I awoke this morning to a 2+ after 7+ hours of good sleep. After taking my am pills and settling in on my chair I got myself to a 3+. My posting is late today because we have company coming and I have been constantly interrupted. I checked my email before attempting to prepare my post and I had over 15 to check, with only one of them being spam. Judi’s friend Paul arrived safely and I emailed him my blog address and he may be observing in the future. I also received an email from my Uncle Hank, The English Prof from Carroll, who reviewed my blog and he didn’t have any corrections for me but I will have to be careful because I’m sure he will have some future corrective suggestions, which I welcome. Nephew Michael stopped by today and that was real nice also. He also wanted to introduce me to his Prom date from last year. I loaned him my car but I didn’t get to meet his date, It was definitely worth the wait. ;-)
I watched the Rachel Maddow show last night on CNBC and she had Roland Burris, the proposed Senate appointment from Illinois. Watching him in the interview, and listening to his argument for his appointment, I believe he should be accepted. I am not sure if he is still around, but I once had a friend-brother, named Danny Burris. And, not just because of the name, Roland reminded me of him. A great story, for another time, but if Ron is still a blog reader, I would advise him to seat that man. Watching this story develop some how brings to my mind Bob Shiprack and L.R. Stewart. While watching the story of Bernie Madoff on CNBC The name Jeff Grayson also comes into my mind. But, alas, that was the scam of the last century. I still think they must have taken a class or 2 together. I’m not sure who the judge is that gets to unravel his scam, but I hope he is as good as the one that got the Grayson case.
That 2nd half of the Blazers game last night was so good I had to watch it 3 times, and I still believe 2009 is their year.
The Ducks were awesome too.
Did we decide that gambling or playing the lottery was a sport? If so, save your money on powerball to night because I’m going to win it all!
It’s a good time to be a Community Organizer.
Remember, Homeland Security is watching, and also an English professor. And soon, maybe, another Media Mogul.
I’m not sure of the timing but I think I successfully text cousin Jim and them all with a Happy New Years at 1 minute into 2009 already.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
And Mike it is finally up. (550+)
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Get your vote in !
I awoke this morning at 6am to a 3+, after 9 hours of good sleep. I think the 3+ can be attributed to the fact I did not have that darn “soft” cast on my left hand anymore. They gave me a “bowling” type glove to wear if my left wrist started aching. It wasn’t aching, but I wore it anyway. After taking my am pills, minus any stay awake pill and 2 sessions in my chair I am in here hunting and pecking for my posting at a 3+ still.
I just heard our lawn guys arrive and went out to give them their holiday bonus. It doesn’t take them long but at least I had the best looking lawn in the neighborhood for a little while, in 2008.
Brother Mike stopped by last night and we had a nice visit. My good feelings about playing my 4 spot with a game 777 in it also gave me a good finish towards the end of 08.
Judi’s old friend Paul Haaaaansen will arrive tomorrow for a short stay, and we are both looking forward to that. I am still working on my New Years Resolutions and looking forward to Judi’s “non” Birthday party, even though there IS a June cake involved.
While I am glad that 2008 is coming to a close and my posting will still be a short one today, I will still be at my workstation preparing my year end report for tomorrow.
Don’t forget; Vice President Cheney is scheduled to be on Meet The Press next week. That should be verery interesting. I believe his interviewer (Bob Shiefer) is a big fan. Bob doesn’t even sound like Sergeant Shultz nor does Cheney sound like Colonel Klink, but.
Is 2009, the year of the Blazers?
It sure seems like a good time to be a Community Organizer.
Remember, Homeland Security is watching.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
And Mike it is 394, I THINK!
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at 6am to a 3+, after 9 hours of good sleep. I think the 3+ can be attributed to the fact I did not have that darn “soft” cast on my left hand anymore. They gave me a “bowling” type glove to wear if my left wrist started aching. It wasn’t aching, but I wore it anyway. After taking my am pills, minus any stay awake pill and 2 sessions in my chair I am in here hunting and pecking for my posting at a 3+ still.
I just heard our lawn guys arrive and went out to give them their holiday bonus. It doesn’t take them long but at least I had the best looking lawn in the neighborhood for a little while, in 2008.
Brother Mike stopped by last night and we had a nice visit. My good feelings about playing my 4 spot with a game 777 in it also gave me a good finish towards the end of 08.
Judi’s old friend Paul Haaaaansen will arrive tomorrow for a short stay, and we are both looking forward to that. I am still working on my New Years Resolutions and looking forward to Judi’s “non” Birthday party, even though there IS a June cake involved.
While I am glad that 2008 is coming to a close and my posting will still be a short one today, I will still be at my workstation preparing my year end report for tomorrow.
Don’t forget; Vice President Cheney is scheduled to be on Meet The Press next week. That should be verery interesting. I believe his interviewer (Bob Shiefer) is a big fan. Bob doesn’t even sound like Sergeant Shultz nor does Cheney sound like Colonel Klink, but.
Is 2009, the year of the Blazers?
It sure seems like a good time to be a Community Organizer.
Remember, Homeland Security is watching.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
And Mike it is 394, I THINK!
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy Birthday, Mernie
Today would have been my aunt Mernies BD. She was the one that got me to join the renewal of the Portland AOH way back when, Thanks Mernie. And no Mare, I didn't need the reminder.
I awoke this morning at 6am to a 2- after 10 hours of sleep. My 2- was in large part due to my lower back pain when I awoke. After I took my am pills and 3 sessions in my chair I am back her to prepare my posting at just under 3. A short post today because I have a 10am appointment to get my cast removed. YIPEE! My first look at the DOW showed it up 7+ points, OIL down to $ 38.65 and GAS still below a dollar at $ 0.8761. With pretty much all the snow gone Judi will be taking me to the Doc and maybe we will be able to meet brother Marty and Kelli for lunch. While I am out of my morning stay awake pills, I’ll take one of the booster ones I have left before I leave. So far, cousin Jims trip to Japan seems to be going well. His daughter, one of our companions on our trip to Ireland, has really become a world traveler. All you can do is what you can do, just do all you can do, and she does.
Vice President Cheney is scheduled to be on Meet The Press next week. That should be verery interesting. I believe his interviewer (Bob Shiefer) is a big fan.
Save your goats, For, I believe, the Blazers have a chance, and we may need them.
My list of New Years resolutions has started. Which is more important, quantity or quality?
Remember, Homeland Security is watching.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Today would have been my aunt Mernies BD. She was the one that got me to join the renewal of the Portland AOH way back when, Thanks Mernie. And no Mare, I didn't need the reminder.
I awoke this morning at 6am to a 2- after 10 hours of sleep. My 2- was in large part due to my lower back pain when I awoke. After I took my am pills and 3 sessions in my chair I am back her to prepare my posting at just under 3. A short post today because I have a 10am appointment to get my cast removed. YIPEE! My first look at the DOW showed it up 7+ points, OIL down to $ 38.65 and GAS still below a dollar at $ 0.8761. With pretty much all the snow gone Judi will be taking me to the Doc and maybe we will be able to meet brother Marty and Kelli for lunch. While I am out of my morning stay awake pills, I’ll take one of the booster ones I have left before I leave. So far, cousin Jims trip to Japan seems to be going well. His daughter, one of our companions on our trip to Ireland, has really become a world traveler. All you can do is what you can do, just do all you can do, and she does.
Vice President Cheney is scheduled to be on Meet The Press next week. That should be verery interesting. I believe his interviewer (Bob Shiefer) is a big fan.
Save your goats, For, I believe, the Blazers have a chance, and we may need them.
My list of New Years resolutions has started. Which is more important, quantity or quality?
Remember, Homeland Security is watching.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Sunday, December 28, 2008
22 untill 44.
I awoke today at 6:15am to a 2+ after a good 8 hour sleep, took my am pills and had 4 sessions in my chair. I am in here to work on my post before 9am feeling 3+. I am taping the talking heads this morning so I won’t have much of a POLITICAL report and even the other reports will be short also. I know everyone is familiar with my hunt and peck system of typing but I must admit, with this cast on I’m more of a hunt or peck writer. Besides, I have to get online soon and check my power-ball, after all its 22 days till number 44 and that has to be a good sign! I’ve also been told I have 2 more followers and that gets me officially to a Jury. I must let everyone know, one of my followers/viewers is a part of Homeland Security, so watch what you say. ;-0 The roads outside are now clear, the igloo is gone, the temperature is over 40 degrees and the cat can go out again. Everyone should be so happy!
Brother Marty stopped by yesterday, to run a few errands for me, which was nice, because he proved my “good feelings” about my keno ticket being a winner. One of the games I played was #555 and the ticket actually was a winner. The ticket replay has #777, so there were no safe goats last night.
I watched a replay of Friday nights Bill Moyers Journal yesterday. It was about Religion and it was awesome. My friend, Brian Baird, had a little cameo in it that was also very nice.
I watched the end of the Blazers game against Toronto this morning and I think the 2nd half was as good as it could get for the Blazers. It did appear at least one goat didn’t get away yesterday.
It is now time to start working on your New Years Resolutions. Is it better to have many. Or complete many?
Yesterday I said, Just because she forgets stuff sometimes doesn’t mean she has MS by proxy. She was the one that started me on this Blog journey. Instead of a blog, she could have given me a dog, and then where would we be? I must also credit her for sending me the deaf frog.
She also noticed my comments about the dog yesterday. The not getting a dog comment made both her and Millie happy.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Welcome Steph and Harry.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke today at 6:15am to a 2+ after a good 8 hour sleep, took my am pills and had 4 sessions in my chair. I am in here to work on my post before 9am feeling 3+. I am taping the talking heads this morning so I won’t have much of a POLITICAL report and even the other reports will be short also. I know everyone is familiar with my hunt and peck system of typing but I must admit, with this cast on I’m more of a hunt or peck writer. Besides, I have to get online soon and check my power-ball, after all its 22 days till number 44 and that has to be a good sign! I’ve also been told I have 2 more followers and that gets me officially to a Jury. I must let everyone know, one of my followers/viewers is a part of Homeland Security, so watch what you say. ;-0 The roads outside are now clear, the igloo is gone, the temperature is over 40 degrees and the cat can go out again. Everyone should be so happy!
Brother Marty stopped by yesterday, to run a few errands for me, which was nice, because he proved my “good feelings” about my keno ticket being a winner. One of the games I played was #555 and the ticket actually was a winner. The ticket replay has #777, so there were no safe goats last night.
I watched a replay of Friday nights Bill Moyers Journal yesterday. It was about Religion and it was awesome. My friend, Brian Baird, had a little cameo in it that was also very nice.
I watched the end of the Blazers game against Toronto this morning and I think the 2nd half was as good as it could get for the Blazers. It did appear at least one goat didn’t get away yesterday.
It is now time to start working on your New Years Resolutions. Is it better to have many. Or complete many?
Yesterday I said, Just because she forgets stuff sometimes doesn’t mean she has MS by proxy. She was the one that started me on this Blog journey. Instead of a blog, she could have given me a dog, and then where would we be? I must also credit her for sending me the deaf frog.
She also noticed my comments about the dog yesterday. The not getting a dog comment made both her and Millie happy.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Welcome Steph and Harry.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I awoke this morning at 7am to a 2- after 8+ hours of good sleep. I will blame the 2-on the weather and the fact that I couldn’t get out to get Judi a Birthday present. Yeah, it’s Judi’s BIRTHDAY TODAY. After my am pills and 2 sessions in my chair I’m back here to prepare my post at a 3+, in spite of being overcome with good old Irish GUILT for not getting her a present. My posting today will be another short one, totally concentrating on Judi.
Judi is one of the most politically savvy people I know, even when she’s wrong she’s not afraid to speak up. Maybe that’s why O’bama put some of those "Other Guys" in his cabinet.
The PSU Vikings (Judi is an alum) beat Gonzaga, a highly rated college BB team.
Judi and the other $%^&*()@ seem to favor Glenn Shuck and Labors Community Service Agency, a United Way C. O. that you can designate with your gift.
Just because she forgets stuff sometimes doesn’t mean she has MS by proxy. She was the one that started me on this Blog journey. Instead of a blog, she could have given me a dog, and then where would we be? I must also credit her for sending me the deaf frog,
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at 7am to a 2- after 8+ hours of good sleep. I will blame the 2-on the weather and the fact that I couldn’t get out to get Judi a Birthday present. Yeah, it’s Judi’s BIRTHDAY TODAY. After my am pills and 2 sessions in my chair I’m back here to prepare my post at a 3+, in spite of being overcome with good old Irish GUILT for not getting her a present. My posting today will be another short one, totally concentrating on Judi.
