Saturday, November 8, 2008



I awoke today at about 7am to a 3+ after a good 8+ hours of sleep. Judi got the name of a rental power-chair company to consider for “road trips”, where crowds may be a problem. I set my TVO to record a Movie next Tuesday at 7pm on Showtime I hope everyone gets to see. I watched Bill Moyers Journal last night and again this morning, on my TVO recording. I have always liked Bill Moyers Journal, but I think last night’s show was one of his top 3 or 4. If I was teaching a class on any kind of Organizing, it would be required viewing. For Dan H. and Kevin M. Professor Pat Williams deserves a read and my Union Organizers Professor Eric Foner deserves a read. I am going to do a test of a chair soon and maybe the BT Legislative Conference is a possibility?


Democracy for America is reporting Al Franken still needs help, along with a number of others in various house races.

I also watched O’bamas first press conference yesterday and was very impressed. I just wish I saw a familiar face, besides Robert Riech, that was a known union person.

Be the deaf frog!

I am looking forward to a visit from Judy that does not require me to sign a check.


For my FFB report, my kicker got 4 more points than predicted so now I should win by almost 30 points. Come on Philip, go nuts!


Everyone should checkout last nights Bill Moyers Journal. I don’t know how long it will be available, but you can probably find it on the PBS web site

All you can do, is what you can do, just do all you can do.


Was my post yesterday too wordy? I think it was the 1st time I went over 1,000 words, I try to keep them below 500.

I think my blog shows over 750 visits. Monte, thanks for the lesson on compound interest, maybe it’s time to start selling something besides ideas and books?
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Thank you Toto!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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