Friday, October 31, 2008


I missed one in my predictions, But don't you all. I did get it right on the ballot.





Awoke to a 3-. Two visits to the chair and I was up to a 3+ and my hearing was up also this morning to 10/11. I went to bed after 8pm as a 3+ but I didn’t sleep real well, woke up 3 times last night, hence my 3-.
I expanded the invites to the blog and hopefully we get more readers


The Market seems to be “stabilizing” this morning, at first check it was up 75+ and oil was down to 66.50.
On Cspan this morning was a repeat of a conference yesterday at Georgetown University, sponsored by Amnesty International, on terrorism interrogation. They had 2 presenters that have been “interrogators”. One a “Liberal Democrat” and the other an Air Force guy. The Liberal could see a future need for waterboarding, and the Air Force guy did not. They both agreed on the need to close down Gitmo. It was like Amnesty International was making sure the conference was “fair and balanced”!
To be a baseball all star all I need to do is hit 35% of the pitches I get. I am going to make some political predictions later and I hope to get Hall of Fame numbers.

I watched Gordon Smiths last ditch advertising effort, “It’s too dangerous to allow Democrats complete control of DC”. His ad was immediately followed by that phone company ad with the firefighters in congress having a meeting and using the NEW phone system to get things done. It was a gift for the Democrat’s to see them both back to back.

I received a postcard from my current State rep yesterday complains that Brent didn’t live in the district long enough. Curiously, the PAC that sent it was in Kaiser Oregon, is that in the district?


And now for my predictions:

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA come on California help us get Reagan off that pedestal!







Come on people, I need 4 for my all star status but I really want to get in the

I finally got through to Clackamas County elections and they have our Ballots. I just hope they get counted!


Those Philadelphia fans sure came through for Jamie, now the Pennsylvania fans need to come through for Obama
I also need someone to go to the Greek restaurant for my FFB team.


I’ve changed the date of my November card party, I don’t want to conflict with my sisters Thanksgiving Day celebration, or Billy’s Birthday. It’s the 1st Friday in December. 12/05/08

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Thursday, October 30, 2008



I awoke at 7:15am to a 3, took my pills and my hearing was better again when I turned the TV on. I could hear fine with the volume set between 10 and 15.

Brother Marty came over yesterday afternoon and we spent a couple good hours together, watched some TV and played some cribbage, and no Mike, he didn’t leave the winner!

At first check the Market was back up to over 9,100 and the Wall Street sharks entered the water and brought us down to under 9,000 and after an hour it was back up.

Oil was down but T. Boone was betting it would be back over $100.00 a barrel in 2009. I really feel for all our investment managers, especially Monte and Sue, they must be going NUTZ.

I tried to call Clackamas County elections department this morning to see if they got our ballots yet? After 20+ rings and I got no answer, I gave up, I will try later.


I watched, and recorded the Obama infomercial. And yes, I am prejudiced, but it was AWESOME! Those Philadelphia fans sure came through for Jamie, now the Pennsylvania fans need to come through for Obama.



At first glance I’m a 2point favorite in FFB.


Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

4 looking for a 5


I awoke at 6:15am to a 3-. Lower back ache, but a good nights sleep. I took my morning pills and turned on the TV. The Market was up again 60+ points to over 9100 and Oil was down to just under $67.00 a barrel. I sent Mike the URL for the deaf frog. Yesterday and today were both above average KENO days hopefully that bodes well for POWERBALL tonight! I also got my volume setting to 11 this morning on my TV.


I went to Cspan and Congressman McDermott (W) was conducting a hearing on the “stimulus” package. They were interviewing Governor Sanford of (SC), not the junk collector, who was complaining about “earmarks”. The earmark in particular was one put in by a congressman (D) from (SC) and he didn’t like Washington telling him where to spend some of the money that they were allocating to South Carolina. I am sure he wasn’t complaining because the Congressman was Black or the fact that he was a Democrat? I’m sure he just felt that the Governor of South Carolina new better than those in Washington DC what South Carolina wanted.
Where was it that the Civil War started, and Why?