Judi is one of the most politically savvy people I know, even when she’s wrong she’s not afraid to speak up. Maybe that’s why O’bama put some of those "Other Guys" in his cabinet.
The PSU Vikings (Judi is an alum) beat Gonzaga, a highly rated college BB team.
Judi and the other $%^&*()@ seem to favor Glenn Shuck and Labors Community Service Agency, a United Way C. O. that you can designate with your gift.
Just because she forgets stuff sometimes doesn’t mean she has MS by proxy. She was the one that started me on this Blog journey. Instead of a blog, she could have given me a dog, and then where would we be? I must also credit her for sending me the deaf frog,
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Friday, December 26, 2008
It's CLACKAMAS, not Happy Valley !
I awoke this morning at about 7am, after 9+hours of good sleep, to a 2+. Took all my am pills, except my am stay awake pill, I’ll probably be napping most of the day. After 4 sessions in my chair, while watching the end of the Blazer game, I am back here to work on my post, at a 3+. I spoke with brother Marty this morning, and he was playing with his new toy, a GPS guide. I’m thinking, now Joe has another friend that can get lost, but at least He will know where he is. I think these GPS things are a government conspiracy to move us into Happy Valley without a vote. The snow appears to be leaving us, I can now see the BBQ on the back deck, but the igloo is still intact around the patio table.
I received another email from Terry McAuliffe on his campaign for the Governorship of Virginia, and he is looking for help. ($) I do think he would make a fine Governor.
I watched the end of the Blazer game from last night and I came to one conclusion, somebody let the goats free!
Again, Thanks to all those community organizers that have been, and are, giving of themselves this special time.
Barack asked me, so I will ask you. Please donate to your local food bank.
I still hope this snowmelt continues but Judi’s (non birthday party) is cancelled. At least I’ll have time now, maybe, to get her a BD gift.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And they ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get a double-digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping my purchase with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks. Big brown is officially 2 dayS late with our purchase, but I don’t feel bad because of the weather and Peg and Eric have been waiting, over a week, for their Christmas presents, from those other guys.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at about 7am, after 9+hours of good sleep, to a 2+. Took all my am pills, except my am stay awake pill, I’ll probably be napping most of the day. After 4 sessions in my chair, while watching the end of the Blazer game, I am back here to work on my post, at a 3+. I spoke with brother Marty this morning, and he was playing with his new toy, a GPS guide. I’m thinking, now Joe has another friend that can get lost, but at least He will know where he is. I think these GPS things are a government conspiracy to move us into Happy Valley without a vote. The snow appears to be leaving us, I can now see the BBQ on the back deck, but the igloo is still intact around the patio table.
I received another email from Terry McAuliffe on his campaign for the Governorship of Virginia, and he is looking for help. ($) I do think he would make a fine Governor.
I watched the end of the Blazer game from last night and I came to one conclusion, somebody let the goats free!
Again, Thanks to all those community organizers that have been, and are, giving of themselves this special time.
Barack asked me, so I will ask you. Please donate to your local food bank.
I still hope this snowmelt continues but Judi’s (non birthday party) is cancelled. At least I’ll have time now, maybe, to get her a BD gift.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And they ARE working!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get a double-digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping my purchase with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks. Big brown is officially 2 dayS late with our purchase, but I don’t feel bad because of the weather and Peg and Eric have been waiting, over a week, for their Christmas presents, from those other guys.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I awoke this morning at 6am to a 2+ after a good 6/7 hour sleep, without my massager in the bed. After my am pills and 2 Ibuprophen and 1 session in my chair I am back here at my workstation, working on my posting, at a 3+. My attendance in spirit last night, thanks to Harry’s Christmas card, at sister Dannette’s gathering, was a resounding success. They called and sang me some Christmas Carol’s on the phone. They not only entertained Eric and I and others, we both agreed, Samantha, had the best voice. I am not sure how many others joined us last night, but if you did, Samantha was the little pixie with the unicorn in the 2nd slide. I sure hope, God forgives me for missing Mass again, especially on His Birthday. If my blog followers did what I asked yesterday, I am sure He/Her heard from everyone, and all is well, I Thank You.
With 2 more blog followers, I will have enough for a JURY.
30 days left!
The Blazers did pull it off at home, even being as tired, as they must have been. When they win today, on TBS, they are off until next year.
Again, Thanks to all those community organizers that have been, and are, giving of themselves this special time.
I sure hope this snow melt continues so Judi’s (not a birthday party) isn’t adversely effected.
My computer is, again, suffering from MS by proxy, so my postings may be a little sporadic for a while.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And there working!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get a double-digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping my purchase with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks. Big brown is officially 1 day late with our purchase, but I don’t feel bad because of the weather and Peg and Eric have been waiting, over a week, for their Christmas presents, from those other guys.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at 6am to a 2+ after a good 6/7 hour sleep, without my massager in the bed. After my am pills and 2 Ibuprophen and 1 session in my chair I am back here at my workstation, working on my posting, at a 3+. My attendance in spirit last night, thanks to Harry’s Christmas card, at sister Dannette’s gathering, was a resounding success. They called and sang me some Christmas Carol’s on the phone. They not only entertained Eric and I and others, we both agreed, Samantha, had the best voice. I am not sure how many others joined us last night, but if you did, Samantha was the little pixie with the unicorn in the 2nd slide. I sure hope, God forgives me for missing Mass again, especially on His Birthday. If my blog followers did what I asked yesterday, I am sure He/Her heard from everyone, and all is well, I Thank You.
With 2 more blog followers, I will have enough for a JURY.
30 days left!
The Blazers did pull it off at home, even being as tired, as they must have been. When they win today, on TBS, they are off until next year.
Again, Thanks to all those community organizers that have been, and are, giving of themselves this special time.
I sure hope this snow melt continues so Judi’s (not a birthday party) isn’t adversely effected.
My computer is, again, suffering from MS by proxy, so my postings may be a little sporadic for a while.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And there working!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get a double-digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping my purchase with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks. Big brown is officially 1 day late with our purchase, but I don’t feel bad because of the weather and Peg and Eric have been waiting, over a week, for their Christmas presents, from those other guys.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thank You Danni and Christopher !
December 24, 2008
I awoke today at about 4am to a 2+ after about 7 hours of sleep. I want to wish a Merry Christmas Eve to all, especially to my sister Dannette and my nephew Christopher. Danni, because this not only one of her favorite days but she spends so much time and effort to make it special for the rest of us, and Christopher who, like TOO MANY OTHERS has to be away from friends and family on this day. I am in here to compose my posting early at 3+, thanks to 3 Ibuprophen and only 2 chair sessions, to insure everyone is reminded to prepare for my Christmas Eve story telling to night at 8:30pm. Thank you Harry! Won’t you all join me at,
The snow is supposed to start melting tomorrow and I hope everyone can, and has, a happy and MERRY CHRISTMAS! It’s now time for me to start thinking of my New Years Resolutions. Thank You, Peg and Eric for the Turkey and other stuff you got for us yesterday, while you may not be an official “COMMUNITY ORGANIZER” you are both made from the stuff that makes a good community organizer. Welcome new follower,Dan.
My only report today is, my Christmas wish. Keep all our service men and women safe and let us get them home as soon as possible.
I didn’t see the end of the Blazer game last night, so I’ll watch it later, but what I did see of it, even the Blazers are better off at home.
Thanks to all those community organizers that have been, and are, giving of themselves this special time.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And there working!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get a double digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping my purchase with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog………… 8:30pm tonight?
I awoke today at about 4am to a 2+ after about 7 hours of sleep. I want to wish a Merry Christmas Eve to all, especially to my sister Dannette and my nephew Christopher. Danni, because this not only one of her favorite days but she spends so much time and effort to make it special for the rest of us, and Christopher who, like TOO MANY OTHERS has to be away from friends and family on this day. I am in here to compose my posting early at 3+, thanks to 3 Ibuprophen and only 2 chair sessions, to insure everyone is reminded to prepare for my Christmas Eve story telling to night at 8:30pm. Thank you Harry! Won’t you all join me at,
The snow is supposed to start melting tomorrow and I hope everyone can, and has, a happy and MERRY CHRISTMAS! It’s now time for me to start thinking of my New Years Resolutions. Thank You, Peg and Eric for the Turkey and other stuff you got for us yesterday, while you may not be an official “COMMUNITY ORGANIZER” you are both made from the stuff that makes a good community organizer. Welcome new follower,Dan.
My only report today is, my Christmas wish. Keep all our service men and women safe and let us get them home as soon as possible.
I didn’t see the end of the Blazer game last night, so I’ll watch it later, but what I did see of it, even the Blazers are better off at home.
Thanks to all those community organizers that have been, and are, giving of themselves this special time.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And there working!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get a double digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping my purchase with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog………… 8:30pm tonight?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Jimmy Carter and Habitat for HUMANITY
I awoke this morning at about 4am to a 2-, after rolling out of bed and making my way to the kitchen I took 2 tylenol and settled in my chair for 4 or 5 massages and watched some Cspan, CNN, NWCN and the sad ending of last nights Blazer game. I am back here starting my post at least at a 3. I did get an email response from nephew Christopher, he is in southern California protecting me, and all my readers, and he won’t be home for Christmas to the annual family gathering at my sisters. I won’t be there also, but my reason is just weather related.
CNN’s John Roberts and Alisa Cho had a good interview relating to the Bernie Madoff ponzi scam, they left it with, “How could this Happen”? Having my own experiences with a man named Grayson over a decade ago I think I could shed some light on it. On the C-span call in show they were ditzing Barack for having that anti gay “Minister” involved in the inauguration. I won’t say the callers that responded were people with MS, or even had MS by proxy, but I do think most of them had holes in their brain.
I’m not going to blame the rookie ref for the results of the Blazer game last night, although the ref’s deserve it, I’m not going to blame the weather even though the trip to Denver appeared to wear down the team, I’m going to blame Rebecca Harlow for jinxing them by wearing Denver Blue on the sidelines.
Habitat for Humanity and Loves and Fishes are spotlighted today. Loves and Fishes because within 3 hours of them announcing they were short of drivers because of the weather, People responded and they got enough drivers. And OPB had a special on Jimmy and Roselyn Carter and their work with Habitat for Humanity and it was awesome.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get a double digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping my purchase with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at about 4am to a 2-, after rolling out of bed and making my way to the kitchen I took 2 tylenol and settled in my chair for 4 or 5 massages and watched some Cspan, CNN, NWCN and the sad ending of last nights Blazer game. I am back here starting my post at least at a 3. I did get an email response from nephew Christopher, he is in southern California protecting me, and all my readers, and he won’t be home for Christmas to the annual family gathering at my sisters. I won’t be there also, but my reason is just weather related.
CNN’s John Roberts and Alisa Cho had a good interview relating to the Bernie Madoff ponzi scam, they left it with, “How could this Happen”? Having my own experiences with a man named Grayson over a decade ago I think I could shed some light on it. On the C-span call in show they were ditzing Barack for having that anti gay “Minister” involved in the inauguration. I won’t say the callers that responded were people with MS, or even had MS by proxy, but I do think most of them had holes in their brain.
I’m not going to blame the rookie ref for the results of the Blazer game last night, although the ref’s deserve it, I’m not going to blame the weather even though the trip to Denver appeared to wear down the team, I’m going to blame Rebecca Harlow for jinxing them by wearing Denver Blue on the sidelines.
Habitat for Humanity and Loves and Fishes are spotlighted today. Loves and Fishes because within 3 hours of them announcing they were short of drivers because of the weather, People responded and they got enough drivers. And OPB had a special on Jimmy and Roselyn Carter and their work with Habitat for Humanity and it was awesome.
Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get a double digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping my purchase with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Monday, December 22, 2008
Storm preemptions !
I awoke this morning at about 8am to a 2+ after about 10 to 12 good hours of sleep. I will say that it was due to my 3 friends the Ibuprophen brothers which sacrificed themselves to save my last big friend, 25mg, Booyah! After checking the back deck snow level, which was almost over the patio table, I took my am pills and removed myself to my lazy boy and watched the news coverage of the “Storm”. While watching TV yesterday, thank goodness, the only show not preempted by the “Storm” coverage was football. To bad I was out of the FFB playoffs. Both of my QB’s, one receiver, my kicker and at least one RB did have good days. My short and early posting today is because I am anticipating a power outage today. I did check on family members yesterday and, so far, everyone seems to be weathering the storm. I will be trying to post at around 10am at a 3+.
Storm preempted!
Storm preempted!
