Friday, December 5, 2008



I awoke today at about 7:15am to a 3-. After my am pills and 1 session on my chair and a quick look at the Market and the Big Three Auto hearings I am still back here to post at a 3+. Short blog today, as I have so much to do! In case you haven’t noticed, I have 8 followers now and a big welcome to Lou. And after watching the Rachel Maddow show last night, I am convinced she is an anonymous follower. In all my running around and discussions yesterday with brother Marty I’m still not sure if he is a closet Republican or a socialistic communist? I also received an email from Hillary this morning about a book she recommends It's called Hillary Clinton: Dreams Taking Flight, It’s brand new so I’m not sure if its available on our other website yet. At first check this morning the DOW was down 135+ points but OIL and GAS were also, gas to below a dollar.


My political report today will focus mainly on the US Auto Industry bailout hearing going on in Congress. The Republicans believe they are in trouble because they are Unionized, and it is their responsibility to “Break” the unions and some of the Democrats appear to understand that one of the unspoken reasons the US auto industry is at a competitive disadvantage over their foreign competition, is that the foreign company’s are receiving government assistance in the form of government payments for health care for their auto workers. Watching Barney Frank at work, chairing the committee was a pure joy. He even gaveled down Hensarling of Texas because he ran out of question time when he asked how much money Chrysler spent on lobbying for the bailout bill, the Chrysler Exec could not answer it. I am sure that all three of them belong to the Chamber of Commerce and don’t have access to how much money they have spent. Probably a lot, just in support of Hensarling without even counting the money spent attacking unions with their attacks on the Employee Free Choice Act. I also hope Monte, Pat, Sue, Chris, Scott and any other pension fund advisor or Trustee watched and paid attention to the concerns raised on the viability of the PBGC and their rules on “Fiduciary Responsibility”. Yesterday, Montana Senator Hester was my all star. Today’s is definitely Barney Frank. If Ron, Earl or even Willie are reading this mornings blog please find out how much money the Chamber has spent on stopping the “Bailout” and fighting the Employee free Choice Act.


The good news is I got rid of the Raiders defense before last night’s debacle, the bad news is I didn’t activate Rivers for this weekends FFB game.


While some people think Montana is a “Red” state, I however, know they are just a “pink” state.


Until the actions by the Queen yesterday in Canada I never really knew how important a Governor General really was. That makes my attendance at the Gaelic Cross dedication even more important. I am also really looking forward to Darlene’s big bash on the 15th and John’s shindig on the 9th.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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