Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Deaf Frog is Back !


I awoke today at 6:15am to a 3-, took my am pills and had 2 sessions in my chair, checked out the DOW on CNBC, it was down 120 points and they interrupted their broadcast to announce the “arrest” of the Governor of Illinois by the FBI, culminating a “2 plus” year investigation. The FBI, the talking heads, Chicago Tribune and just about everyone else is or will be trying to tie Obama into this story. I have one (at least) thing to say, Barack. Be the Deaf Frog! Even after this disturbing news this morning I am in here to post at a 3+ a really short blog as I have to get moving and head over to the hall for the BT Christmas Party.


Everybody; BE THE DEAF FROG!


Everybody; BE THE DEAF FROG! Happiness is contagious, and there was a study to prove it! You should be smiling all day!


They are even tying my beloved Cubs and Wrigley field into the Chicago scandal, I will be the Deaf Frog!

44 days till # 44, that must mean my keno 4 spot was destined to be good yesterday. Or even 2 fours and an eight? I sure wish the keno lottery website was fixed and I could check my numbers at home! 2 fours and an eight mean I could use Judi’s numbers today. I sure hope I see everyone at the BT Christmas party today. Four hundred and forty four words today on my post would also be a good sign.
The 290 election ballots should be in the mail this week and I’m still conflicted.

290 words exactly.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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