I did see Portland’s Mayor Elect SAM, and the new Commissioner elect, touting various Community Organizations yesterday in the various Storm coverage’s, Booyah!
Unless I finally get my 25mg pills before Christmas Eve it’s pretty doughtfull I will even make my sisters Christmas Eve dinner. I will be just as disappointed as my grand niece.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get into a double digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping it with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
And thanks again Harry for the electronic Christmas card, I hope all I shared it with gets it.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at about 8am to a 2+ after about 10 to 12 good hours of sleep. I will say that it was due to my 3 friends the Ibuprophen brothers which sacrificed themselves to save my last big friend, 25mg, Booyah! After checking the back deck snow level, which was almost over the patio table, I took my am pills and removed myself to my lazy boy and watched the news coverage of the “Storm”. While watching TV yesterday, thank goodness, the only show not preempted by the “Storm” coverage was football. To bad I was out of the FFB playoffs. Both of my QB’s, one receiver, my kicker and at least one RB did have good days. My short and early posting today is because I am anticipating a power outage today. I did check on family members yesterday and, so far, everyone seems to be weathering the storm. I will be trying to post at around 10am at a 3+.
Storm preempted!
Storm preempted!
I did see Portland’s Mayor Elect SAM, and the new Commissioner elect, touting various Community Organizations yesterday in the various Storm coverage’s, Booyah!
Unless I finally get my 25mg pills before Christmas Eve it’s pretty doughtfull I will even make my sisters Christmas Eve dinner. I will be just as disappointed as my grand niece.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get into a double digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping it with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
And thanks again Harry for the electronic Christmas card, I hope all I shared it with gets it.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Does Obama take his oath of office on the Koran ?
I awoke this morning at about 3am to a 2-, after 2 massage sessions in my bed I managed to wiggle out and get to my massage chair long enough to get 4/5 more from my lazy boy. After I looked outside at the back deck and saw at least 2’ of snow, about 5:30AM, I text brother Marty to let him know I was up and around. He replied immediately and I phoned him and gave him the scoop on my situation. My gooood buddy Joe called last night just before bed to see how I was doing. I felt good enough last night to actually watch a movie all the way through till the end, Thanks for the loan Peg and Eric. It was called the Dark Knight, that last Batman movie, and I would highly recommend it. It kept me awake even though I only took a 5mg oxycodone. I also saw that sister Danni called, but I haven’t returned that call yet. Because it was only a 5mg, I think that’s why I only slept till 3am and woke to a 2-. The ones I reordered, last Wednesday, before my dive were 25mg and it was evident to me, at least, they only gave me 3, 5mg ones in the Kaiser Emergency room Wednesday night. I think Kaiser deserves, a stern letter to follow, as it is Sunday morning and I’m still waiting. I have one 25mg left but I will wait till bedtime tonight to use it. After my dive Wednesday, I have been monitoring my Blood pressure every few hours and I finally got one this morning that has me back to where my Kaiser Primary care Doctor likes it, so it’s probably good I’m not watching the talking heads this morning. It’s definitely a short post today, but I am here at almost a 3.
While I am sure O’Bama is receiving much grief over his pick of someone to administer his oath of office, at least the real crazies, may, stop saying he is taking it on the Koran; probably not!
I am taping the Sunday morning talking heads right now, so I don’t have much of a POLITICAL report for today.
I did watch the Ducks, Pilots, BB game this morning, in my spare time, and I really think the Pilots got homered. Sorry, all you Ducks fans out there.
All you can do, is what you can do, just do all you can do!
Unless I finally get my 25mg pills before Christmas Eve it’s pretty doughtfull I will even make my sisters Christmas Eve dinner. And I will be just as disappointed as my grand niece.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get into a double digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping it with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at about 3am to a 2-, after 2 massage sessions in my bed I managed to wiggle out and get to my massage chair long enough to get 4/5 more from my lazy boy. After I looked outside at the back deck and saw at least 2’ of snow, about 5:30AM, I text brother Marty to let him know I was up and around. He replied immediately and I phoned him and gave him the scoop on my situation. My gooood buddy Joe called last night just before bed to see how I was doing. I felt good enough last night to actually watch a movie all the way through till the end, Thanks for the loan Peg and Eric. It was called the Dark Knight, that last Batman movie, and I would highly recommend it. It kept me awake even though I only took a 5mg oxycodone. I also saw that sister Danni called, but I haven’t returned that call yet. Because it was only a 5mg, I think that’s why I only slept till 3am and woke to a 2-. The ones I reordered, last Wednesday, before my dive were 25mg and it was evident to me, at least, they only gave me 3, 5mg ones in the Kaiser Emergency room Wednesday night. I think Kaiser deserves, a stern letter to follow, as it is Sunday morning and I’m still waiting. I have one 25mg left but I will wait till bedtime tonight to use it. After my dive Wednesday, I have been monitoring my Blood pressure every few hours and I finally got one this morning that has me back to where my Kaiser Primary care Doctor likes it, so it’s probably good I’m not watching the talking heads this morning. It’s definitely a short post today, but I am here at almost a 3.
While I am sure O’Bama is receiving much grief over his pick of someone to administer his oath of office, at least the real crazies, may, stop saying he is taking it on the Koran; probably not!
I am taping the Sunday morning talking heads right now, so I don’t have much of a POLITICAL report for today.
I did watch the Ducks, Pilots, BB game this morning, in my spare time, and I really think the Pilots got homered. Sorry, all you Ducks fans out there.
All you can do, is what you can do, just do all you can do!
Unless I finally get my 25mg pills before Christmas Eve it’s pretty doughtfull I will even make my sisters Christmas Eve dinner. And I will be just as disappointed as my grand niece.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get into a double digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping it with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Bobbie missed me !
I awoke at 5:30am to a 2+ this morning after a good 10 hours+ of sleep. The frustration of 1 finger typing is going to really shorten my postings. In case you haven’t noticed I do a lot of cut and paste, which should help.
That CNBC Kudlow is still a jerk and so is that Erin Burnett.
Cousin Jim did text me last night about the Montana football game but I did not have enough time to sacrifice a goat and when I finally did tune in, just before half time, they were down by 3 touchdowns.
No matter what Bill O’Rieley says, I say celebrate Hanukah, Kwanza or whatever you want, including Christmas.
Pay it forward.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have too be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get into a double digit commission. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke at 5:30am to a 2+ this morning after a good 10 hours+ of sleep. The frustration of 1 finger typing is going to really shorten my postings. In case you haven’t noticed I do a lot of cut and paste, which should help.
That CNBC Kudlow is still a jerk and so is that Erin Burnett.
Cousin Jim did text me last night about the Montana football game but I did not have enough time to sacrifice a goat and when I finally did tune in, just before half time, they were down by 3 touchdowns.
No matter what Bill O’Rieley says, I say celebrate Hanukah, Kwanza or whatever you want, including Christmas.
Pay it forward.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have too be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get into a double digit commission. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Friday, December 19, 2008
I awoke this morning, the 2nd time, about 3am to 2-. The 2- was due in large part to spending late yesterday afternoon and early evening at Kaiser Sunnyside. I took a dive in the driveway and cracked my head and picked up an asphalt burn on my left hand. I am now a one-fingered bloger as I have a soft cast on my left fore arm and 16 stitches in my head and a nice raspberry on my right knee.. Kaiser was kind enough to treat me to 5 or 6 x-rays and 3 or four cat scans. By the way, it was not the snow or ice, it was the 45% incline of my driveway. Brother Marty and Kelli were kind enough to meet us there and give us a ride home shortly after the snow flurries started, Thanks again, both of you. My massage chair 3 times an hour and 2 oxycodone since 3am and I’ve been able to come back here to post this SHORT blog. Sorry I thought I already posted this morning, Thanks Mike.
I, like many it appears, am concerned over some of O’Bamas appointments. Larry Kudlow on CNBC is a jerk.
Roy gets 50 and the Blazers pulled it off last night.
Just over 300 words and it’s time for bed.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, Boy do we all need them!
And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning, the 2nd time, about 3am to 2-. The 2- was due in large part to spending late yesterday afternoon and early evening at Kaiser Sunnyside. I took a dive in the driveway and cracked my head and picked up an asphalt burn on my left hand. I am now a one-fingered bloger as I have a soft cast on my left fore arm and 16 stitches in my head and a nice raspberry on my right knee.. Kaiser was kind enough to treat me to 5 or 6 x-rays and 3 or four cat scans. By the way, it was not the snow or ice, it was the 45% incline of my driveway. Brother Marty and Kelli were kind enough to meet us there and give us a ride home shortly after the snow flurries started, Thanks again, both of you. My massage chair 3 times an hour and 2 oxycodone since 3am and I’ve been able to come back here to post this SHORT blog. Sorry I thought I already posted this morning, Thanks Mike.
I, like many it appears, am concerned over some of O’Bamas appointments. Larry Kudlow on CNBC is a jerk.
Roy gets 50 and the Blazers pulled it off last night.
Just over 300 words and it’s time for bed.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, Boy do we all need them!
And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Volume is the key !
I awoke this morning at about 7:15am to a 3, after 8+ hours of good sleep. I took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair. After catching a little Cspan and CNBC, reports to follow, I am at my workstation to prepare my post at a 3+. I checked the deck to see what was happening weather wise and the Thermometer was at about 35 degree’s, much of the snow was gone and the streets outside looked clear but wet. Then about 8:30am there was a brief snow flurry and the thermometer was below freezing (31 degrees +-). My first check of the DOW showed it up slightly, and OIL and GAS were down a little. With the actions that OPEC took yesterday we’ll have to see how far gas futures get over $1.00. I think the DOW will flirt with four eights again today.
On Cspan and CNBC they were showing the O’bama press conference where he was introducing his proposed financial team (subject to Senate confirmation) and even Kudlow appeared optimistic. I guess because one of the three being introduced was from Goldman Sacks.
Rachel Maddow had the Senator from Michigan on last night, and while he is committed to continuing his investigation of the Vice President, both she and I think someone (Bush-Cheney) should be going to jail.
Cspan also had a writer on talking about his new book, “Andrew Jackson, the American Lion”? When I get the right authors name and book title I will be recommending it for you all. Having a pro-organized labor man in the white house has made my local union election votes even tougher. But in any case I will be voting soon.
The Blazers are scheduled to play Phoenix tonight (weather permitting) but I haven’t seen yet if it was to be televised. They sure did a good job honoring Terry on Tuesday and they are supposed to be retiring the Bobby Gross Jersey tonight. He sure was a joy to watch also.
Based on the weather we are having, I am sure they are all busy doing the Lords work today.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
I actually made a purchase fom the Amazon link. It was relatively easy, and our commision was just over a dollar. We don't get much return, so we need volume! ;-)
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at about 7:15am to a 3, after 8+ hours of good sleep. I took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair. After catching a little Cspan and CNBC, reports to follow, I am at my workstation to prepare my post at a 3+. I checked the deck to see what was happening weather wise and the Thermometer was at about 35 degree’s, much of the snow was gone and the streets outside looked clear but wet. Then about 8:30am there was a brief snow flurry and the thermometer was below freezing (31 degrees +-). My first check of the DOW showed it up slightly, and OIL and GAS were down a little. With the actions that OPEC took yesterday we’ll have to see how far gas futures get over $1.00. I think the DOW will flirt with four eights again today.
On Cspan and CNBC they were showing the O’bama press conference where he was introducing his proposed financial team (subject to Senate confirmation) and even Kudlow appeared optimistic. I guess because one of the three being introduced was from Goldman Sacks.
Rachel Maddow had the Senator from Michigan on last night, and while he is committed to continuing his investigation of the Vice President, both she and I think someone (Bush-Cheney) should be going to jail.
Cspan also had a writer on talking about his new book, “Andrew Jackson, the American Lion”? When I get the right authors name and book title I will be recommending it for you all. Having a pro-organized labor man in the white house has made my local union election votes even tougher. But in any case I will be voting soon.
The Blazers are scheduled to play Phoenix tonight (weather permitting) but I haven’t seen yet if it was to be televised. They sure did a good job honoring Terry on Tuesday and they are supposed to be retiring the Bobby Gross Jersey tonight. He sure was a joy to watch also.
Based on the weather we are having, I am sure they are all busy doing the Lords work today.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
I actually made a purchase fom the Amazon link. It was relatively easy, and our commision was just over a dollar. We don't get much return, so we need volume! ;-)
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Crystal !