McDermott was great, I hope all you people in Washington see fit to send him back.

I saw Barack’s ad for Merkley last night. It was sure powerful.
Barack was back in Pennsylvania this morning and McCain was in Florida. I still think those fans, both sports and political, are awesome in Philadelphia.


I hope the Series umpires and Bud Selig aren’t investors in diebolt.

Come on, we need to get more people eating at the Greek Restaurants! It’ll be good for the economy too!


Well, after an hour at the computer, at the time of this posting I’m at a 4.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



I awoke at 6:30am to a 3. I stayed awake till about almost 11 last night and had a good nights sleep.

One thing I’ve noticed the last few day’s in the morning is my hearing is better right after I have taken my morning pills. I’ve noticed it because my TV volume setting in the morning is at 15. During the day, I usually set it at 25 to hear the “important stuff like, ball games” etc. I can now move it all the way down to a 10/11 in the quiet of the morning.


Well they count the votes in 1 week. We sent our votes in a week ago. I’d feel safer if we sent them to Judi Mehrens instead of Sherry Hall. I sure hope the “Video the Vote” people are on top of things. I saw Barack and McCain at rallies this morning. It looked like Barack’s fans were freezing. I’ll have more on that later in sports.

When I came back here to type the Market was up over 200+ points. I watched a show yesterday that was commenting on what led to the financial crash. Apparently congress legalized gambling in 2000, when I wasn’t looking, and that made all these “derivative options” legal. It’ll soon be “CLINTON & BARACK DID IT!”


Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!


It appeared my FFB team was still winning at posting time yesterday. My opponent had one player left last night, but his tight end needed to get over 20 points. Well he did. It’s not official, but I appear to have lost.

The World Series was suspended last night, after the Rays tied it. The weather at the game was more suited for Football than Baseball. Man those Philadelphia fans are tough, both the Sports fans and Political fans. I sure hope they don't send the game to Florida, otherwise I'll have to move my Series report to the political section!


Well, after a hour+ at my computer I’d rate myself a 4 at posting time.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Monday, October 27, 2008


I awoke at 7:10am to a 3. It’s been a really good day so far, for me that is, however, the Market took another dive today.


At 8am the DOW and OIL were down, the dow to 8336.42 and oil to 62.68.

Even if you’ve made up your mind and already voted this is worth seeing!

I couldn’t make it down to the park yesterday, I hope Brent’s function went well, though I didn’t notice anyone in the neighborhood.

All you can do, is what you can do, just do all you can do!

It’s still less than 235 hours till the reign of King George the second comes to an end.


Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!


It appears my FFB team is still winning. My opponent has one player left tonight, but his tight end must get over 20 points.

I’ll go ahead now and thank all my Greek fiends.

I hope it’s not too early but I think Jamie is going to get his ring.


I’ve decided to change the date of my November card party, I don’t want to conflict with my sisters Thanksgiving Day celebration, or Billy’s Birthday. I’ll start calling everyone tomorrow.

Sorry for the late/short blog, my computer apparently still is suffering from MS by proxy!

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!


I awoke at 7:15am to a 3. I had a good nights sleep, when I finally fell asleep. Something weird happened last night. After I got into bed I got the shakes, and chills. It was very similar to the reactions I was having when I was taking the Interferon shots.


I hope Jeff’s function went well last night.
Brent Barton is having a thing today at Southern Lights Park with the Bus Project and Standup for kids. I am going to try to make it, its just a few blocks down the street.

I saw that Barack was back from Hawaii I sure hope his Grandmother is OK. Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing.

All you can do, is what you can do, just do all you can do!

Less than 235 hours till the reign of King George the second comes to an end.


Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!


I didn’t see the end of the Phillies game last night but Jamie sure showed me that you don’t need a 95 mph fastball to make it in the big leagues. Maybe it’s just me, but have a hand drawn picture of my dad on the wall and while I was watching the game sometimes I saw my dad on the mound?

I checked on my preview in FFB and I’m now picked to lose by 7 points. I didn’t pickup another kicker. I’ll just go with what I have and hope someone else picks up those needed points.

