I slept in this morning until 8:45am and awoke to a 3+ after over 10hrs of sleep. I took my am pills and fixed myself some coffee. I slept late because I think my return over the mountain Monday through the snow finally caught up with me. Judi was off with Stephanie this morning to work out on the bike machine. The Dr. told her yesterday the bike machine would be OK but she is not to do any “strength” exercises like Power Lifting, etcetera. I forgot about an appointment I had scheduled with a Democratic House candidate. She said she would call to reschedule, I then put out my flag then went out for a cig and then came back in to check my keno, email and the C-span and the markets. (the market was down, and C-span was dull; And as Rep. Poe, R of Texas says “that's just the way it is”)
I have expanded on my complaints about my “walk in” bath attempts and requests. I went by All in one Mobility yesterday to have them check on my scooter battery and get more information on a handicap shower/bath. They will have a couple representatives come by a week from tomorrow. I still haven't checked to get an accurate count of the time I have spent been on this road.
Don't forget, if you have a favorite message from a ”section” you are going to have to research my blog.
Don't forget, we need to fix that hole in OUR health care coverage, and I hope if you are a 290 member, you will help.
The hole is, I was told I am not eligible for Medicare until 2 years after the beginning of my S.S. Disability payments start, which was April 2008, and my eligability was determined to be November of 2007. With Medicare I believe I would be eligible for a handicap accessible bath, my Kaiser coverage has provided me a contraption to help put my socks on and a handicap, bath-shower chair, similar to a plastic patio chair. While I can still raise my leg over the side of the bath I would really like a bath-shower designed for a person with a handicap. The “lawn chair” in my bathroom is ruining the floor from the splash. When I explained this to my business manager he advised me to write an appeal letter to the trust and they would review my situation and maybe they could help through the self funded plan. I wrote the letter and my request was turned down by the “committee”, as they were advised not to set a precedent. (FYVM)
This is my not so new point: I was diagnosed with “relapsing remitting” M.S. in the fall of 2005 and I was prescribed weekly “Interferon” shots as a treatment for over a year and a half. These shots I was told cost almost $1,400 each, my co-pay was, I think about $20.00. That means someone paid the difference for about 78 weeks. 78 x $1,380 = $107,640. I'm thinking there was not enough of a concern by the “committee” to not only save, the trust, or whomever that $100,000+; but making sure a precedent wasn't set by allowing me to get a $10/15,000 walk-in bath seems pretty trivial to me. My second question is, after I got an private attorney to get Social Security Disability, and with his help, it took about 8 weeks, to get it back to the time I was “re-diagnosed” with 'Primary Progressive M.S.' instead of “Relapsing Remitting” and S.S. went back to that date, for my back payments. When I received my Social Security Disability, I was informed that I would not be Medicare eligible for two years. I assumed that that 2 years would be over in November, as S.S. determined I was S.S.D. Eligible for payment upon my diagnosis change. That 2 years since the change to Primary Progressive would be in November of 2009. The preceeding paragraph tells you the response I received from Medicare. If I were a Trustee, or advisor to this Trust, would it be my fiduciary responsibility to go after that trust savings for the plan?
ATPA has been our trust administrator for 3-4+ decades, and I have always thought they were top of the line, but now I'm thinking, they think it is their trust.
I did get a letter from the trust. They suggested I go back to request help from Kaiser, my provider; or contact the M.S. Society, they may have a program to help with a bathroom remodel. I thought the 2 years on S.S. Disability, required to be eligible for Medicare would be in November, when I spoke with a person at Medicare to find out what I should do, if anything, the woman I spoke with said that the clock didn't start ticking for the 2 years until I received my first S.S.D. Payment, not when I was determined eligible, that means I am not Medicare eligible until March or April next year as far as they are concerned. Do you suppose that's why they always stall? I do think that is B.S., but I guess it will take a lawyer to get this done also.
I know it was a coincidence, but I did receive an email donation request from M.S. For research dollars and I sent them $25.00 just before I received the denial letter from the trust.
My blog, has attracted both a google and bing spider; spiders that like recipes. I can't really blame them, as I have sampled most all of Judi's recipes, I think, and Judi asked me to check out the front pages of google and bing and she MADE THE FRONT PAGE! Judi has been working hard on her redesigned sales page, so this will be a regular notice. Join me in checking it out, if you would.
I would still ask everyone to continue the prayers that can. As I said in my original email, I AM living proof of good results. And as I am back to driving, and not just golf balls; all those OTHER drivers and Judi could use those prayers.