I awoke this morning at about 6:15am, took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair. I am in the back starting on my blog posting at a 3 plus, even with all the crap, yesterday and today so far. I spent last evening trying to arrange transportation to my Dr. appointment this morning without any luck. I tried again this morning, but with the weather warnings being televised I had no luck today either, so I cancelled. Right after I cancelled my brother Marty called to see if I needed a ride. Not any more. Based on the time I had to wait for this appointment I probably am looking at a reschedule for sometime in February or March. I did hear from cousin Dan today, the Lawyer with that prestigious Seattle Law firm and he will be down for Christmas, Good Lord Willing and the creek don’t freeze and we may be able to revisit my Social Security disability claim. After all, I don’t think even McDonalds would hire me now. He also told me he was an occasional blog reader. When I last checked the DOW it was down and hovering around 8,888 and OIL was still under $50.00 a barrel, which put gas at $1.05+. The snow didn’t really start flying until after 11am so I really won’t be able to capitalize on all those 8’s and get a new Power ball with the right numbers, Oh well.
I am not an AFSME member, but I did get an email announcement that Terry Macaulef is considering running for Governor of Virginia. I forwarded it off to Botkin and Maria, as I felt they would be especially interested. Good luck Terry. I also caught a little bit of an Energy Seminar in Houston on Cspan and they are now blaming the lack of apprentices for the length of the “Recession”.
The Blazers sure looked good last night, Oden was awesome, and so was Roy!
I spoke with my uncle and aunt in Montana last night. I congratulated Uncle Hank for being a published contributor for the Internationally renowned AOH Newspaper and told him of our attendance at the reception for the President of Ireland. All their family was doing well but Dorothy did say she was tired of the cold. I also invited Hank to visit my blog.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at about 6:15am, took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair. I am in the back starting on my blog posting at a 3 plus, even with all the crap, yesterday and today so far. I spent last evening trying to arrange transportation to my Dr. appointment this morning without any luck. I tried again this morning, but with the weather warnings being televised I had no luck today either, so I cancelled. Right after I cancelled my brother Marty called to see if I needed a ride. Not any more. Based on the time I had to wait for this appointment I probably am looking at a reschedule for sometime in February or March. I did hear from cousin Dan today, the Lawyer with that prestigious Seattle Law firm and he will be down for Christmas, Good Lord Willing and the creek don’t freeze and we may be able to revisit my Social Security disability claim. After all, I don’t think even McDonalds would hire me now. He also told me he was an occasional blog reader. When I last checked the DOW it was down and hovering around 8,888 and OIL was still under $50.00 a barrel, which put gas at $1.05+. The snow didn’t really start flying until after 11am so I really won’t be able to capitalize on all those 8’s and get a new Power ball with the right numbers, Oh well.
I am not an AFSME member, but I did get an email announcement that Terry Macaulef is considering running for Governor of Virginia. I forwarded it off to Botkin and Maria, as I felt they would be especially interested. Good luck Terry. I also caught a little bit of an Energy Seminar in Houston on Cspan and they are now blaming the lack of apprentices for the length of the “Recession”.
The Blazers sure looked good last night, Oden was awesome, and so was Roy!
I spoke with my uncle and aunt in Montana last night. I congratulated Uncle Hank for being a published contributor for the Internationally renowned AOH Newspaper and told him of our attendance at the reception for the President of Ireland. All their family was doing well but Dorothy did say she was tired of the cold. I also invited Hank to visit my blog.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
527 or C4 ?
I awoke this morning to a 3-. After taking my am pills, 2 sessions in my chair and a short check of the talking heads and CNBC I am back here at my workstation feeling 3+. I did head to bed early last night, about 8pm after getting my new Power Ball and keno tickets from Peg and Eric, Thank You both. At about 11pm I had to make a trip to the BR (thanks to my esidrix) and I had developed a NASTY headache. And no Doc, I did not take a regulated substance to alleviate it, but I do think it was the reason for waking to a 3- this morning. I did have an appointment this morning with my NCA, but, thanks to a call from his office manager we rescheduled for next week, Thank you Nellie. I have an appointment scheduled with my MS doctor at Kaiser and both Judi and I were going to get a fasting blood test tomorrow but based on the weather reports, that trip is also pretty iffy. I really hate having to depend on someone else to drive me if I choose to go anywhere, Oh well. I still feel really bad about not making Darlene’s function Sunday. I tried to catch Suzanne Monday to apologize but I had no luck. If any of you readers happen to talk to her, tell her I would still like to talk to her, and or Darlene. I talked to my buddy, Brother Joe, last night, and he really wasn’t pissed after my card party, he was just lost. I also haven’t heard from MS friend Mary to see if she took, and felt, the Supplements I gave her? Maybe brother Joe should try some?
Watching CNBC this morning, all the talking heads were ditzing that Bernie Maddow guy for his Ponzi scheme. Apparently Bernie “Made off” with some of their money”! Apparently, also, the Dow is trying to recover from the “Trust” that He lost them. At first check this morning the DOW was up 78+ points and gas was back down to $ 1.03.
While I was watching C-Span yesterday, they had an interesting televised report on an event taking place at the Newseum in Washington D.C. The moderator was from fact and they showed 2 panels. One was a panel of 4 representatives from liberal organizations involved in the last election cycle. With one panel of 2, from Conservative Organizations. AFSME was well represented on the Liberal panel and the Republican Party was represented by the chairman of their PAC a man named Scott Wheeler, and the head of an “independent” Political organization, Ed Patru, a man and organization we should be familiar with around here called “Freedom Watch”. Patru doesn’t look like Bill Sizemore, but I’m sure they have taken some classes together. Patru did also brag that, while they had to report $30M in expenditures, they did spend a lot more. Patru wanted his organization to continue past the election cycle, because they have so much more to do. He doesn’t want his organization to go away, like the swift boaters did after they finished with Kerry. He was so proud of their “issue” campaign this fall in Oregon, He said their campaign was against the card check legislation, not for Smith and against Merkley. Bull&*$! It appeared the only differences between them were, one was a C4 and one was a 527.
I have challenged my readers to a putting contest, to culminate at the 2009 BULL SESSION Tournament, $ 500.00 to be shared between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. I know I won’t be as big a draw as those lovely young lady volunteers we had in the past, but I’m not offering myself as an only option, just another option.
Now based on what Patru said, we still have a need for more, and stronger Community Organizations. I’m still going to see if I can get any AOH members to check on my blog.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And, a special thanks again, Toto.
I was really surprised that both Keith and Rachel, when reviewing the “shoe ducking”, of the lame duck, on last nights show missed an opportunity to point out the time it took for the Secret Service to get to the President after the second shoe was hurled?
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks; does this it sound like I’m a Walmart greeter? Cause I would never……
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning to a 3-. After taking my am pills, 2 sessions in my chair and a short check of the talking heads and CNBC I am back here at my workstation feeling 3+. I did head to bed early last night, about 8pm after getting my new Power Ball and keno tickets from Peg and Eric, Thank You both. At about 11pm I had to make a trip to the BR (thanks to my esidrix) and I had developed a NASTY headache. And no Doc, I did not take a regulated substance to alleviate it, but I do think it was the reason for waking to a 3- this morning. I did have an appointment this morning with my NCA, but, thanks to a call from his office manager we rescheduled for next week, Thank you Nellie. I have an appointment scheduled with my MS doctor at Kaiser and both Judi and I were going to get a fasting blood test tomorrow but based on the weather reports, that trip is also pretty iffy. I really hate having to depend on someone else to drive me if I choose to go anywhere, Oh well. I still feel really bad about not making Darlene’s function Sunday. I tried to catch Suzanne Monday to apologize but I had no luck. If any of you readers happen to talk to her, tell her I would still like to talk to her, and or Darlene. I talked to my buddy, Brother Joe, last night, and he really wasn’t pissed after my card party, he was just lost. I also haven’t heard from MS friend Mary to see if she took, and felt, the Supplements I gave her? Maybe brother Joe should try some?
Watching CNBC this morning, all the talking heads were ditzing that Bernie Maddow guy for his Ponzi scheme. Apparently Bernie “Made off” with some of their money”! Apparently, also, the Dow is trying to recover from the “Trust” that He lost them. At first check this morning the DOW was up 78+ points and gas was back down to $ 1.03.
While I was watching C-Span yesterday, they had an interesting televised report on an event taking place at the Newseum in Washington D.C. The moderator was from fact and they showed 2 panels. One was a panel of 4 representatives from liberal organizations involved in the last election cycle. With one panel of 2, from Conservative Organizations. AFSME was well represented on the Liberal panel and the Republican Party was represented by the chairman of their PAC a man named Scott Wheeler, and the head of an “independent” Political organization, Ed Patru, a man and organization we should be familiar with around here called “Freedom Watch”. Patru doesn’t look like Bill Sizemore, but I’m sure they have taken some classes together. Patru did also brag that, while they had to report $30M in expenditures, they did spend a lot more. Patru wanted his organization to continue past the election cycle, because they have so much more to do. He doesn’t want his organization to go away, like the swift boaters did after they finished with Kerry. He was so proud of their “issue” campaign this fall in Oregon, He said their campaign was against the card check legislation, not for Smith and against Merkley. Bull&*$! It appeared the only differences between them were, one was a C4 and one was a 527.
I have challenged my readers to a putting contest, to culminate at the 2009 BULL SESSION Tournament, $ 500.00 to be shared between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. I know I won’t be as big a draw as those lovely young lady volunteers we had in the past, but I’m not offering myself as an only option, just another option.
Now based on what Patru said, we still have a need for more, and stronger Community Organizations. I’m still going to see if I can get any AOH members to check on my blog.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!
And, a special thanks again, Toto.
I was really surprised that both Keith and Rachel, when reviewing the “shoe ducking”, of the lame duck, on last nights show missed an opportunity to point out the time it took for the Secret Service to get to the President after the second shoe was hurled?
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks; does this it sound like I’m a Walmart greeter? Cause I would never……
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Monday, December 15, 2008
Does FOX also control CNBC ?
I awoke today at about 7:15am to a 3+. I took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair while watching the latest news on c-span, NWCN and CNBC. I don’t have any “talking heads” to report on from yesterday, as everyone seemed to be preempted with the storm coverage. My report from the “heights” up here in NW Clackamas County is “it’s frickin cold and we have snow, around 6+ inches”. Judi took pictures and is going to try to send them to Maria in Georgia. If she gets it done she will have to tell Maria’s girls the Leprechaun’s in the chimney are complaining, but I left a little “Dew” to keep them warm.
I sure hope Sister Mary’s flight back to Limerick went well.
I was surprised this morning to see that some people did traverse the streets outside though.
I checked yesterday with brothers Mike and Marty and my sister Danni and everyone seemed to be doing ok.
At first glance, the DOW was down over 50 points and OIL and GAS were up, Oil still below $ 50.00 a barrel and GAS just over $ 1.10. Just before posting today I checked in on CNBC to catch Erin Burnett’s rant against the UAW and I thought I hit the wrong channel. She was really trying to make the point that they (CNBC) were also fair and balanced, and the big, bad UAW was destroying the American Economic “Free Enterprise” System. I can’t believe she is on the same network as Keith and Rachel. After listening to the talking heads the last few weeks I have finally figured out what the free enterprise system is. What I want (WALL STREET) should be free, and what you want (American Worker) you should pay for! I’m sure glad I checked my blood pressure before I watched that exchange.
I did also watch 60 minutes last night and their interview with Barney Frank. He is still an all star, as far as I’m concerned. CNBC was also reporting on the “Ponzi Scheme”, perpetrated by that Madoff guy.
It brought back memories of the Capital Consultants scam of the early 90’s for me.
I wonder about 2 things, 1, did he attend any of the federally sponsored “seminars”, with Jeff Grayson as the investment Guru?
And number 2, what are the names of his sons?
C-span was reporting on some of the statewide Electoral College votes being taken today.
I did, I think, sign up for the 4 week Playoff FFB game.
I am also going to challenge my readers to a putting contest, to culminate at the 2009 BULL SESSION Tournament. $500.00 to be shared between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. I Know I won’t be as big a draw as those lovely young lady volunteers we had in the past, but I’m not offering myself as the only option, just another option.
Based on what the Senate did Thursday, the need for more, and stronger Community Organizations is now paramount. I’m also going to see if I can get any AOH members to check on my blog.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and, it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke today at about 7:15am to a 3+. I took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair while watching the latest news on c-span, NWCN and CNBC. I don’t have any “talking heads” to report on from yesterday, as everyone seemed to be preempted with the storm coverage. My report from the “heights” up here in NW Clackamas County is “it’s frickin cold and we have snow, around 6+ inches”. Judi took pictures and is going to try to send them to Maria in Georgia. If she gets it done she will have to tell Maria’s girls the Leprechaun’s in the chimney are complaining, but I left a little “Dew” to keep them warm.
