Monday, September 8, 2008

Disclaimer: All my posts are my opinions. They should not be taken as anything more. They are the truths I discern, to the best of my ability from family, friends and acquaintances. Not “Biased, Left Wing, Washington Liberal, Media” types. Although I do listen to & watch them.

POLITICS: I watched Joe Biden yesterday morning (9/7/08) on Meet the Press. Then I went to my computer room to work on my September 7, 2008 blog posting. We all know I’m kind of slow but, by the time I was finished, my server was reporting that Palin agreed to an interview and then I got a personal e-mail that basically said, She was not Loved by all in Alaska.

POLITICS The McCain/Palin campaign has been saying they were not going to subject their V.P. candidate to those “Biased, Left Wing, Washington Liberal, Media” types. The moderator, Tom Brokaw, who, I think, thought he was standing in for Palin by the tone and tenor of his questions.

SPORTS Thank you J. J. Putz and your 98 mph fastball for save number 12. Lou and the Cub’s seem back on track. The Dodgers are alone in 1st and what about those DUCK’S?

WALLY’S ODYSSEY – My walk-in Bath and 2 new toilets appear to be exceeding $10,000.

RECOMMENDED MUSIC - Celtic Thunder is coming to Portland Dec. 6th. I saw them last night on OPB. They are not the “Celtic Women”, but still very good! Some would say I’m being sexist. But again, these posts are just MY opinion. Does that confirm or dispute that assertion?

1 comment:

Patti said...

I see you like Celtic Music also. I have not had much exposure to Celtic Woman but , I what I have seen I liked. I listen mostly to Enya right now.

I am a definite Obama supporter