Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mernie


Today would have been my aunt Mernies BD. She was the one that got me to join the renewal of the Portland AOH way back when, Thanks Mernie. And no Mare, I didn't need the reminder.

I awoke this morning at 6am to a 2- after 10 hours of sleep. My 2- was in large part due to my lower back pain when I awoke. After I took my am pills and 3 sessions in my chair I am back her to prepare my posting at just under 3. A short post today because I have a 10am appointment to get my cast removed. YIPEE! My first look at the DOW showed it up 7+ points, OIL down to $ 38.65 and GAS still below a dollar at $ 0.8761. With pretty much all the snow gone Judi will be taking me to the Doc and maybe we will be able to meet brother Marty and Kelli for lunch. While I am out of my morning stay awake pills, I’ll take one of the booster ones I have left before I leave. So far, cousin Jims trip to Japan seems to be going well. His daughter, one of our companions on our trip to Ireland, has really become a world traveler. All you can do is what you can do, just do all you can do, and she does.


Vice President Cheney is scheduled to be on Meet The Press next week. That should be verery interesting. I believe his interviewer (Bob Shiefer) is a big fan.


Save your goats, For, I believe, the Blazers have a chance, and we may need them.


My list of New Years resolutions has started. Which is more important, quantity or quality?


Remember, Homeland Security is watching.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!

And thanks again Toto.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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