I sure hope Sister Mary’s flight back to Limerick went well.
I was surprised this morning to see that some people did traverse the streets outside though.
I checked yesterday with brothers Mike and Marty and my sister Danni and everyone seemed to be doing ok.
At first glance, the DOW was down over 50 points and OIL and GAS were up, Oil still below $ 50.00 a barrel and GAS just over $ 1.10. Just before posting today I checked in on CNBC to catch Erin Burnett’s rant against the UAW and I thought I hit the wrong channel. She was really trying to make the point that they (CNBC) were also fair and balanced, and the big, bad UAW was destroying the American Economic “Free Enterprise” System. I can’t believe she is on the same network as Keith and Rachel. After listening to the talking heads the last few weeks I have finally figured out what the free enterprise system is. What I want (WALL STREET) should be free, and what you want (American Worker) you should pay for! I’m sure glad I checked my blood pressure before I watched that exchange.
I did also watch 60 minutes last night and their interview with Barney Frank. He is still an all star, as far as I’m concerned. CNBC was also reporting on the “Ponzi Scheme”, perpetrated by that Madoff guy.
It brought back memories of the Capital Consultants scam of the early 90’s for me.
I wonder about 2 things, 1, did he attend any of the federally sponsored “seminars”, with Jeff Grayson as the investment Guru?
And number 2, what are the names of his sons?
C-span was reporting on some of the statewide Electoral College votes being taken today.
I did, I think, sign up for the 4 week Playoff FFB game.
I am also going to challenge my readers to a putting contest, to culminate at the 2009 BULL SESSION Tournament. $500.00 to be shared between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. I Know I won’t be as big a draw as those lovely young lady volunteers we had in the past, but I’m not offering myself as the only option, just another option.
Based on what the Senate did Thursday, the need for more, and stronger Community Organizations is now paramount. I’m also going to see if I can get any AOH members to check on my blog.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and, it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Sunday, December 14, 2008
This short because I couldn't edit the original post.............MS by proxy, I guess.
Beware: Sister Mary spoke to me !
I awoke this morning at about 8:15am to a 3+, after a real good nights sleep of 8 plus hours. I’ll attribute my good nights sleep, and my 3+ wake up to the last thing I saw on TV in bed last night. After I situated all my pillows, to limit my twisting and turning, I turned on the channel 6 news and they were announcing the Power ball numbers and I got a glance. In my quick glance I did see 2 of my numbers. In the dream I could remember, I do not recall visions of “sugar plums” or dreams of winning the lottery, but……
When I checked this morning I did win $4.00.
After we arose, and checked the back deck, we saw that the snow level was over an inch already and it was falling still.
I Tvoed all the talking heads show this morning but everything was preempted by the snow news.
I did manage to make it to the AOH reception at the Embassy Suites yesterday. And while I’ve been reporting I thought it was a reception for the Governor General of Ireland, it was actually a reception for the President of Ireland.
While my legs were driving me crazy in the crowd, my 290 Brother, Bill McNicholas did commandeer a seat for me and I did not have to strike anyone with my cane.
I was fortunate enough to sit next to a “Retired” Nun from Central Catholic high school. We did have a good conversation though. While Joey did not make it to the reception there were still a lot of Harrington’s there. In her speech, the President made the comment that she first went to Seattle and was amazed to see that so many people took the trip and attended from Portland, after all, that was a similar distance to the distance from Dublin to Galway.
She also pointed out that there was a delegation in Seattle from Butte Montana, after which we all gave her a resounding round of applause.
While I could not navigate the reception line to meet her personally, I did get to see some old friends as they passed me by.
While I did not get a chance to get all the skinny from Sister Mary or Father Murphy about the Pauley’s or any other graduates that may be a reader, I did get to tell her I was in Montana when North burned down. Fear not faithful readers, Sister Mary is heading home to Ireland this week, so I won’t be getting ALL the skinny!
While my FFB team did not make the playoffs, we did finish in 1st place but lost we out because of the tie breaker. After that and watching the Blazers lose in double overtime, I guess we DID need one more goat sacrificed.
Based on what the Senate did Thursday, the need for more, and stronger Community Organizations is now paramount. I'm thinking I should start reporting on the AOH here?
Sister Danni told me this morning that nephew Chris got to Barstow ok. Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; We now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost.
Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at about 8:15am to a 3+, after a real good nights sleep of 8 plus hours. I’ll attribute my good nights sleep, and my 3+ wake up to the last thing I saw on TV in bed last night. After I situated all my pillows, to limit my twisting and turning, I turned on the channel 6 news and they were announcing the Power ball numbers and I got a glance. In my quick glance I did see 2 of my numbers. In the dream I could remember, I do not recall visions of “sugar plums” or dreams of winning the lottery, but……
When I checked this morning I did win $4.00.
After we arose, and checked the back deck, we saw that the snow level was over an inch already and it was falling still.
I Tvoed all the talking heads show this morning but everything was preempted by the snow news.
I did manage to make it to the AOH reception at the Embassy Suites yesterday. And while I’ve been reporting I thought it was a reception for the Governor General of Ireland, it was actually a reception for the President of Ireland.
While my legs were driving me crazy in the crowd, my 290 Brother, Bill McNicholas did commandeer a seat for me and I did not have to strike anyone with my cane.
I was fortunate enough to sit next to a “Retired” Nun from Central Catholic high school. We did have a good conversation though. While Joey did not make it to the reception there were still a lot of Harrington’s there. In her speech, the President made the comment that she first went to Seattle and was amazed to see that so many people took the trip and attended from Portland, after all, that was a similar distance to the distance from Dublin to Galway.
She also pointed out that there was a delegation in Seattle from Butte Montana, after which we all gave her a resounding round of applause.
While I could not navigate the reception line to meet her personally, I did get to see some old friends as they passed me by.
While I did not get a chance to get all the skinny from Sister Mary or Father Murphy about the Pauley’s or any other graduates that may be a reader, I did get to tell her I was in Montana when North burned down. Fear not faithful readers, Sister Mary is heading home to Ireland this week, so I won’t be getting ALL the skinny!
While my FFB team did not make the playoffs, we did finish in 1st place but lost we out because of the tie breaker. After that and watching the Blazers lose in double overtime, I guess we DID need one more goat sacrificed.
Based on what the Senate did Thursday, the need for more, and stronger Community Organizations is now paramount. I'm thinking I should start reporting on the AOH here?
Sister Danni told me this morning that nephew Chris got to Barstow ok. Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And thanks, again Toto.
Remember; We now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost.
Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Happy "Wally Mehrens Day" !
I awoke this morning at 8am to a 3-. I took my am pills and had 3 sessions in my chair. It was a rough night for muscle spasms, but I’m in here to post at a 3+. I missed the dedication of the AOH Celtic Cross at Mt. Calvary Cemetery this morning, but we are still going to try to make the reception for the Governor General later today. We may need a goat sacrifice to keep the snow away for tonight and Darlene’s reception tomorrow. I lost Buddha Bobby as a follower and I’m now back down to 9 followers.
I’ve got my ballot, for my local election and there are a few names from below the 45th parallel that I don’t recognize, so hopefully a reader or two can fill me in.
A few years ago the Governor proclaimed a statewide "Wally Mehrens Day". I am still celebrating it; is that wrong? It's comming up!
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope Cheney was right Thursday, when he told the Republican Caucus, if they voted against the Auto Loan bill, the Republicans would be out of power for a generation.
Putting the fate of the Economy in the hands of George W. and Henry Paulsen is too much of a gamble as far as I’m concerned.
I’ve reset my FFB lineup, even though I don’t think I have a game because of the playoffs. I guess I’ll just have to continue rooting for the Blazers, and the way they are playing, I think it is safe to let the goats out.
Based on what the Senate did Thursday, the need for more, and stronger Community Organizations is now paramount.
Sister Danni told me this morning that nephew Chris got to Barstow ok.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And thanks, again Toto.
I hope you all noticed the change in my blog cover page. We now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost.
Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at 8am to a 3-. I took my am pills and had 3 sessions in my chair. It was a rough night for muscle spasms, but I’m in here to post at a 3+. I missed the dedication of the AOH Celtic Cross at Mt. Calvary Cemetery this morning, but we are still going to try to make the reception for the Governor General later today. We may need a goat sacrifice to keep the snow away for tonight and Darlene’s reception tomorrow. I lost Buddha Bobby as a follower and I’m now back down to 9 followers.
I’ve got my ballot, for my local election and there are a few names from below the 45th parallel that I don’t recognize, so hopefully a reader or two can fill me in.
A few years ago the Governor proclaimed a statewide "Wally Mehrens Day". I am still celebrating it; is that wrong? It's comming up!
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope Cheney was right Thursday, when he told the Republican Caucus, if they voted against the Auto Loan bill, the Republicans would be out of power for a generation.
Putting the fate of the Economy in the hands of George W. and Henry Paulsen is too much of a gamble as far as I’m concerned.
I’ve reset my FFB lineup, even though I don’t think I have a game because of the playoffs. I guess I’ll just have to continue rooting for the Blazers, and the way they are playing, I think it is safe to let the goats out.
Based on what the Senate did Thursday, the need for more, and stronger Community Organizations is now paramount.
Sister Danni told me this morning that nephew Chris got to Barstow ok.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! And thanks, again Toto.
I hope you all noticed the change in my blog cover page. We now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost.
Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Friday, December 12, 2008
Holiday Greetings ?
I awoke this morning at about 5:30am to a 3, took my am pills and had 1 session in my chair. Tuned into c-span, cnbc and watched the channel 2 news while getting the massage from my chair. I came into my “office” to post at a 3+.
The talking heads were blaming the unions for not agreeing to more wage concessions for the failure of the Auto industry saving plan yesterday in the Senate. I’ll have more on that later.
While watching the blame game this on channel 2, I thought of a good investigation they might undertake, after all, they pride themselves on being on “your side”! Would they please find just one of those greedy autoworkers, that make at least $ 150,000 a year. ($75.00 an hour, times 40 hours a week, times 52 weeks in a year = $156,000) and ask them why they saw fit to destroy the American Economy?
Was yesterday a holiday that I missed? Lets see, there are 100 United States Senators, It was going to take 60+ Senators to vote on saving the Economy, not just the big three, but the Economy! It needed a 60% vote to be considered, and they had only an 85% percent attendance for the vote. Like I said, there must have been a holiday I forgot about!
I’ve been told, by Senator Wyden, he reads my blog. As Rachel Maddow likes to say, “please talk me down”!
For some reason a sports report seems unimportant to me today.
If there is anyone, Individual or Business, that still sees fit to belong to the Chamber of Commerce I really think you should take their advice. If you belong to a Union, or an Association (Chamber of Commerce), you need to find out how your “dues” or “Association Fees” are being spent, and by whom?
I watched the Senate on c-span last night before I went to bed. Which, by the way, was 11pm Eastern Time. I watched and listened off and on all Day. The republicans posturing to ensure the destruction of unions and the democrats posturing to get the “bailout” turd back on the hands of the republicans.
Watching the spectacle last night gave me two questions to ask. 1) Are they all looking for a spot in a Stephen King novel? 2) Where were the 2 Senators from Oregon, because they were sure not at their workstations?
I also noticed before bed that it was snowing in the south. I guess the Senate actions really mean “it was a cold day in H%$$”.
Also, my feelings about the significance of 44 days from the inauguration of President number 44 and me playing a four spot, not only made it an above average pick, but it was a winner. Thanks Barack.
Nephew Christopher leaves today to continue his training in the deserts of Southern California. I hope all will say a prayer for his safe return.
Also, Brother Mike showed up as a follower, welcome, I’m now up to 10!
He also said yesterday he thought he was feeling positive affects from his taking of my NCA’s supplements. I even gave 3 days supply to friend and MS afflicted sister Mary, good luck.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at about 5:30am to a 3, took my am pills and had 1 session in my chair. Tuned into c-span, cnbc and watched the channel 2 news while getting the massage from my chair. I came into my “office” to post at a 3+.
The talking heads were blaming the unions for not agreeing to more wage concessions for the failure of the Auto industry saving plan yesterday in the Senate. I’ll have more on that later.
While watching the blame game this on channel 2, I thought of a good investigation they might undertake, after all, they pride themselves on being on “your side”! Would they please find just one of those greedy autoworkers, that make at least $ 150,000 a year. ($75.00 an hour, times 40 hours a week, times 52 weeks in a year = $156,000) and ask them why they saw fit to destroy the American Economy?
