Thursday, January 21, 2010


A History of the Mehrens Family in the United Association

The Patriarch of the Mehrens Family in the UA Started in Anaconda, Montana on October 6, 1948 with the initiation of Wallace W. “Lefty” Mehrens that began a long history of family in the family of the United Association of Plumbers and Steamfitters.

Lefty started in the Pipe Shop of the Anaconda Company Smelter in Anaconda, Montana when he was 26 years old. After serving 17 years at the Smelter he decided to take his skills “on the road” and traveled from Wyoming to Washington then to eventually settle in Portland Oregon's Local Union 235 in 1965.

As the Patriarch of the Mehrens Family he started a legacy of over 338 years of Mehrens's and relatives in Local 235 and it's successor U.A. Local 290., and Local 111. He had over 44 years of membership in the United Association and his family members have served in numerous capacities in this Local.

His eldest son, William W. “Wally”, a pipefitter/welder, started in the Portland Shipyards. He started his career as a politically active member as an alternate delegate that attended the 1976 U.A. Convention. There has been at least 1 Mehrens at every U.A. National Convention since. He has been a Shop Steward, foreman and general foreman and was elected as Local Union 235 Vice-President and chairman of the Executive Board in 1977. He was elected as a business agent in local 235 in 1983. Following the merger of the various in-state UA Locals and the chartering of U.A. Local 290 in the mid 1980's he was appointed a business agent then elected U.A. Local 290's first President. He has attended every U.A. National Convention since he was initiated. He was elected Executive Secretary of the Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council, AFL-CIO in 1988. A position he held until he retired, due to health reasons, in 2005. He currently has over 37 years membership in the U.A.

Lefty's second son, Michael, also a 30+ year building trades pipefitter member, a pipefitter from the Portland Shipyards, is the current Dispatcher and a past National Convention Delegate. He has been a shop steward, committee member and also served at various journey level and supervisory capacities, in the field.

Lefty's third son, Martin, also a 29+ year building trades pipefitter member, a pipefitter/welder from the Portland Shipyards. He has served two terms on the U.A. Local 290 Executive Board. His field work includes Project Manager, General Foreman, Foreman, Welder and fitter. He is also a past elected National Convention Delegate and numerous volunteer committee's.

His former son-in-law Rick Hindman, a 40+- year member and current Finance Board member, U.A. Training Center Welding Instructor and volunteer of countless hours for many committee's and boards. He is also a second generation U.A. Member whose family is also a long time U.A. Family. He and his brother Bernie have been referred to as two of the best heliarc welders in the whole of the U.A..

Lefty has 2 nephews and 1 nephew-in-law, James Anthony Mehrens, B.T. Pipefitter; William Francis, Mehrens, B.T. Steamfitter; and Dennis Hutzenbieler, B.T. Pipefitter with over 75+ years combined membership in this Local.
His former son-in-law Stephen Craig Arnott, a M.T. Pipefitter and Grandson, Stephen Paul Arnott, currently a M.T. Pipefitter with a combination of over 35+ years U.A. Membership.
His grand-nephew Jason Jacques, a B.T. Steamfitter. He has almost 20 years in the U.A. Family.

We also have a second cousin who is an officer (Recording Secretary) in U.A. Local 111 with almost 28 years membership and 20+ years as an Officer in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan.

Members of the Mehrens Family have worked as Pipefitters, Steamfitters, Sprinklerfitters, and Pipe-welders and Plumbers, under the proud banner of the United Association.

The United Association is over 120 years old; The Mehrens Family combined has almost 3 ½ Centuries of membership in this Organization.
The Mehrens family in the UA.
Wallace “LEFTY” William Mehrens* 10/6/48 P.F. ANA.-235-290 44yrs
William “Wally” Mehrens ** 7/18/72 P.F. 235-290 37yrs
Michael Thomas Mehrens** 2/16/79 P.F. 235-290 30yrs
Martin Joseph Mehrens** 9/19/80 P.F. 235-290 29yrs
William Francis Mehrens* 7/30/86 S.F. 235-290 23yrs
James Anthony Mehrens 1/18/80 P.F. 235-290 29yrs
Dennis Hutzenbieler 12/21/79 P.F. 235-290 30yrs
Stephen Arnott 2/18/77 P.F. 235-290 32yrs
Stevie Arnott 2/16/01 P.F. 290 8yrs
Rick Hindman** 9/15/67 P.F. 235-290 42yrs
Jason Jacques 11/18/98 S.F. 290 11yrs
Michael Mehrens** 2/26/82 PL-PF 728/111 28yrs Upper Pennisula Mich.

* = Convention Delegate ** Local Union Officer membership years = 343+

There has been at least 1 Mehrens elected to every U.A. Convention since 1976

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