Monday, February 28, 2011



I will continue my blog a little differently; to explain my blog headline Saturday “DO NOT PATRONIZE THE VANCOUVER COLUMBIAN NEWSPAPER”.
Based on the information I gained at the Columbia Pacific Building Trades Executive Board meeting last week. And as a retired Executive Secretary of that Council, who was fortunate enough to have Brother Ed Barnes as President of the Council for many years, and with the purpose of my blog so well defined; I believe I have a responsibility to ask my many followers, readers and relatives that may also subscribe to the Columbian to please cancel for the following reasons:
The Columbian is the local community newspaper for the greater Vancouver/SW Washington area. And as working class, Union people and public servants who are members of this community under attack from Madison, Wisconsin all the way to right here in this community, I am asking you to join with me and many others in making a stand right here in our community.

They need to hear our voices: Scott Campbell, Publisher
360-735-4500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 360-735-4500 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Lou Brancaccio, Editor
360-735-4505 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 360-735-4505 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
360-694-2312 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 360-694-2312 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Be respectful, but tell them why you are contacting them.

Now back to my regular blog:

I awoke this morning at 6am, after 8+ hours of sleep to a 3-, because I still feel like I have a hangover even though I never had a drink at Marty's WONDERFULL 50th Birthday party Saturday night. I checked the south deck and it was just above freezing with a nasty wind blowing the wind coming sideway's, and all our patio furniture gone. I looked through the neighborhood and couldn't see any thing in our, or anyone else's yard. I took my am pills and then checked the west deck and all the patio stuff was there. Judi moved it all last night. I know it is still a little early but because cousin Chad is a leap year baby, and he has “technically” only had about 9+- B.D.'s he deserves 2 in this leap year. I did talk to lawyer cousin Dan Hutzenbieler last night and told him of my ideas regarding the PCC agreement and about getting some help from the Bar to help with getting the apprentices we commit to training to the next level; Construction Contractor. He did like where I was going and made a few suggestions. I did not make the rally Friday or Saturday because of the weather and Marty's Birthday Party and missed Gary's celebration yesterday but I did get a good report from Cousin Jim and his fiancé Frances who did make the rally Friday and cousin Bill who did make Gary's Life celebration. Jim did have some good pictures on his phone of the rally. Queen Donna did make the rally and told me again that her son Yusef was leaving for Guatemala City at the end of March for Americorps and could still use some assistance. Yusuf Word is in Americorps, and trying to get to Guatemala in Central America and spread the GOOD WORD about the U.S.A. (You can help by donating to him at 1825 S. Stevens St. Apt. 13 – Tacoma, Washington 98405.

I will take this opportunity to inform all about this important “RALLY” scheduled by the OAFL-CIO:
MONDAY MARCH 7TH NOON SALEM ON THE CAPITAL STEPS. Buses will be available; contact your local Union or the OAFL-CIO

I did hear Uncle Hank was back in the hospital so I would still ask all to include him in your prayers. I did add that new section; “AOH” to combine the various Irish statements and thoughts in a single section.

I will apologize now for missing the life celebration of brother Gary Neibert yesterday but cousin Bill did represent us (the Mehrens') It was Gary that got Billy started in the trade and He was the only person to beat me in any Union Election I attempted. I did not run against him, as at the time I was the Local 235 Vice President and he asked me to run for he President's position, as he had decided he did not want to rerun for Local 235 President and asked me to run. I agreed to, but he subsequently changed his mind. I also hate to have to report again on the passing of 290 Brother Bob Barnett, please add him and his family to your prayers also.

I will now make another pitch for support for my election to our Internationals National Convention. I do want to keep my record intact of making every National Convention I have been eligible for since I joined the United Association. And please don't forget to register at the M.S. Walk Oregon for “WALLY'S WALKERS”, THANK YOU NORTHWEST OREGON LABOR COUNCIL FOR YOUR VERY GENEROUS DONATION, AND THANK YOU PAUL RIGGS and THE CPBT for YOUR VERY GENEROUS DONATION.

I will put the prayer to St. Jude in here again for 290 brothers Richard Hopkins (Hoppy), Gary Neibert, Bob Barnett and the families of the Tucson shootings so please add them to your prayers also.

** For Brothers Hopkins, Neibert, Barnett and the Tuscon families **

Prayer to St. Jude for Eternal Life
You are my solace, St. Jude, in the face of loss and sorrow. I pray that you will guide my heart away from the darkness of fear and into the light of Christ. May the hope that St. Jude keeps alive in my heart be a source of comfort to all those who grieve. For in that hope, we know God's mercy, and we trust God's promise of eternal life. My soul longs for the fullness of life, which is only to be revealed when I meet my Maker in heaven. Stay by my side, St. Jude, so that my soul will always know the power of your healing love. Amen.

God grant that I may live to fish until my dying day, And when it comes to my last cast, I then must humbly pray. When in the Lord's safe landing net I'm peacefully asleep, that in His mercy, I be judged............Good enough to keep.

**** My daily prayer, is to Mary Mother of God…..”O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear our prayer. As your children we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today. For cousin Mick, uncle Hank, nephew Arron, Kelli's Mom, good friend Ron Wyden, good family friend Pat Percin, brothers Jimmy Judge, and Gerry Bruce, sister Donna and those who are having health issues; protecting Christopher and Rhyon and all in need. We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help ALL of us, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever, Amen.”

I know I have been repeating things, apparently too much, on my blog; but some of this stuff I need to be reminded of and some of this stuff others need to be reminded of.