I hope all the Greek restaurants in town had a busy night last night.


I think I’ll change the date of my November card party, I don’t want to conflict with my sisters Thanksgiving Day celebration, or Billy’s Birthday.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Saturday, October 25, 2008



I awoke at 8:15am to a 4. I really think a 5 is not out of the realm of possibilities. I had a really good time at my card party last night. I think everyone else did also, I don’t think my rating was only attributable to just my pills and the chair, or the fact that I won again. It was also having a houseful of good friends. Thanks Judi for the chicken and Jeremiah for letting Billy off of the hot seat.


One concern expressed last night, was for the safety of Barack. We were all aware he was in Hawaii tending to his grandmother. Her birthday is tomorrow, and we need to keep the good thoughts, well wishes and prayers going.

A special shout out to all my friends and relatives working on the various political campaigns. Especially Mishka and Roberta. All you can do, is what you can do, just do all you can do!

Less than 235 hours till the reign of King George the second comes to an end.


Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!

The Phillies are heading home 1-1, come on Jamie, let’s get back on track!

I really think I should pickup another kicker for my FFB team, I may need those 2 points.


Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Friday, October 24, 2008

260 Hours


I awoke at 7:15am to a 3.5. The DOW was down 421.18 to 8,300+ that’s almost a 60% drop from the 14,000+ high. The good news is OIL is down to 64.31 which puts gas below $1.50.

My NCA reviewed my back xrays yesterday and wants me to wear a removable cast and let my lower back have time to heal. Judi and I had a 20-30 minute lesson on backs and discs.

My computer still has MS by Proxy, so lord knows when/if myBlog can be posted?

I have a card party scheduled tonight. And I’m going to try to get through it without any pain pills and limited Massage chair interruptions. If it goes well I’m going to try to plan a trip.


AOL asks the question. Has GOP given up on McCain?

The last poll I saw last night, McCain was close in the Popular vote, but Obama was kicking but in the Electoral vote.

I think I also saw that Mayor Bloomberg was getting his term limits law changed, to be able to run again. I imagine the Bush people are watching that real close.

I’ve also noticed that the Chamber of Commerce, that super organization, one that looks out for the “real” Americans; is dumping a gazillion dollars in republican races all over the country. Basically saying, because of “Democrats” Americans will lose their right to a secret ballot. They have even got one of Tony Siprano’s “captains” visiting a voter in the voting booth.

The “Senator Stephens” jury is deliberating and the RNC is pulling out of a number of states, I guess Sarah needs another “Shopping trip”. As “pit bulls” go, she needs more than just Lipstick!

Less than 260 hours till the reign of King George the second comes to an end.


Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy! Brent, Your new ad is awsome.

Al Gore is comming in for a fundraiser for Merkley, I'm relatively sure he won't be bringing Lieberman, so I would encourage anyone who can, to go.


The Phillies are heading home 1-1, come on Jamie, let’s get back on track!


I'm thinking, feeling like a 5 is not out of the realm of possibilities.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I awoke at 6:15am to a 3.5. I have an appointment with my NCA this morning, and I will decide on a trip after my appointment. Well, I didn’t get this posted before I went to my NCA, but his treatment got me to a 4+.

I got 3 emails about a blazer game night supporting the Teamsters Kidney benefit, But I did not see anywhere a price or date? But, the Building Trades office does have Obama lawn signs.




Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!

This morning the Market was up 50+ points and Alan Greenspan and 2 others were appearing in front of congressman Waxman’s committee. When he was done the market was up over 90+. When I got back from my NCA and lunch with Mike, I was still feeling a 4+, and the DOW was up 170+ points. 4 years ago I seemed to notice a lot of Bush signs and Bumper stickers, not so many McCain-Palin ones this year!

I didn’t realize it but Greenspan started at the FED under George I and quit under George II. It also appeared he was definitely a Reagan fan.