Was yesterday a holiday that I missed? Lets see, there are 100 United States Senators, It was going to take 60+ Senators to vote on saving the Economy, not just the big three, but the Economy! It needed a 60% vote to be considered, and they had only an 85% percent attendance for the vote. Like I said, there must have been a holiday I forgot about!
I’ve been told, by Senator Wyden, he reads my blog. As Rachel Maddow likes to say, “please talk me down”!
For some reason a sports report seems unimportant to me today.
If there is anyone, Individual or Business, that still sees fit to belong to the Chamber of Commerce I really think you should take their advice. If you belong to a Union, or an Association (Chamber of Commerce), you need to find out how your “dues” or “Association Fees” are being spent, and by whom?
I watched the Senate on c-span last night before I went to bed. Which, by the way, was 11pm Eastern Time. I watched and listened off and on all Day. The republicans posturing to ensure the destruction of unions and the democrats posturing to get the “bailout” turd back on the hands of the republicans.
Watching the spectacle last night gave me two questions to ask. 1) Are they all looking for a spot in a Stephen King novel? 2) Where were the 2 Senators from Oregon, because they were sure not at their workstations?
I also noticed before bed that it was snowing in the south. I guess the Senate actions really mean “it was a cold day in H%$$”.
Also, my feelings about the significance of 44 days from the inauguration of President number 44 and me playing a four spot, not only made it an above average pick, but it was a winner. Thanks Barack.
Nephew Christopher leaves today to continue his training in the deserts of Southern California. I hope all will say a prayer for his safe return.
Also, Brother Mike showed up as a follower, welcome, I’m now up to 10!
He also said yesterday he thought he was feeling positive affects from his taking of my NCA’s supplements. I even gave 3 days supply to friend and MS afflicted sister Mary, good luck.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Change is Early, and it is Real.
I awoke today at 8am to a 3 after a good nights sleep of 9+ hours. Took my am pills and I had 1 session in my chair and tuned into c-span and cnbc to check on the talking heads and came back here to post, at 3+. The first look at the DOW and it was down 4+ points and Oil was up, but still not to $50, and GAS was up also, but not over $1. C-span was televising an O’bama press conference, to answer questions on his relationship with the Illinois Governor, and that FBI “sting” operation, and the first reporter question was on Health Care?
You know I have been spouting off that change began on Election Day last month, and I have been trying to hedge my feelings by saying real change wouldn’t start until January 20th. (Be the Deaf Frog)
Well, I was wrong, it started today with the O’bama press conference. After watching the R’s line up against the Auto Industry plan, one thing has become apparent to me. Over 25 years ago Reagan attacked Organized Labor by going after the air traffic controllers. And while that did slow down the advances being made by labor, I am living proof, that he didn’t kill us. And now, based on the millions of dollars spent in a losing effort to save the republicans in congress, and kill the “Employee Free Choice Act” by the Chamber of Commerce, I figure, that they figure, this is their last chance to try to kill Unions.
After all, based on Senator McConnell’s statements today, Those unionized workers in Michigan make $ 150,000 a year and those Import workers in Kentucky only make $ 49,000 a year. Please, everybody, look past their statements of “Legacy” costs and see what they really mean. As a retiree, not even from the Auto Industry, this is still very important to me.
And by the way Bruce, is Tom Daschel familiar with Your Health care plan?
I reset my lineup in FFB and they didn’t let me see a preview for this week, so I guess the playoffs are starting and I didn’t make them? Oh, well…….
All you can do, is what you can do; just do all you can do!
I was not sure which heading I should put this under? So, I put it under “OTHER STUFF”. Before I went to bed last night I took a short stop at my computer. While on line I did a quick check of my old Newspaper, “The Montana Standard”.
I must admit, I check it once in a while to see what’s going on in Butte or Anaconda and who might have passed away back home.
While looking at the front page I noticed they have a video archive. And, on that video archive there was a Video of Michelle and Barack celebrating their oldest daughters birthday at a “family picnic” on the fourth of July in Butte. After watching it, I am convinced of 2 things.
One, Montana really wants to return to being a BLUE State, and two, even if it is PINK, they will be celebrating heavily in Butte on January 20th!
Also, a welcome to my new follower, the Buddha. While I don’t know who it is and I have too many relatives named Bobby, I won’t exclude him/her from the blog, I’ll just watch him/her very closely.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke today at 8am to a 3 after a good nights sleep of 9+ hours. Took my am pills and I had 1 session in my chair and tuned into c-span and cnbc to check on the talking heads and came back here to post, at 3+. The first look at the DOW and it was down 4+ points and Oil was up, but still not to $50, and GAS was up also, but not over $1. C-span was televising an O’bama press conference, to answer questions on his relationship with the Illinois Governor, and that FBI “sting” operation, and the first reporter question was on Health Care?
You know I have been spouting off that change began on Election Day last month, and I have been trying to hedge my feelings by saying real change wouldn’t start until January 20th. (Be the Deaf Frog)
Well, I was wrong, it started today with the O’bama press conference. After watching the R’s line up against the Auto Industry plan, one thing has become apparent to me. Over 25 years ago Reagan attacked Organized Labor by going after the air traffic controllers. And while that did slow down the advances being made by labor, I am living proof, that he didn’t kill us. And now, based on the millions of dollars spent in a losing effort to save the republicans in congress, and kill the “Employee Free Choice Act” by the Chamber of Commerce, I figure, that they figure, this is their last chance to try to kill Unions.
After all, based on Senator McConnell’s statements today, Those unionized workers in Michigan make $ 150,000 a year and those Import workers in Kentucky only make $ 49,000 a year. Please, everybody, look past their statements of “Legacy” costs and see what they really mean. As a retiree, not even from the Auto Industry, this is still very important to me.
And by the way Bruce, is Tom Daschel familiar with Your Health care plan?
I reset my lineup in FFB and they didn’t let me see a preview for this week, so I guess the playoffs are starting and I didn’t make them? Oh, well…….
All you can do, is what you can do; just do all you can do!
I was not sure which heading I should put this under? So, I put it under “OTHER STUFF”. Before I went to bed last night I took a short stop at my computer. While on line I did a quick check of my old Newspaper, “The Montana Standard”.
I must admit, I check it once in a while to see what’s going on in Butte or Anaconda and who might have passed away back home.
While looking at the front page I noticed they have a video archive. And, on that video archive there was a Video of Michelle and Barack celebrating their oldest daughters birthday at a “family picnic” on the fourth of July in Butte. After watching it, I am convinced of 2 things.
One, Montana really wants to return to being a BLUE State, and two, even if it is PINK, they will be celebrating heavily in Butte on January 20th!
Also, a welcome to my new follower, the Buddha. While I don’t know who it is and I have too many relatives named Bobby, I won’t exclude him/her from the blog, I’ll just watch him/her very closely.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Toyota and the South vs The Big Three and Unions
I awoke today at 7am to a 3+, took my am pills, had 1 session in my chair and tuned into c-span and CNBC and both the DOW, OIL and GAS were up but OIL was still under $ 50.00 and GAS under a dollar. I did also make it to the BT Christmas Party and, again, it was a fabulous affair. Based on what I saw and heard John is still doing a fabulous job, I really think he has a future there. :-) I would recommend to Senator Reid to contact him if he needs help in his negotiations in the Senate. And even with MS, and living on a fixed income, the Ironworkers and Bricklayers still took advantage of me again. ;-0
On c-span Senator Vitter of Louisiana was threatening a filibuster on the Auto Bailout bill, and President Bush was going to talk with the Republican Caucus and see if he could help move things along. Senator Reid stated he was optimistic that after negotiations with everyone, he believed they would have an up or down vote on the R’s and D’s proposals by Saturday at the latest.
My take is; the R’s are lining up to protect the Foreign car makers in the south and the D’s are lining up to protect the big three. The Caucus meetings appear to be like an AFL-CIO convention, and he is trying to mediate between the “Change to Win” people and the rest of Organized Labor that are left in the tent. I am optimistic about him getting a passable plan, and if he gets it right (in MY view) I will take him off my s&*# list.
While I did win my FFB game over the weekend, and left over 40 points on the table, I’m still not sure if I’ll make it to the playoffs. I still think I need to find a goat, especially after watching my Blazers in the 4th quarter last night.
I am not sure who all donated to either Judy O or Glenn at LCSA, but I do know my 2 dates did. A special thanks to Judi and Mary.
While my “feeling” on the significance of 44 day’s out till #44 is in, did keep me above average on keno, my real win was seeing everyone at John’s party.
Thanks again for the ride Judi.
My late post today is due to a staff shortage. Real MS, not MS by proxy!
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke today at 7am to a 3+, took my am pills, had 1 session in my chair and tuned into c-span and CNBC and both the DOW, OIL and GAS were up but OIL was still under $ 50.00 and GAS under a dollar. I did also make it to the BT Christmas Party and, again, it was a fabulous affair. Based on what I saw and heard John is still doing a fabulous job, I really think he has a future there. :-) I would recommend to Senator Reid to contact him if he needs help in his negotiations in the Senate. And even with MS, and living on a fixed income, the Ironworkers and Bricklayers still took advantage of me again. ;-0
On c-span Senator Vitter of Louisiana was threatening a filibuster on the Auto Bailout bill, and President Bush was going to talk with the Republican Caucus and see if he could help move things along. Senator Reid stated he was optimistic that after negotiations with everyone, he believed they would have an up or down vote on the R’s and D’s proposals by Saturday at the latest.
My take is; the R’s are lining up to protect the Foreign car makers in the south and the D’s are lining up to protect the big three. The Caucus meetings appear to be like an AFL-CIO convention, and he is trying to mediate between the “Change to Win” people and the rest of Organized Labor that are left in the tent. I am optimistic about him getting a passable plan, and if he gets it right (in MY view) I will take him off my s&*# list.
While I did win my FFB game over the weekend, and left over 40 points on the table, I’m still not sure if I’ll make it to the playoffs. I still think I need to find a goat, especially after watching my Blazers in the 4th quarter last night.
I am not sure who all donated to either Judy O or Glenn at LCSA, but I do know my 2 dates did. A special thanks to Judi and Mary.
While my “feeling” on the significance of 44 day’s out till #44 is in, did keep me above average on keno, my real win was seeing everyone at John’s party.
Thanks again for the ride Judi.
My late post today is due to a staff shortage. Real MS, not MS by proxy!
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Deaf Frog is Back !
I awoke today at 6:15am to a 3-, took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair, checked out the DOW on CNBC, it was down 120 points and they interrupted their broadcast to announce the “arrest” of the Governor of Illinois by the FBI, culminating a “2 plus” year investigation. The FBI, the talking heads, Chicago Tribune and just about everyone else is or will be trying to tie Obama into this story. I have one (at least) thing to say, Barack. Be the Deaf Frog! Even after this disturbing news this morning I am in here to post at a 3+ a really short blog as I have to get moving and head over to the hall for the BT Christmas Party.
Everybody; BE THE DEAF FROG!
Everybody; BE THE DEAF FROG! Happiness is contagious, and there was a study to prove it! You should be smiling all day!
They are even tying my beloved Cubs and Wrigley field into the Chicago scandal, I will be the Deaf Frog!
44 days till # 44, that must mean my keno 4 spot was destined to be good yesterday. Or even 2 fours and an eight? I sure wish the keno lottery website was fixed and I could check my numbers at home! 2 fours and an eight mean I could use Judi’s numbers today. I sure hope I see everyone at the BT Christmas party today. Four hundred and forty four words today on my post would also be a good sign.
The 290 election ballots should be in the mail this week and I’m still conflicted.
290 words exactly.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke today at 6:15am to a 3-, took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair, checked out the DOW on CNBC, it was down 120 points and they interrupted their broadcast to announce the “arrest” of the Governor of Illinois by the FBI, culminating a “2 plus” year investigation. The FBI, the talking heads, Chicago Tribune and just about everyone else is or will be trying to tie Obama into this story. I have one (at least) thing to say, Barack. Be the Deaf Frog! Even after this disturbing news this morning I am in here to post at a 3+ a really short blog as I have to get moving and head over to the hall for the BT Christmas Party.
Everybody; BE THE DEAF FROG!
Everybody; BE THE DEAF FROG! Happiness is contagious, and there was a study to prove it! You should be smiling all day!
They are even tying my beloved Cubs and Wrigley field into the Chicago scandal, I will be the Deaf Frog!
44 days till # 44, that must mean my keno 4 spot was destined to be good yesterday. Or even 2 fours and an eight? I sure wish the keno lottery website was fixed and I could check my numbers at home! 2 fours and an eight mean I could use Judi’s numbers today. I sure hope I see everyone at the BT Christmas party today. Four hundred and forty four words today on my post would also be a good sign.
