Sunday, February 21, 2010



I awoke this morning at 7am after 9hrs of sleep to a 3+. Two late nights in a row, wow. I took my am pills and put out my flag. I tuned into the Sunday morning talking heads and when I watched Meet the Press and listened to Colin Powell, you could have mistaken him for a Democrat. We also received a call from brother (C.M.555) Bruce Temple and he told us that his wife Sue was in the hospital and going into surgery, please add her to your prayers today. Today is brother Marty's birthday and we met for dinner last night at the Spaghetti Factory in Vancouver to celebrate and I did fall off my “push” diet, but it was just for Marty's benefit :-0.
I caught a little of that press conference that Senator Wyden had and while I thought it had to do with the “Soft Landing Bill”, it was about a chemical exposure of our men and women in Iraq.
Todays blog may be a little long because I tried to cut, paste and include it again today. Here it is:
Veterans exposed to cancer-causing hexavalent chromium in Iraq -- including nearly 300 Oregon soldiers -- should be treated as if they'd hit a roadside bomb and receive lifelong medical care and Purple Hearts, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden said Thursday. Ten Oregon Army National Guard veterans who were exposed to the chemical while protecting war contractor KBR's employees stood with the Oregon Democrat at a news conference to acknowledge their "invisible wounds" and to hold the contractor accountable. When one veteran began to cough violently and struggled for breath at the podium, Wyden's alarm turned to outrage.

"Precautions should have been taken and they were not, that is inexcusable," Wyden said. "That soldiers have become critically ill and suffer respiratory diseases and skin rashes that, again, is inexcusable." The soldiers served at Qarmat Ali, a water treatment plant where fleeing loyalists of Saddam Hussein spilled a corrosion fighter containing hexavalent chromium, which is so toxic that an amount the size of a grain of salt greatly increases the risk of lung, stomach and brain cancer. The Oregonian exposed the widespread health problems in a series of stories last year, which alerted the soldiers to danger.

The men are among 21 soldiers in Oregon, and dozens in other states suing KBR in federal court. Soldiers say they were never told of any danger and were told that their bloody noses and other symptoms were allergies to desert sand. KBR maintains it was not responsible for the chemical at the water treatment plant, that it posted signs warning that the anti-corrosive was toxic and points fingers at Army engineers

The Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee passed a bill to extend health care to the Qarmat Ali veterans, but only until 2012. Wyden wants to amend and extend that coverage for life before a final vote. He said he is also taking up the fight headed by retiring Sens. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D. and Evan Bayh, D-Ind. Dorgan led 19 hearings into waste, fraud and abuse by war contractors.

At one hearing, former KBR employees at Qarmat Ali, themselves suffering lung and skin problems, told senators that soldiers were exposed. Bayh was the first to raise alarm about Oregon soldiers when he noted that Indiana troops followed Oregon troops at Qarmat Ali in 2003. Oregon Guard Capt. Jon Van Horn, who served as a medical commander with the men, said the Guard is still trying to locate 40 soldiers who never responded to certified letters.
At the news conference Wyden thanked Larry Roberta, a reclusive Aumsville veteran whose story of health problems from hexavalent chromium exposure in The Oregonian alerted his fellow soldiers, most of whom live between Forest Grove, McMinnville and Gresham. Roberta's testimony before the Oregon Legislature last year helped create a fund for soldiers who develop cancer as a result of this exposure. Roberta, 44, has also launched the Web site, which includes a logo of an orange ribbon with a skull and crossbones. The men, mostly in their 30s and 40s with young children to raise and support, say they worry about the long-term effects. Former Sgt. Maj. Kevin Stanger, 45, of Carlton, asked the media to picture Oregon soldiers in the dust storms at Qarmat Ali with "this stuff all over the place" in 137-degree heat, wearing body armor and constantly drinking water. Former Sgt. Stephen Mueller, 36, of Gresham said he came on behalf of those who were exposed but are still in the military and unable to speak up. He described his own health as "having a chest cold year round." Retired Sgt. Jesus Bruno, 42, of Cornelius, a former medic and married father of three, said he works hard trying to stay healthy, but worries constantly about being there for his kids.
"Will I be able to see them grow up?" he said. "This is like a ticking time bomb. You don't know when it's going to go off."


