Thursday, December 11, 2008

Change is Early, and it is Real.


I awoke today at 8am to a 3 after a good nights sleep of 9+ hours. Took my am pills and I had 1 session in my chair and tuned into c-span and cnbc to check on the talking heads and came back here to post, at 3+. The first look at the DOW and it was down 4+ points and Oil was up, but still not to $50, and GAS was up also, but not over $1. C-span was televising an O’bama press conference, to answer questions on his relationship with the Illinois Governor, and that FBI “sting” operation, and the first reporter question was on Health Care?


You know I have been spouting off that change began on Election Day last month, and I have been trying to hedge my feelings by saying real change wouldn’t start until January 20th. (Be the Deaf Frog)
Well, I was wrong, it started today with the O’bama press conference. After watching the R’s line up against the Auto Industry plan, one thing has become apparent to me. Over 25 years ago Reagan attacked Organized Labor by going after the air traffic controllers. And while that did slow down the advances being made by labor, I am living proof, that he didn’t kill us. And now, based on the millions of dollars spent in a losing effort to save the republicans in congress, and kill the “Employee Free Choice Act” by the Chamber of Commerce, I figure, that they figure, this is their last chance to try to kill Unions.
After all, based on Senator McConnell’s statements today, Those unionized workers in Michigan make $ 150,000 a year and those Import workers in Kentucky only make $ 49,000 a year. Please, everybody, look past their statements of “Legacy” costs and see what they really mean. As a retiree, not even from the Auto Industry, this is still very important to me.
And by the way Bruce, is Tom Daschel familiar with Your Health care plan?


I reset my lineup in FFB and they didn’t let me see a preview for this week, so I guess the playoffs are starting and I didn’t make them? Oh, well…….


All you can do, is what you can do; just do all you can do!


I was not sure which heading I should put this under? So, I put it under “OTHER STUFF”. Before I went to bed last night I took a short stop at my computer. While on line I did a quick check of my old Newspaper, “The Montana Standard”.
I must admit, I check it once in a while to see what’s going on in Butte or Anaconda and who might have passed away back home.
While looking at the front page I noticed they have a video archive. And, on that video archive there was a Video of Michelle and Barack celebrating their oldest daughters birthday at a “family picnic” on the fourth of July in Butte. After watching it, I am convinced of 2 things.
One, Montana really wants to return to being a BLUE State, and two, even if it is PINK, they will be celebrating heavily in Butte on January 20th!

Also, a welcome to my new follower, the Buddha. While I don’t know who it is and I have too many relatives named Bobby, I won’t exclude him/her from the blog, I’ll just watch him/her very closely.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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