The 290 election ballots should be in the mail this week and I’m still conflicted.
290 words exactly.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Monday, December 8, 2008
44 days till Number 44 !
I awoke this morning at 7:15am to a 3-, I took my pills, I had 1 session in my chair, and then I checked the DOW. I am in to post at a 3+. Both brother Lou and brother Mike called after the 290 Christmas party and reported it was a resounding success. We were out of coffee this morning and after a search in the garage I found an open can of “high class” coffee. It’s not my regular brand, but I decided to try it. I don’t know how long it’s been sitting out there but it’s even worse than I remember. Judi got me another massage seat cushion over the weekend. I will be installing the 2 of them, one in the car and one here in the computer room. Beware, my posts may be going from about 444 words to a 1,000, on a regular basis!
As of today, we are 44 days away from inaugurating our 44th President. The Auto “Bailout” plan is supposed to be up in the Senate today, that’s one debate I don’t want to miss. At first look the DOW was up 330+ points and OIL was hovering around $ 44.00. After watching that Saudi Prince last night on 60 minutes, at least he should be happy. Gas futures were still below a dollar and even with those high gas taxes we should still be able to find it below $ 2.00 a gallon.
The book I was recommending yesterday is called “Hot, Flat and Overcrowded” by Thomas Friedman.
Thanks Joe, it was obvious you got the goat Friday night. Montana won Saturday, Carroll College won Saturday, The Ducks and the Beavers are going to a BCS Bowl and my FFB Team won Sunday, and I don’t even need my running back’s points tonight.
Remember, Happiness IS contagious! Judi also told me that the Face book website has a plethora of Mehrens’ on it. I’ll have to check it out.
44 days till # 44, that must mean my keno 4 spot is destined to be good today. Or even 2 fours and an eight? I sure wish the keno lottery website was fixed and I could check my numbers at home! 2 fours and an eight mean I could use Judi’s numbers today.
I sure hope I see everyone at the BT Christmas party tomorrow. Four hundred and forty four words today on my post would also be a good sign. The 290 election ballots should be in the mail this week and I’m still conflicted.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at 7:15am to a 3-, I took my pills, I had 1 session in my chair, and then I checked the DOW. I am in to post at a 3+. Both brother Lou and brother Mike called after the 290 Christmas party and reported it was a resounding success. We were out of coffee this morning and after a search in the garage I found an open can of “high class” coffee. It’s not my regular brand, but I decided to try it. I don’t know how long it’s been sitting out there but it’s even worse than I remember. Judi got me another massage seat cushion over the weekend. I will be installing the 2 of them, one in the car and one here in the computer room. Beware, my posts may be going from about 444 words to a 1,000, on a regular basis!
As of today, we are 44 days away from inaugurating our 44th President. The Auto “Bailout” plan is supposed to be up in the Senate today, that’s one debate I don’t want to miss. At first look the DOW was up 330+ points and OIL was hovering around $ 44.00. After watching that Saudi Prince last night on 60 minutes, at least he should be happy. Gas futures were still below a dollar and even with those high gas taxes we should still be able to find it below $ 2.00 a gallon.
The book I was recommending yesterday is called “Hot, Flat and Overcrowded” by Thomas Friedman.
Thanks Joe, it was obvious you got the goat Friday night. Montana won Saturday, Carroll College won Saturday, The Ducks and the Beavers are going to a BCS Bowl and my FFB Team won Sunday, and I don’t even need my running back’s points tonight.
Remember, Happiness IS contagious! Judi also told me that the Face book website has a plethora of Mehrens’ on it. I’ll have to check it out.
44 days till # 44, that must mean my keno 4 spot is destined to be good today. Or even 2 fours and an eight? I sure wish the keno lottery website was fixed and I could check my numbers at home! 2 fours and an eight mean I could use Judi’s numbers today.
I sure hope I see everyone at the BT Christmas party tomorrow. Four hundred and forty four words today on my post would also be a good sign. The 290 election ballots should be in the mail this week and I’m still conflicted.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Happiness IS contagious, Medical Science proves it!
I awoke this morning at 7am to a 3 and after my am pills, 2 sessions in my chair, watching the talking heads, setting my TVO for the other shows I don’t want to miss, I came in here to start my post at a 3+. I also have aanother book to recomend, Tom Friedmans new book. I think you can find it on e-bay.
My first comments are from my watching Sunday Morning and a few of their segments. One segment was on David Frost and his interview’s over the years, starting with Nixon, was an especially good piece. On Face the Nation, Bob Schaefer had Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama talking about the Big Three Bailout. They both appear to agree, that something must be done, and soon! The basic difference is, The Republicans blame the Unions and the Democrats blame Management. I am concerned they both attribute the Auto Industry decline to their “Legacy” costs. I hope everyone understands, most of those “legacy” costs are real people, their RETIREE’S.
Even though we will see change beginning on January 20th, (or before) some things apparently never change! Bob Schaefer also reiterated one of my core beliefs, “Happiness IS contagious”, and now there is a medical study that proves it! My buddy Lou was Santa Clause yesterday at the Salem Christmas Party and I’m sure he understands that. I decided not to attend the Portland Christmas Party even though the potential to get to 4+ was definitely there, so was the potential to slip to a 3-.
I sure hope Big Ben has a good day today for my FFB team, because I still haven’t heard from Joe if he found a goat Friday night.
Remember, “Happiness is Contagious”, there is a medical study that proves it!
Thank you to all those “Retireee’s” and others who were there 67 years ago today. They not only protected us from fascism, but put on track of 40+ years of considering the plight of All Americans. I think, 40 more years like that would be a good thing. I am really looking forward to the BT Christmas Party Tuesday and if I see any blog readers remember my Community Organizers advice!
A really short report today, as I have much to do!
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at 7am to a 3 and after my am pills, 2 sessions in my chair, watching the talking heads, setting my TVO for the other shows I don’t want to miss, I came in here to start my post at a 3+. I also have aanother book to recomend, Tom Friedmans new book. I think you can find it on e-bay.
My first comments are from my watching Sunday Morning and a few of their segments. One segment was on David Frost and his interview’s over the years, starting with Nixon, was an especially good piece. On Face the Nation, Bob Schaefer had Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama talking about the Big Three Bailout. They both appear to agree, that something must be done, and soon! The basic difference is, The Republicans blame the Unions and the Democrats blame Management. I am concerned they both attribute the Auto Industry decline to their “Legacy” costs. I hope everyone understands, most of those “legacy” costs are real people, their RETIREE’S.
Even though we will see change beginning on January 20th, (or before) some things apparently never change! Bob Schaefer also reiterated one of my core beliefs, “Happiness IS contagious”, and now there is a medical study that proves it! My buddy Lou was Santa Clause yesterday at the Salem Christmas Party and I’m sure he understands that. I decided not to attend the Portland Christmas Party even though the potential to get to 4+ was definitely there, so was the potential to slip to a 3-.
I sure hope Big Ben has a good day today for my FFB team, because I still haven’t heard from Joe if he found a goat Friday night.
Remember, “Happiness is Contagious”, there is a medical study that proves it!
Thank you to all those “Retireee’s” and others who were there 67 years ago today. They not only protected us from fascism, but put on track of 40+ years of considering the plight of All Americans. I think, 40 more years like that would be a good thing. I am really looking forward to the BT Christmas Party Tuesday and if I see any blog readers remember my Community Organizers advice!
A really short report today, as I have much to do!
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Family attacks Wally, film at 11!
I awoke this morning about 7:30am to a 3, took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair. I had my card party last night so I didn’t get to bed until after 11pm. My stay-awake booster pill at noon helped in that respect. Even though we couldn’t get the massage part working in my portable massage chair cover at the kitchen table it was still more comfortable than the 3 cushions I normally had.
I sure missed Joe, Jeremiah, Mel and the Billy-Jim partnership last night. If they could have made it maybe I wouldn’t have been 1st out!
I couldn’t believe how my own family members would take advantage of their relative, living on a fixed income, with holes in his brain, could be taken advantage of like that!
Joe did try very hard to find the house but even after we sent out a search party, and we knew he was in the neighborhood, and he had the aid of a GPS doohickey, and probably went by the house a couple of times, we still had no luck.
Thank goodness; Judi fixed Gumbo for everyone, other wise we would have just had some peanuts to munch on, Thanks again Judi and Marty.
Some say, all politics is local. In that vein I’ll report that I received an excellent letter from Al, on his race for our Local Union Business Manager position. That fence I’ve been sitting on does not seem so high any more.
I still hope Monte, Pat, Sue, Chris, Scott and any other pension fund advisor or Trustee watched and paid attention to the concerns raised on the viability of the PBGC and their rules on “Fiduciary Responsibility”.
Thursday, Montana Senator Hester was my all star. Friday was Barney Frank.
Again, if Ron, Earl or even Willie are reading this mornings blog please find out how much money the Chamber has spent on stopping the “Bailout” and fighting the Employee free Choice Act.
I’m going to assume that last night Joe was not only looking for my house, but also for a goat to sacrifice.
The Blazers played good enough to win last night, but couldn’t overcome those darn ref’s.
I also looked for the televised football playoff game with Carroll College, but the only thing I found was a pay per view of the Montana Grizzlies. As much as I love Montana football, $130 is just too much.
I got my Labor Press yesterday and I was sure glad to see Glenn Shuck and Labors Community Service Agency has reinstated one of their key programs.
The BULL Session had another excellent year raising over $300,000 for the kids. In the infamous words of the Governor of California, “I’ll be Back!”
Not withstanding my winning, I still had a wonderful time last night.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning about 7:30am to a 3, took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair. I had my card party last night so I didn’t get to bed until after 11pm. My stay-awake booster pill at noon helped in that respect. Even though we couldn’t get the massage part working in my portable massage chair cover at the kitchen table it was still more comfortable than the 3 cushions I normally had.
I sure missed Joe, Jeremiah, Mel and the Billy-Jim partnership last night. If they could have made it maybe I wouldn’t have been 1st out!
I couldn’t believe how my own family members would take advantage of their relative, living on a fixed income, with holes in his brain, could be taken advantage of like that!
Joe did try very hard to find the house but even after we sent out a search party, and we knew he was in the neighborhood, and he had the aid of a GPS doohickey, and probably went by the house a couple of times, we still had no luck.
Thank goodness; Judi fixed Gumbo for everyone, other wise we would have just had some peanuts to munch on, Thanks again Judi and Marty.
Some say, all politics is local. In that vein I’ll report that I received an excellent letter from Al, on his race for our Local Union Business Manager position. That fence I’ve been sitting on does not seem so high any more.
I still hope Monte, Pat, Sue, Chris, Scott and any other pension fund advisor or Trustee watched and paid attention to the concerns raised on the viability of the PBGC and their rules on “Fiduciary Responsibility”.
Thursday, Montana Senator Hester was my all star. Friday was Barney Frank.
Again, if Ron, Earl or even Willie are reading this mornings blog please find out how much money the Chamber has spent on stopping the “Bailout” and fighting the Employee free Choice Act.
I’m going to assume that last night Joe was not only looking for my house, but also for a goat to sacrifice.
The Blazers played good enough to win last night, but couldn’t overcome those darn ref’s.
I also looked for the televised football playoff game with Carroll College, but the only thing I found was a pay per view of the Montana Grizzlies. As much as I love Montana football, $130 is just too much.
I got my Labor Press yesterday and I was sure glad to see Glenn Shuck and Labors Community Service Agency has reinstated one of their key programs.
The BULL Session had another excellent year raising over $300,000 for the kids. In the infamous words of the Governor of California, “I’ll be Back!”
Not withstanding my winning, I still had a wonderful time last night.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Friday, December 5, 2008
I awoke today at about 7:15am to a 3-. After my am pills and 1 session on my chair and a quick look at the Market and the Big Three Auto hearings I am still back here to post at a 3+. Short blog today, as I have so much to do! In case you haven’t noticed, I have 8 followers now and a big welcome to Lou. And after watching the Rachel Maddow show last night, I am convinced she is an anonymous follower. In all my running around and discussions yesterday with brother Marty I’m still not sure if he is a closet Republican or a socialistic communist? I also received an email from Hillary this morning about a book she recommends It's called Hillary Clinton: Dreams Taking Flight, It’s brand new so I’m not sure if its available on our other website yet. At first check this morning the DOW was down 135+ points but OIL and GAS were also, gas to below a dollar.