We at the Building Trades have known for a few decades that KBR is not a responsible Contractor, even though it's good to hear them admit it; I am wondering how it is they get so many government contracts. I am wondering how many of our Service Men and Women have been killed by them in relation to those killed by terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan?

I did make the Union meeting Friday night and it was very well attended. The members were going to decide what to do with the $.20 that they were due. I thought John E. did a good job on his recommendation and it passed. I supported it but I did not vote on it. Based on the market and economy the National Pension sent a letter that they needed a 15% increase to be able to meet the actuarial needs of the plan. I did not vote but the membership did (in my opinion) the right thing and put it in the national plan. The executive board also recommended the membership support the M.S. Walk again this year, and they did, THANK YOU. While I didn't last for the whole meeting I still didn't get home and to bed until after 11pm. Mike, however, had to stay for the whole thing and didn't get home till around 2am. I also must also say that the membership is quite upset with the Democrats in Salem. (JOBS, JOBS, JOBS)

I sent around the You Tube report on the jobs rally in Salem and I think it's still available. You can catch it at You Tube video produced from February 9th Jobs Rally in Salem.

I also found out at the 290 executive board about Claire and Al's good news, and she said Friday night the baby is doing well. AND THANK YOU GLENN FOR THAT AWESOME MS WALK DONATION.

God grant that I may live to fish until my dying day, And when it comes to my last cast
I then must humbly pray. When in the Lord's safe landing net I'm peacefully asleep.
That in His mercy, I be judged............Good enough to keep.

My daily prayer, is to Mary Mother of God…..”O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear OUR prayer. As your children we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially for the safe and successful birth of cousin Brandee's baby; nephew Daniel, as he is back in Iraq; nephew Rhyon in Afghanistan; Great friend Sue Temple for a quick and successful recovery from surgery today; Sister (U.A.) Claire's bundle of joy; and all in need. We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help ALL of us, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever, Amen.”
Thank You, Mother Mary, for your help and assistance.

Judi asked me what I wanted to do for my 60th B.D. and I haven't really thought about it but I have Lots of time to ponder it. I have thought about how many other friends and relatives will be 60 this year. Tim Flynn, Larry Pahut, Mick and Mary Ellen Jacques, Me, and Bob Shiprack just to name a few.

I do feel bad that I will not make Cathy's daughter, Brenda's Wedding, but Bernie did say Rick flew down Friday.

I know I still repeat things, maybe too much, on my blog; but some of this stuff I need to be reminded of and some of this stuff others need to be reminded of, and I've cleared a lot so far.


This is my attempt to keep track of my experiences with my LDN treatment for my Neurologist and his RN. So far with the 4.5mg I think I'm noticeably better. I am experiencing better days and now that I'm doing the new dosage I am seeing a marked change. I have now been on that brand new FDA approved pill, Aminopyridine, even though I missed a few times, and I am very pleased. It is supposed to be good for “gait” issues, even those with primary progressive. I still have to check up on that new pill (AMPYRA). My BP is 122/79/64 at 10:15am, I hope it makes my primary care Dr. happy.


I wonder how long it would take to get a health care bill if those MEMBERS in the House and the Senate were not provided it, but had to either go without it or buy it themselves. I bet there would be a rush to get cost containment done, at least! The R's on the talking heads shows this morning are telling us that everything done so far on H.C. Reform should be scrapped and Congress should start over and they would help crafting a “bipartisan bill”; “RIGHT”.

I am starting to worry about me; I am still a Democrat and I was surprised at our executive board and Union meetings at how many members sounded like “TeaParty” activists; and Ron Paul is starting to make sense to ME! Maybe this part should be in the sports section. I am sure everyone (R's) would go for allowing the Blazers to go back to before Oden, Roy, and all the other injured players got injured and we started the season over from there.

I am going to try to increase focus on Local Political issues and races. My favorite state representative is Mike Schauffler.
Man, Governor candidate Bill Bradbury sure is out of ANY favor in Local 290 and Representative David Wu is also out of favor.

One of the most consistent elected officials supporting the Columbia River Crossing has been Rex Burkholder, help him out if you can. Send him some help at METRO, in the form of Duke Sheppard.
Earl Blumenhauer, has been there for us also and yes Willie I will get a check off as soon as my retirement check gets deposited; and Kurt Schrader should be returned to congress also.