I also picked up this little ditty. It could win you a few beers at the local pub.
This is potentially the first time since 1928 the Republicans did not have a Nixon or Bush on the ticket, if they win. Wasn’t it the Republicans that stirred everyone up about the Clinton’s trying to build a legacy in the White House?

Here is one for you all to figure out. The United States was 232 years old last July 4th. Of those 232 years, how many years was the United States not at or supporting a War?


Well the Phillies are 1-0.

I mentioned a while back that I might have released the Raiders defense too early, and I sure did that week, but this week they are the #1 rated defense for this week in my FFB league. I hope my Greek friends are still with me.

OTHER STUFF & OBSERVATIONS has a GREAT fundraising and GOTV email out. Does anyone want to be on the Bill O'Riley show?

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

MS by proxy


I awoke at 7:30am to a 3+. Sorry for the late blog, I think my computer has MS by proxy;-0.


I got my UA Journal today, and they did a heck of a job. We also put our ballots in the mail today. CNN reported today the lines in Georgia were over 2 hours long for early voting this morning. I hope Bobby Kennedy Jr. was not too paranoid.

I received an email from Hillary yesterday and she was trying to raise $ for Merckley.

I actually responded to one of the many messages I received from my democratic friends:

"I've done this before, last August. I did it for the magnet, and I did it for the sticker. The sticker I finally received, the magnet never came. I've been pushing for Obama on my blog, It’s at I have one sign in my yard. I gave a second to my neighbor down the street. I am getting 5-10 emails a day from the Dem's, Hillary, Various Progressives, Al Gore, John Kerry, many local Oregon and Washington candidates and others. It is great everyone is coordinating the message; it would surely save some time and effort they didn't just repeat each other."

Change happens in less than 321 hours. It’s a countdown, Get it?


Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!

Sounds like I’ll get a couple more Obama signs tonight, Thanks Mike!


I reset my FFB Lineup and now I’m only a 2-point underdog.

Series starts tonight. I don’t want to give them the jinx, but I’m rooting for the National League this year.


Market really took a dump today, down over 500+ points.

At the time of this post I am at a 4+. I think I’m almost ready for a trip!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just Hours now


I awoke at 7:30am to a 3+. After my am pills and 15 minutes in my chair, I’m close to pushing a 4. The DOW is down over 50+ points but OIL is also down.

The reason I submit this next quote from CNBC in the PERSONAL section of this Blog in stead of the POLITICAL section is because it’s from my cousin, Mishka. “WELL DONE”, Lefty would be proud.
“Joe the plumber will probably never plumb again. No licence. Doesen't pay income tax.Does not believe in paying social security.Drivig illegally Probably moved from Mesa Az cause all the illegals took his un licenced job. I think this is another case where McCain again forgot to vet his plant.(robot vp pick what ever)
P S I heard the only thing a plumber knows is shi_ flows down hill and pay day is on thursday.”

On the Local Union front, I received a mailer from my incumbant Business Manager. It was a very good piece, but I didn’t like the colors. And the best part, it wasn’t a hit piece.


Change happens in less than 330 hours. BE THE DEAF FROG!

Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!

My paranoia has been rekindled with the Obama campaign suspension to go see his Grandmother in Hawaii. Lets get that prayer chain working again.

This neighborhood still needs Obama signs.

To all my friends and relatives across the river, Christine needs your votes against that “Compassionate Conservative” Grand Oil Party candidate “Dino” the dinosaur.

I saw a few cuts from Saturday night Live yesterday. Which one was Tina and which one was Sarah? Lorne Michaels had better look out!


I’m back in first place in my division, but not picked to win this weekend.

To all my Greek friends, find me another goat, please.

I like all the kids on Tampa Bays roster, but I still want that former Mariner to get his ring.


At the time of this post I am at a 4+. I think I’m almost ready for a trip!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Monday, October 20, 2008

13 day's ?


I awoke at 7:30am to a 3. My first check of the DOW showed it up 114+ points. Then CNBC flashed a congressional hearing where Bernanke was testifying, followed by a statement from Paulsen and showing McCain and Palin in split screen at 2 separate Rallies. DOW dropped 20+ points by the time Paulsen was finished speaking and McCain and Palin were both calling Obama a socialist. Then I watched some of the testimony from Bernanke on Cspan. Earl was doing a good job, Delauro was great, I even saw Brian there. I didn’t see any R’s there, they must be home campaigning, “trying to put out the fires”.

