Saturday, September 20, 2008

Be the deaf frog

SATURDAY 9/20/08


At 4:30pm on yesterday's ESPN Ryder Cups coverage, US wins 51/2 to 21/2 (ball tracker is cool) Michelson/Kim vs. Harrington/McDowell was an awesome match (USA has best white caps & shirts) Europe’s finish could give them momentum going into today’s match, but, I’ll still be chanting USA, USA, USA. Sorry Paddy.


I woke up this morning at about 7:30am. I went into the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee. When I got ½ way back to my computer room I realized I left my cane in the kitchen. That was, at least 50 steps without cane assistance! Today starts as a 4!

I received an email from my Kaiser Neurologist this morning. As an MS patient he warned me against taking a hot mineral bath. I guess I was not clear in my questions to him, weather to take a hot mineral bath was not being considered.

Made my 4th attempt to comment on the WW “expose” article on Judy Shiprack. I’m sure Oregonian and WW subscribers are mostly bird owners but some of you might read them on line.

Judy! Be the deaf frog and keep your eye on the puck!

Hope those with subscriptions to the Labor Press read it yesterday. I haven’t seen mine yet.

Happy Birthday Brandon!


Yesterday at 1pm the DOW was up 368.75 to 11,388.44, what a week. Also, last night Bill Moyers had an excellent show on GREED.

The Rachel Maddow show on cnbc was pretty informative also.

I also got an email on an Anti-Palin rally in Alaska. I didn’t see any reporting about this on any of the fair and balanced networks. Thanks Dan.

Can anyone get me an Obama and/or Merkley Lawn sign? I live in a pretty Republican neighborhood, thanks to my Union pension.

How much nastier can Gordon Smith get?

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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