Don't forget to respond to the census as there are 37 governors elections this year and we can't let them Gerrymander congressional districts and end up like we did in the 90's. One of those 37 is right here in Oregon and I'm sure, keeping a Democrat in the Governors Mansion is Paramount. One that actually believes in JOBS. Yes, that is a shot about the Cascade Locks and L.N.G. Plant projects, and you turning your backs on 3,000+ GOOD jobs!

The Public Option LIVES!!!!
For months now, D.C. insiders and T.V. blowhards have said the public option is dead, but Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado just proved them wrong.Leading the way as a Healthcare Hero, Senator Bennet is circulating a letter calling on Majority Leader Harry Reid to use reconciliation to pass healthcare reform with the choice of a public option and Senators Sherrod Brown (OH), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), and Jeff Merkley (OR) have already stood up to join him. I understand the letter now has 18+ signers. Together these four Senators are showing Democrats in Washington the way forward on healthcare reform. Call Senator Merkley right now and thank him for standing up for Oregon, the public option, and you.

A group of insurance company survivors have set out from Philadelphia. Their goal? To walk to Washington, DC - more than 130 miles over 8 days - in honor of Melanie Shouse, the health care activists and Obama volunteer who died of breast cancer because she didn't have affordable health care. They're marching to get Congress to pay attention to them and to millions of others across this country who need real health care reform passed and need it now.On February 24th they will arrive in Washington, DC. On the same day, is organizing a huge "virtual march" on Washington. We're helping them out, along with dozens of our partners. We're going to call Congress, fax Congress, email Congress, and do all of the things we know how to do to support these marchers and get Congress to listen to us, not the insurance companies.
Can you pledge to join our virtual march on February 24th? Click here to sign

I am still convinced ALL this health care “controversy” that was being generated was to take the publics mind off of the Employee Free Choice Act, American Rights at Work, “card check” legislation. Based on President Trumpka's speech at the National Press Club, and the President's meeting with Labor; I AM feeling much more positive. I just wish he would have been specific in his State of the Union speech.

I still don't know yet, if the “soft landing” bill is done but that is one issue I will keep harping on until I am sure. I hope that press conference that Senator Wyden had was related to it.

Did you know that there were more vets that died last year because they didn't have health care, than died in both the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars?

New question for the day. A hug a day, keeps the blues away. Even if it goes without saying, say it anyway. Is Senator Wyden on that Reconciliation letter yet, they were up to 18 Senators and almost 120 representatives so far?


Check often to read feedback from the troops about the Let's Say Thanks program!

At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?


Brandon Roy is sure in awesome company for the Trailblazers, in the number of All Star selections, it is to bad he got injured and I am still not sure about the changes the blazers made. I still think they are going to miss both Blake and Outlaw, although they did handle the Clippers the other night. Andre Miller is also in special company with that 50+ point game.

It's almost MLB Time, go Cubs, go Orioles.

I am also going to sign up for the 290 golf tournament in June as brother Mike agreed to be my “Wally Catcher”, I do need to get some “old mans” clubs though.


Judi is still working on the M.S. Walk it comes up in April, if you want to become a member of Wally's Walkers, the link has been updated, Jonna Lynn apparently found it, so did Burton White. I did make the 290 Executive Board meeting and the meeting Friday night; and they did step up again. And yes Tim I will send you a reminder. I did get to the Building Trades and made my pitch, and THANKS AGAIN GLENN. The walk is on April 17, 10 a.m., Pioneer Courthouse Square. Here's the link to our team page:
If folks want to join, they can just go to that page, scroll down to Wally's Walkers, and then click on the "join team" link.

The American Rights at Work still needs help. We must not take our eye off that MAIN issue. E.F.C.A.

The U.A. Local 290 “Don Salee” Member Assistance Program. I try to give them something each union meeting, but I was actually short Friday night so I'll have to double up next month.

OTHER STUFF AND COMMUNICATIONS“GET 'ER DONE” - SOFT LANDING ! And give them back their money, and their overdue raise!

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, GLBT gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

Mike; My blog is just over 6 pages again today; but that KBR stuff was too important to leave out again, thank you Ron. I hope there are a few Politicians in Salem reading, as it appears they are taking the Building Trades in particular and Labor in general for granted, and as my father used to say, perception IS reality.

Good night and Good Luck; I'll see you next time on my blog.

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