I did get our request off to the 290 E-board for the M.S. Walk. To register and get started with fund raising, donate to a walker (WALLY'S WALKERS), or find out about volunteer opportunities, visit

This is also my attempt to keep track of my experiences with Kaiser Permanente and my Neurologist and his RN. So far with the Ampyra and the 4.5mg LDN, I think I'm noticeably better. My BP is 141/82/66 at 9:30am today. After I got an “explanation of benefits” this is not a bill but in the billed amount was $84.10 ( exactly the LDN amount) in the next column was the allowed amount of $84.10, the member responsibility was 0.00, Kaiser paid 0.00; if the member responsibility was 0.00 WHY DID IT COST ME $84.10?? It sounds like the trust attorney is trying to get to the bottom of it and I did get an email from him yesterday and apparently I am supposed to get a call from someone higher up the food chain. I did clean a little off of my “nest” here on my Lazyboy and I have a full briefcase just of my Kaiser stuff. I will remind everyone that I WILL be taking action with Kaiser Member services, if and when I need to.


I hope to see you all at the solidarity rally March 7 in Salem. And I must say I wish the President showed as much concern for the liberty and rights for those workers in Madison as he and the administration are showing for those citizens and workers in the Middle East, finally something today. (Libya, Egypt, etc)

Another issue that concerns me with this NEW congress is the “SPENDING CUTS” they are considering, and it seems at the TOP of the list is “entitlement” spending. One of the talking heads shows said entitlement spending (social security, Medicare?) makes up for 84% of federal spending, does that mean that the D.O.D. Budget with 2+ wars, and interest on the current National Debt only accounts for 16%. I do think they may have it backwards. I have a question for my republican friends; When I put my money in the bank and then draw it out, would YOU consider that an entitlement? HMMMN??




Don't forget to say THANK YOU, to all those servicemen and women who have served or are serving.

NEPHEW CHRISTOPHER IS STILL IN AFGHANISTAN, DAMN; AND IT APPEARS THAT NEPHEW RHYON WILL BE HEADED BACK. So a prayer a day for them from all my readers would sure make me feel better.




If you are flying the American Flag, please keep flying it until ALL our Troops return home.

At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?


I received my latest AOH NEWSPAPER and I want to congratulate the Anaconda, Montana AOH Division 1 on their 125th anniversary and point out that the Montana State President, Tom Pahut, is my cousin and the Division 1 brothers carrying the AOH banner on the first page of my blog are direct decedents of my Grandfather, also pictured on the first page “John L. Monahan”. And I did tell cousin Jim he should have been there and that it was the AOH that Built St. Francis Church in SE Portland. (interesting factoid; That was the church that my #2 W.O.W. Woman attended and was married in; Dianna PAULEY McCoy.) I did see brother,brother Holmie at Marty's B.D. Party and he was still pumped about his joining.

I also need to report that Uncle Hank has returned to the hospital, and all prayers are appreciated.

While the Montana AOH received a Governors Proclamation with a 3 day celebration on their 125th anniversary; It appears our Mayor will be doing a very good proclamation and I do hope to be able to make that Council meeting. I also received the Photo from the February meeting and Brother in Law Eric did a fine job printing it. Now all I have to do is get out and find an appropriate frame. I also checked the Monahan Family name History I got while I was in D.C. a few years ago and I don't know how I missed it but I did see where, when the name ( O Manachain) whose descendants name came from the Gaelic manach; meaning Monk. Which included the famous Warrior of Connacht from the 9th century. More to come in a future blog.


Well the Blazers did lose a tough one the other day but Brandon did come on strong, but based on the Trade that The Blazers made, I am not so sure that they didn't give up too much but we will not really know until CRASH acclimates to his new team. I did see where the Oregon M.S. Chapter is putting together a fund raiser game with the Blazers.

I sure hope baseball pre-season gets here soon.


Lets get started with fundraising, donate to a walker, “WALLY'S WALKERS”, or find out about volunteer opportunities, visit Thank You, Ed and Luanne Barnes, Lynn Lehrbach and Lori Vaughn for getting me started. AND ALSO THE MEMBERS AND ORGANIZATIONS OF THE NORTHWEST OREGON LABOR COUNCIL, AND BROTHER PAUL RIGGS AND THE CPBT FOR THAT VERY GENEROUS DONATION, and I do hope U.A. 290 acts favorably again this year.

I'm still trying to find the updated 2011 BULL SESSION website, without any luck so far. I did speak with Jim Moss and he told me they had a board meeting and he said that Pack West was reworking the Website to allow for a payment plan for the Tournament and Dinner-Auction, I did call Paul this morning but apparently he just stepped away from his desk. I will share it as soon as I get it. THANK YOU JIM ! AND THANK YOU ALSO TO THE MEMBERS OF LOCAL 290 FOR YOUR VERY GENEROUS DONATION. ALL HELP APPRECIATED.

The American Rights at Work still needs help. We must not take our eye off that MAIN issue, our two Senators haven't; E.F.C.A. It is very disappointing that it was not lame duck accomplishment, especially in light of the ongoing protests in Wisconsin, and the mine disaster in West Virginia and those Rig explosions in the Gulf. I do think that both Senator Robert Byrd and Paul Wellstone are rolling over in their graves. And based on what I have been hearing the Republican's have Organized Labor directly in their cross hairs at least for the next 2 years.

The U.A. Local 290 “Don Salee” Member Assistance Program.


MICK, BOB , RON, JIM and CHRISTOPHER, stay positive
and we will meet on the golf course (but I'm not sure if Ron even Plays) but I will take it easy on all of you. I also talked to good friend Scott Gardner and he wants to get together for some golf. I also heard from good friend and brother Joe McCarthy and he is going in for surgery on his rotator cuff, but as soon as he is well we will get out also.

May love and laughter light your days
And warm your heart and homes
May good and faithful friends be yours wherever you may roam
May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures
May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, GLBT gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

Mike; My blog, is just 5 pages, and under 2,400 words today, I think.

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