My daily prayer, is to Mary Mother of God…..”O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear OUR prayer. As your children we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially for my wife Judi and all in need. We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help ALL of us, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever, Amen.”
Lets see: are Oregon Democrats, anti-Obama or just anti-union, or both?
I know I have been repeating things, maybe too much, on my blog; but some of this stuff I need to be reminded of and some of this stuff others need to be reminded of, and some things are just cathartic for me, but after a year maybe I should clear things off and start over, I've tried to clear a lot so far.
This is my attempt to keep track of my experiences with my LDN treatment for my Neurologist and his RN. So far with the 4.5mg I think I'm noticeably better. I am experiencing better days, even since I started the new 3mg pill and now that I'm doing the new dosage I am seeing a marked change, even my NCA noticed. I did send him an email with my LDN report and asked him about that brand new FDA approved pill, good for “gait” issues, even those with primary progressive, that should be a help for me getting into my shower. I did get a response from him and he was glad to hear I felt the LDN was helping. He was aware of the new M.S. Pill and suggested I contact his assistant and she would follow it up. I did get hold of her Friday morning and it appears there is some confusion about the name of the prescription and she will contact him by email, as he is out of the office for a while.
I did get to see and talk to Gubernatorial Candidate, Bill Bradbury, and he did tell me he was anti Astoria LNG plant and from what I heard from Candidate Kitzhaber when he spoke I am not sure. They were both in favor of the Employee Free Choice Act, languishing in Congress. Not too toughto say when you won't have a vote on it. It is an important bill but one you CAN negotiate a contract with your employer, and your employer takes that contract to a customer, and that Customer agrees to it and the hundreds of other hoops the government places in the way of their project, maybe you can explain to me how EFCA helps those thousands of workers that have exercised their choice already.
I think both candidates for Governor would have been at the Summit also, but I haven't heard whether they noticed those nasty pipeline scars in the landscape, if they did, I hope they get me a picture. Judi told me she didn't plan to “participate” in the Summit, but she did bring back a Kitzhaber for Governor sign and I will say I am leaning that way also, because I believe a Doctor in the Governors office would be a good thing once Congress gets the Health Care Bill complete. However, I am not making a decision until I see all of the candidates Jobs programs.
Maybe someone can tell me why the Democrats won't help President Obama with his recovery plan, get us off dirty foreign oil plan and Oregon's double digit unemployment.
Do you think; with over 60% of the American public supporting health care reform, including a public option that ALL this “controversy” is being generated to take the publics mind off of the Employee Free Choice Act, American Rights at Work, “card check” legislation. Hmmmmmn
I have had a few good discussions with one of my local “Small Business” owners at Gloriaz there on Sunnyside, a great place to stop for anyone. I did listen in to most of Senator Merkley's Health Care “Town Hall” conference call. Based on what I heard, I really think, as a small business owner without health care now, he would have been quite pleased. I also got a look at a great letter from a fan of Senator Merkley that made many good points; it was from, Herman M. Frankel, M.D
Thank you, Senator Wyden; for your actions in committee on health care. And you have looked and sounded very good on the Big Ed Schultz Show.
Thank you Earl for the service member first time home buyer tax credit fix. HR 3590.
I also did listen to Senator Merkley on the Big Ed radio show and he did a real good job also.
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I hope you noticed that I added Senator Byrd of West Virginia to my HERO list. I added him following the speech I saw him give on the Senate floor yesterday (10/14/09) regarding “the surge” in Afghanistan and I had to tie it in with his speech, alone in the Senate Chambers, on giving George W. Bush the green light to go to war in Iraq. When he is gone, this country will be without an important “conscience” in the U.S Senate.
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I did get notice that L.E.R.A. accepted my nomination of Bob Shiprack for recognition at their annual dinner meeting November fourth at the Convention Center. He is well deserving and overdue for his recognition. Everyone should try to be there.
I also think you should keep watching Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, he has really impressed me (a candidate for HERO).
With the r's still using the stall; because they need more time to “read” the health care bill. I am not sure how many people work in a Senators office, but I would assume, one prerequisite would be the ability to read, and a good understanding of the Senators beliefs on issues; not just being a relative of a large donor or knowing which Airports are the “friendliest”! (was that to catty?)
Judi and I have been talking; and we are considering putting on a “Deaf Frog Dinner” at the Mehrens Clackamas' County estate, after all she is a Culinary Institute Chef and I am considered an excellent host, right? Would you take a chance on it? I guess I better check to see if I need to become a non profit, or political organization. I should quit putting off connecting to “pay pal”.
