Friday, November 21, 2008

Union Meeting Tonight!


I awoke at 6:15am to a 3-. Took my pills and after 2 sessions in my chair at about 8am I came back here to work on my blog, with my first look at CNBC, the talking heads were looking for a “Black” Friday today, even though the market was up over 45 points and gas was down to $1.04. When I came in here to work on the blog, Paulsen was talking and the market was resuming its dive. When I went to Cspan 2, at a 3+, by the way; Senator McConnel of Kentucky was commenting on his meeting with the O’bama people and he was optimistic that they were going to govern from the middle; that is his definition of the middle though. The advice he gave was to make sure they do not bring up "The Employee Free Choice Act". He called on all Democrats in the “Right to Work” for less States to be “vigilant”, unless they want the US to become more like England, France and Germany. His talking point’s seemed to be right from the Chamber of Commerce playbook! Watch for the return of “Freedom Fries”!

I have every intention to make my Union meeting tonight, even after being in here for an hour I feel like a 4.


I watched Cspan2 yesterday. They cover the Senate. It’s a violation of their rules to have a standing ovation in the Senate Chamber. The Rule was apparently waived after Senator Ted Stephens gave his farewell address. And like O. J. he is going to work diligently to clear his name. And like O. J., he is guilty as charged. Of course that’s just my opinion. I wonder if they will become cell- mates?

I know this sounds like harping, but, O’bama; be the deaf frog!


My FFB Quarterback got me off to a good start for this weekends action last night.


I haven’t heard back from my “anonymous” blogger commenter on the Cowlitz Casino project, maybe they actually read the agreements reached?


I’m still, of the mind, to not post comments from anonymous sources and I have MY comment under Community Organizers for that reason.

Hillary for Secretary of State? Sounds good to me!

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Thanks, again Toto!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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