My political report today will focus mainly on the US Auto Industry bailout hearing going on in Congress. The Republicans believe they are in trouble because they are Unionized, and it is their responsibility to “Break” the unions and some of the Democrats appear to understand that one of the unspoken reasons the US auto industry is at a competitive disadvantage over their foreign competition, is that the foreign company’s are receiving government assistance in the form of government payments for health care for their auto workers. Watching Barney Frank at work, chairing the committee was a pure joy. He even gaveled down Hensarling of Texas because he ran out of question time when he asked how much money Chrysler spent on lobbying for the bailout bill, the Chrysler Exec could not answer it. I am sure that all three of them belong to the Chamber of Commerce and don’t have access to how much money they have spent. Probably a lot, just in support of Hensarling without even counting the money spent attacking unions with their attacks on the Employee Free Choice Act. I also hope Monte, Pat, Sue, Chris, Scott and any other pension fund advisor or Trustee watched and paid attention to the concerns raised on the viability of the PBGC and their rules on “Fiduciary Responsibility”. Yesterday, Montana Senator Hester was my all star. Today’s is definitely Barney Frank. If Ron, Earl or even Willie are reading this mornings blog please find out how much money the Chamber has spent on stopping the “Bailout” and fighting the Employee free Choice Act.
The good news is I got rid of the Raiders defense before last night’s debacle, the bad news is I didn’t activate Rivers for this weekends FFB game.
While some people think Montana is a “Red” state, I however, know they are just a “pink” state.
Until the actions by the Queen yesterday in Canada I never really knew how important a Governor General really was. That makes my attendance at the Gaelic Cross dedication even more important. I am also really looking forward to Darlene’s big bash on the 15th and John’s shindig on the 9th.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke today at about 7:15am to a 3-. After my am pills and 1 session on my chair and a quick look at the Market and the Big Three Auto hearings I am still back here to post at a 3+. Short blog today, as I have so much to do! In case you haven’t noticed, I have 8 followers now and a big welcome to Lou. And after watching the Rachel Maddow show last night, I am convinced she is an anonymous follower. In all my running around and discussions yesterday with brother Marty I’m still not sure if he is a closet Republican or a socialistic communist? I also received an email from Hillary this morning about a book she recommends It's called Hillary Clinton: Dreams Taking Flight, It’s brand new so I’m not sure if its available on our other website yet. At first check this morning the DOW was down 135+ points but OIL and GAS were also, gas to below a dollar.
My political report today will focus mainly on the US Auto Industry bailout hearing going on in Congress. The Republicans believe they are in trouble because they are Unionized, and it is their responsibility to “Break” the unions and some of the Democrats appear to understand that one of the unspoken reasons the US auto industry is at a competitive disadvantage over their foreign competition, is that the foreign company’s are receiving government assistance in the form of government payments for health care for their auto workers. Watching Barney Frank at work, chairing the committee was a pure joy. He even gaveled down Hensarling of Texas because he ran out of question time when he asked how much money Chrysler spent on lobbying for the bailout bill, the Chrysler Exec could not answer it. I am sure that all three of them belong to the Chamber of Commerce and don’t have access to how much money they have spent. Probably a lot, just in support of Hensarling without even counting the money spent attacking unions with their attacks on the Employee Free Choice Act. I also hope Monte, Pat, Sue, Chris, Scott and any other pension fund advisor or Trustee watched and paid attention to the concerns raised on the viability of the PBGC and their rules on “Fiduciary Responsibility”. Yesterday, Montana Senator Hester was my all star. Today’s is definitely Barney Frank. If Ron, Earl or even Willie are reading this mornings blog please find out how much money the Chamber has spent on stopping the “Bailout” and fighting the Employee free Choice Act.
The good news is I got rid of the Raiders defense before last night’s debacle, the bad news is I didn’t activate Rivers for this weekends FFB game.
While some people think Montana is a “Red” state, I however, know they are just a “pink” state.
Until the actions by the Queen yesterday in Canada I never really knew how important a Governor General really was. That makes my attendance at the Gaelic Cross dedication even more important. I am also really looking forward to Darlene’s big bash on the 15th and John’s shindig on the 9th.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Road trip success, or not so much.
I awoke today at 7:30am to a 3, took my am pills, had 1 session in my chair, checked s-span and the DOW and I’m back here to post at a 3+. My road trip yesterday went well, all but the gambling.
I did meet a retired firefighter from Portland that actually read the logo on my retiree hat. We had a short chat and discovered we had a mutual friend from the department.
I now have a link here to our website at smiling partners, and there you can get to many other “great sites”, including Chef Judi’s. It will be a short post today also, as I have more running to do and I’m sure brother Marty will need to get to a TV to cheer on his beloved Raiders.
My first glance at the DOW showed it was down 60+ points but the talking heads were still blaming the UAW for all the problems in the US auto industry. After all, they are 20% of a new US car costs but they are 100% of the blame for the precarious situation the industry is in right now. (That is the new Wall Street math)
I haven’t checked my FFB team yet, to see if I’m favored or not. At least the goats should be safe today.
If there is any change left I would suggest getting it to “Employee Free Choice Act” people. I have observed in my travels. There seems to be less “Oak Harbor” Trucks on the road!
I think Barack is supposed to announce Richardson as his Commerce Secretary today. For me personally, it is more incentive to try to make the 2009 BT Legislative conference.
Nephew Mike is doing so good in school I’d also consider taking him so he could see an Orioles game at Camden yards, after all he is the one with the signed Cal Ripken jersey. (hint, hint.)
After I received an email yesterday from President Clinton, asking me to congratulate Hillary on her appointment as Secretary of State, I thought it only right to do it again.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke today at 7:30am to a 3, took my am pills, had 1 session in my chair, checked s-span and the DOW and I’m back here to post at a 3+. My road trip yesterday went well, all but the gambling.
I did meet a retired firefighter from Portland that actually read the logo on my retiree hat. We had a short chat and discovered we had a mutual friend from the department.
I now have a link here to our website at smiling partners, and there you can get to many other “great sites”, including Chef Judi’s. It will be a short post today also, as I have more running to do and I’m sure brother Marty will need to get to a TV to cheer on his beloved Raiders.
My first glance at the DOW showed it was down 60+ points but the talking heads were still blaming the UAW for all the problems in the US auto industry. After all, they are 20% of a new US car costs but they are 100% of the blame for the precarious situation the industry is in right now. (That is the new Wall Street math)
I haven’t checked my FFB team yet, to see if I’m favored or not. At least the goats should be safe today.
If there is any change left I would suggest getting it to “Employee Free Choice Act” people. I have observed in my travels. There seems to be less “Oak Harbor” Trucks on the road!
I think Barack is supposed to announce Richardson as his Commerce Secretary today. For me personally, it is more incentive to try to make the 2009 BT Legislative conference.
Nephew Mike is doing so good in school I’d also consider taking him so he could see an Orioles game at Camden yards, after all he is the one with the signed Cal Ripken jersey. (hint, hint.)
After I received an email yesterday from President Clinton, asking me to congratulate Hillary on her appointment as Secretary of State, I thought it only right to do it again.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I awoke this morning at about 7:30am to a 3+ after a good 8hour sleep and after my am pills and 1 stint on the chair I think I left for my NCA appointment feeling close to a 4. After my back adjustment we went over to the hall to take brother Mike to lunch and check on his 1st day of supplement usage. He said he was feeling better but was not ready to attribute it to the supplements, he thought it might be his morning Starbucks. My excursion to my NCA, lunch with Mike, a quick stop at the AAA store to see if they had a back massager for the car and my kitchen table chair and a quick stop to check my 4spot (I’m still above average, but not yet a winner) We got home and I went straight to my Lazy-boy and got a 15 minute massage. At first glance this morning the DOW was up 40+ and OIL and GAS futures were down.
I watched some of Barack’s address to the National Governor’s Conference this morning also. I was not the only one who liked it apparently, because the DOW closed up 270 points.
The point was made to at least one of the Big Three who must testify before Congress next week. The CEO of Ford is “driving” one of their hybrids from Detroit to DC for his testimony. There was no report on whether he was going to carpool!
As owner of a FFB team I should take a queue from the NFL and fire somebody! My dilemma is, I have good players but my darn manager doesn’t activate the right players; and I’m that “darn” manager”!
The good news is: Oak Harbor Frieght was found guilty of numerous Unfair Labor Practices. The bad news is a ULP won’t really mean anything until after O’bama gets sworn in.
I received an email today from President Clinton, asking me to congratulate Hillary on her appointment as Secretary of State.
Here goes : CONGRATULATIONS, HILLARY ! I hope your at a 4+, because I still am.
Sorry for the late post today and I may be absent for a couple days as we have a “Road Trip” planned.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke this morning at about 7:30am to a 3+ after a good 8hour sleep and after my am pills and 1 stint on the chair I think I left for my NCA appointment feeling close to a 4. After my back adjustment we went over to the hall to take brother Mike to lunch and check on his 1st day of supplement usage. He said he was feeling better but was not ready to attribute it to the supplements, he thought it might be his morning Starbucks. My excursion to my NCA, lunch with Mike, a quick stop at the AAA store to see if they had a back massager for the car and my kitchen table chair and a quick stop to check my 4spot (I’m still above average, but not yet a winner) We got home and I went straight to my Lazy-boy and got a 15 minute massage. At first glance this morning the DOW was up 40+ and OIL and GAS futures were down.
I watched some of Barack’s address to the National Governor’s Conference this morning also. I was not the only one who liked it apparently, because the DOW closed up 270 points.
The point was made to at least one of the Big Three who must testify before Congress next week. The CEO of Ford is “driving” one of their hybrids from Detroit to DC for his testimony. There was no report on whether he was going to carpool!
As owner of a FFB team I should take a queue from the NFL and fire somebody! My dilemma is, I have good players but my darn manager doesn’t activate the right players; and I’m that “darn” manager”!
The good news is: Oak Harbor Frieght was found guilty of numerous Unfair Labor Practices. The bad news is a ULP won’t really mean anything until after O’bama gets sworn in.
I received an email today from President Clinton, asking me to congratulate Hillary on her appointment as Secretary of State.
Here goes : CONGRATULATIONS, HILLARY ! I hope your at a 4+, because I still am.
Sorry for the late post today and I may be absent for a couple days as we have a “Road Trip” planned.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Monday, December 1, 2008
I awoke late this morning to a 3-, thanks again to my lower back. After my am pills and 2 sessions in my chair I am in here to post at a 3+. I did get a good 10+ hours of sleep though. And while I did not forget to take my stay-awake booster pill yesterday, I did not last as long as I would have liked visiting Marty’s new home, but we finally did make it. Thanks to his and Kelli’s hospitality, I did manage to get to 4+.
At first look this morning at the DOW it was down 450+ points, and according to the Government we’ve been officially in a recession since 2007. I’m sure that since the Democrats took control then it that will be the “theme” for the 2008 election cycle. “Elect Republicans, so we can get out of the recession of the Democrats”. One of the talking heads did say, to put as much as you can of your 401k into Large Cap Stocks.
Watching my FFB Team yesterday was like watching the stock market the last few weeks. At one point I was up over 3 touchdowns and I finished losing by 18 points. Apparently some of the goats were left out after Saturdays OSU-OREGON Football game.
I received a nice thank you email from Lynn Peterson, the new Clackamas County Commission Chair, Thanking all those “Community Organizers” like Judi and I that made a difference in the November elections.
Brother Mike started his 3 days of supplements today and I am trying to set a permanent link for our other website hhtp://
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
I awoke late this morning to a 3-, thanks again to my lower back. After my am pills and 2 sessions in my chair I am in here to post at a 3+. I did get a good 10+ hours of sleep though. And while I did not forget to take my stay-awake booster pill yesterday, I did not last as long as I would have liked visiting Marty’s new home, but we finally did make it. Thanks to his and Kelli’s hospitality, I did manage to get to 4+.
At first look this morning at the DOW it was down 450+ points, and according to the Government we’ve been officially in a recession since 2007. I’m sure that since the Democrats took control then it that will be the “theme” for the 2008 election cycle. “Elect Republicans, so we can get out of the recession of the Democrats”. One of the talking heads did say, to put as much as you can of your 401k into Large Cap Stocks.
Watching my FFB Team yesterday was like watching the stock market the last few weeks. At one point I was up over 3 touchdowns and I finished losing by 18 points. Apparently some of the goats were left out after Saturdays OSU-OREGON Football game.
I received a nice thank you email from Lynn Peterson, the new Clackamas County Commission Chair, Thanking all those “Community Organizers” like Judi and I that made a difference in the November elections.
Brother Mike started his 3 days of supplements today and I am trying to set a permanent link for our other website hhtp://
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
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