You would think after nicking our Men and Women in the Guard $65.00 a month for internet access, they could at least provide even a little gas money to their volunteers. HINT,HINT,HINT I Hope Willy reads this and tells Earl. What do the members of Congress get charged for their internet access?
I still don't know yet, if the “soft landing” bill is done but that is one issue I will keep harping on until I am sure. As near as I can figure, all that needs to be done for the soft landing at the State Level (Legislature) is complete; thank you Rick and Brent; and everyone.I believe the next brick (pillow) to be placed, is the responsibility of the Federal Government and I believe that it is in the hands of our own Senator Wyden. (a safe place for it right now, I hope) I asked his representative Barbara and she said she would check and get back to me but, as that famous live artist says......GET 'ER DONE. - SOFT LANDING !
OK, what did YOU do for the National Guard today. Daniel's wife Trina is helping, with a houseful of kids and a 3? year old recovering from 3rd degree burns, and with Daniel in the Middle East.
Still sooooo many cages to rattle and wheel squeaking, remaining, and me with only a three wheel scooter! And all those deserving cages I missed in Bend, darn.
By the way; You don't have to be a ”wheel” to get heard, just squeak for a while.
Bring our people home! ( THIS IS AN OFFICIAL SQUEAK ! ) (Nobel prize-worthy?)
I know that it is just an advertising phrase, “You make them strong, we'll make them Army Strong.” Well, seeing Christopher, it does look like they have succeeded.
President Barack Obama, Nobel PEACE Prize winner. I wonder how many votes he got from our troops all over the world.
When I relate to anyone the story of our Guard members being charged for internet access; EVERYONE I speak to is as disgusted as I, I wonder how much of the proposed raise in the D.O.D. Appropriations will need to be used to pay those exorbitant costs. I still don't know what the people in Washington D.C. are getting charged for their internet access?
Thanks Gib; for the following.........
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands
Protect them as they protect us
Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.
At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?
Over 50 years ago my uncle “Putt” built a cabin at Georgetown Lake in Montana, (Putts Palace). His cabin at the lake and many others like it developed recreational areas for the use of just regular citizens. And while doing this they protected the environment for future generations.He was not a RADICAL ENVROMENTALIST, he was just a mechanic, a Pearl Harbor Survivor with kids that liked fishing. He believed everyone owned the lake and deserved access to the Public Lands and then came the “Summer Homes” at the lake, and now thanks to those “absent owners” it appears they are “buying” (LOBBYING) to price the riff-raff out of their real “cabins”.
I am not sure if I'm part of the riff, or part of the raff, but as they yelled out the windows in that old famous movie........”I'm mad as hell, and I'm not taking it any more!”
Felix Hernandez is my Cy Young leader in the American league; Carlos Zambrano is my Cy Young pick in the National league, but of course I don't have a vote.
Other than the “networks” & MLB screwing up the World Series viewing, I still think if the Yankee's go all the way, A-Rod deserves consideration for MVP, he should have gotten t in the ALCS.
The Cancer Center at Providence Hospital, as I believe they were definitely a comfort to Dianna, her family and friends those last days.
My friend Molly Smithson, who is well on her way to becoming a WOW woman; and she is from good HERO stock, has her own favorite non-profit. A non-profit working to raise awareness and dollars for other non-profits. They are choosing to help Mitey Riders One goal is to instill in teens the intrinsic value of volunteering, another is to empower teens to make a difference in their community. Her organization is “playing for others” at
The American Rights at Work still needs help. Lets not take our eye off the MAIN issue. E.F.C.A.
The U.A. Local 290 “Don Salee” Member assistance program.
The National Guard, the USO; L. C. S. A. - Labors Community Service Agency, the OSBT (Oregon State Building Trades) and the NWOLC (Northwest Oregon Labor Council).
And give them back their money!
So it wasn't bad enough our Men and Women in the Guard got nicked $40.00 before they shipped out NOW they have to pay $65.00 a month for internet access overseas. Lets see; a 3.4% raise on $2,000.00 for our service men and women is $68.00; SO WHO IS GETTING THAT RAISE! RON....JEFF.....PATTY.....MARIA.....EARL.....BRIAN, CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT !
Desert Heaven; It's officially out there now........ here's where Judi's newly designed sales page is:
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, GLBT gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand. That One Gib sent me would work very well.
Mike; My “short” blog is still 5 1/2 pages again today.
May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be ever at your back;
May the sun shine warm upon your face, And the rain fall softly on your fields;
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Now don't forget to say your prayers and I'll see you next time on my blog.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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