Monday, November 3, 2008

Hours to go before I sleep, comfortably!


Awoke at 6:15am to a 3+. Took my morning pills, had 1 session on my chair and turned on the TV.
On CNBC the market was bouncing between -10 and 30+. They also had a talking head, Peter Schiff, warning everyone of the impending disaster "after" Obama takes office. Oh, by the way, did I mention he was a Ron Paul supporter? My paranoid buddy Alex should get him on his Thursday night show.

The heads were also talking about the Boeing settlement this weekend and gave the settlement credit for Boeing stock being up this morning. They apparently got a multiyear settlement over 14% with a bonus check. For all my negotiators, that should be the LOW BAR!

Then they turned their attention to Walmart. Concerned that when, “not if” Obama became President that Walmart would be Unionized, and was that good or bad for the stockholders?

I watched 60 minutes last night and I was informed of the way employers are breaking the law on not rehiring their National Guard and Reservists after being called up for tours in Iraq & Afganistan. One focus of the show was a Veterans Administration Nurse whose “position” was eliminated, because she was gone too much. They also had a piece on an experimental program to tie in the brain with computers, it was very uplifting and hopeful, I hope you all watched.

I also watched my buddy Bruce last night, and he said he was voting for Obama. He basically said that there are no Lincoln Republicans left.
Congratulations Machinists on Boeing, and now lets get Walmart!

Eric, I hope you and your buddies at Horizon are watching.


I was invited to an Election watch party at the Convention Center, and I’m going to try to make it. Paul is doing it, so maybe Gordon will be there? Maybe he’ll have my letter?


I have one player left tonight for my FFB Team, my opponent also has one left, his is a receiver and mine is a quarterback.


Does anybody know if Oak Harbor Truckers are still on strike?

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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