.00 a month for internet access, they could at least provide even a little gas money to their volunteers. HINT,HINT,HINT I Hope Willy reads this and tells Earl. What do the members of Congress get charged for their internet access?
I still don't know yet, if the “soft landing” bill is done but that is one issue I will keep harping on until I am sure.
As near as I can figure, all that needs to be done for the soft landing at the State Level (Legislature) is complete; thank you Rick and Brent; and everyone. I believe the next brick (pillow) to be placed, is the responsibility of the Federal Government and I believe that it is in the hands of our own Senator Wyden. (a safe place for it right now, I hope) but, as that famous live artist says......GET 'ER DONE. - SOFT LANDING !
I watched those upstart House democrats rallying on the capital steps in front of the camera's and they were very firm that “rolling over” for the “Blue Dog” Democrats on health care could lose more than they “gain” in any republican support, hang in there, I'm rooting for you.
OK, what did YOU do for the Guard today. Daniel's wife Trina is helping, with a houseful of kids and a 3? year old recovering from 3rd degree burns, and with Daniel in the Middle East, as I understand it she accompanied the head of the O.N.G. To Fort Lewis to bring one of the soldiers back home, I sure hope they didn't stick her for gas money for the trip.
Still sooooo many cages to rattle and wheels left to squeak remaining, and me with only a three wheel scooter!
As for Senator Wydens Plan, it's not a bad plan, it just needs(?) a public option and we need him for budget reconciliation and a return to true majority rule democracy, you can check his plan out at:
By the way; You don't have to be a ”wheel” to get heard, just squeak for a while.
Bring our people home!
There was a real nice Memorial for those newest Oregon Guard Casualties, I listened for the gun
salute as Willamette National is just up the hill but I couldn't hear it, please take a minute as you read this to say a special prayer for them and their families.
When I relate to anyone the story of our Guard members being charged for internet access; everyone I speak to is as disgusted as I. I quit talking about it at the health care rally as those “professional rallyists” were ready go off on a tear, and we need to get this health care done first. I still don't know what the people in Washington D.C. Are getting charged?
By the way; I mean no disrespect for putting the yellow ribbon on my flag pole holder, The flag comes in at night but I plan to leave the ribbon there until Daniel comes over to untie the knot.
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
Over 50 years ago my uncle “Putt” built a cabin at Georgetown Lake in Montana, (Putts Palace). His cabin at the lake and many others like it developed recreational areas for the use of just regular citizens. And while doing this they protected the environment for future generations. He was not a RADICAL ENVROMENTALIST, he was just a mechanic, a Pearl Harbor Survivor with kids that liked fishing.
He believed everyone owned the lake and deserved access to the Public Lands and then came the “Summer Homes” at the lake, and now thanks to those “absent owners” it appears they are “buying” (LOBBYING) to price the riff-raff out of their real “cabins”. I am not sure if I'm part of the riff, or part of the raff, but as they yelled out the windows in that old famous movie........”I'm mad as hell, and I'm not taking it any more!”
Well, here it is; The Greendorpher team, of which I was an integral part, finished in first place in our flight in the BULL SESSION yesterday, thanks in large part to that 60' +- birdie putt I made on our last hole. You would think, as the second highest charity event in the State (to the LPGA) there would have been some coverage in the media, besides just the NWOLP. Thanks, Mike!
I still think Felix Hernandez is a Cy Young leader right now in the American league, even though he needs to get to 20.
Hopefully the Mariners can get back to winning and I hope they keep it up. I really hope they can extend their season.
I also still think Carlos Zambrano is the Cy Young leader in the National league.
Then there is that kid with the Dodgers who is still looking pretty good and they are winning. There is also a good one at San Francisco.
Also, now knowing I am related, by marriage, to a RAMS coach, GO ST. LOUIS, and I would advise all of you FFB people drafting RAMS players is probably going to be a good move, even though I don't know him that well I do know Patti Ann and Bill are first class motivators. I finally got my name and password straight at NFL.COM, but I still don't know if I have a team.
If your following my sports section you probably can tell by now I've been slipping a little in my attention to this section. However, grand nephew Brandon is sure looking forward to Football, and I am definitely going to get more golf in.
The American Rights at Work still needs help.The National Guard, and the USO too?
L. C. S. A. - Labors Community Service Agency
Here's two, from what I consider the top of the list, the OSBT (Oregon State Building Trades) and the NWOLC (Northwest Oregon Labor Council).
“GET 'ER DONE” - SOFT LANDING ! And give them back their money!
So it wasn't bad enough our Men and Women in the Guard got nicked $40.00 before they shipped out NOW they have to pay $65.00 a month for internet access. RON....JEFF.....PATTY.....MARIA.....EARL.....BRIAN, CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT !
Desert Heaven; It's officially out there now......... here's where Judi's sales page is:
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, GLBT gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand. (Dianna, Jim, Maria, Hayden, Maggie, Kelli and her brother also), don't forget the extra one, maybe two, aw lets do three for Dianna, and maybe an extra one for the families of those Oregon Guardsmen.
If your not moved by this story, you can't be moved.....I know Jose is.......By the way Judi and I were there Sunday night........were were you? .Subject: Former migrant worker did safely blast into space, "Si Se Puede!" He is up there right now! I do hope they have a safe trip back.
Mike; My “short” blog is still to long, but just again just 6 pages, and thanks to the new LDN dosage, I am feeling a good 4+ again so far today. I have changed my scoring system; to keep track of even the most subtle changes. It is September 16th and even with all my edits I am way still too long.
Now don't forget to say your prayers and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
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