After 15 minutes in my chair and taking my supplements and AM pills I was feeling like a 3.5.


By the way, I know What and Who ACORN is. They are doing a great service for America. Thank you General Powell.

In 13? day’s we will all know how good a job we all did!
Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!


I also watched the latest Smith ad with Wyden. Ron says “Gordon always meets me ½ way”. When we can get Jeff in I’m relatively sure HE won’t be canceling Ron’s vote 50% of the time.


Thanks to all my “Greek Friends”, they must have got the right goat. Even though I scored the smallest amount of points all year, it appears I won. And by the way, Marty, I did drop the Raiders defense too soon.

It looks like it’s going to be Red vs Blue in the World Series. Philadelphia vs Tampa Bay.

Go Phillies, that former Mariner deserves a ring.


Get your Ballots out soon, but be sure to catch the Bill Moyers October 17th show if you can. Bt the way, is anyone reading this Blog?

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell endorses!


I awoke at 9:30am to a 3. I am posting at about 2:30pm and I’m feeling like a 3+. I talked to brother Marty today, he is sure anxious to get home. He told me he was not running again for E-Board. Both Him and Gib will be missed. Thank you both for the time you donated for the betterment of your sisters and brothers.


I watched some of Meet the Press this morning, but I missed Colin Powell, apparently he came out supporting Barack today. One of their panelists attacked the Obama Campaign for their use of McCain in one of their most recent ads, as a negative ad. McCain is doing negative ads, just because he is in an ad, does that automatically make it a negative ad?

Change is in the air.

Thank you Judy for the Obama sign. It’s still up and a guy down the street walked up and wanted one. Judi told him sorry it was the only one we had so far.
The Obama people need to get out in this neighborhood!

16 days left.

Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!

Al Gore is coming to town for Merkley, while I’d like to go, I just can’t, sorry Jeff.
I wonder if the secessionists in Alaska are using Palin to try to get their way?


My FFB Team is down by 5 points right now, but I do have 3 players left to score points with. A special thank you to all my Greek friends! All I have left to do is shut down Donald Driver and pick up 3 points on Sunday or Monday night football.


Get your Ballots out soon, but be sure to catch the Bill Moyers October 17th show if you can.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Saturday, October 18, 2008

17 DAY'S


Slept in this morning till 9am. I awoke to a 3-. After my pills and 2 trips on my chair I was at 3+. My ex brother-in-law passed away earlier this week and the service is today. I hope I can make it, but it is 60/40 I won’t be able to, sorry Mike.

Before my sister passed away, my brother-in law, as a Vietnam Vet, exposed to Agent Orange, was having a big problem with the Veterans Administration. I told my buddy Harry, who worked for Congressman Brian Baird at the time, if there was anything they could do? They got involved and it helped. Both, She and He were Brian’s constituents. A big shout out to Harry and Brian, Thank you!

I want to share the last line in the Eulogy I gave for her and because I’m thinking of her and that’s why I feel real bad about possibly missing his service.

“Just for today, I will remember my sisters life, not her death, and bask in the comfort of all those treasured days and moments we shared.”


I watched, and taped Bill Moyers show last night. He had 2 great guests. Michael Zweig and Mark Crispin Miller. Zweig, was speaking on the “Employee Free Choice Act”, and Miller was speaking on Voter Fraud and Voter Suppression.

Both Oregon and Washington are voting now and I would encourage all to see these pieces.

Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!

My Local Union nominations were last night. I should hear from somebody soon on how they went. I think, this is the 1st regular nomination meeting I missed, in over 30+ years. Sorry, Dad.


USC vs the Coug’s is just starting, so I’ll be off shortly.

My FFB Team is still favored by 40+-, Are there any goats left alive out there?


Get your Ballots out soon, but be sure to catch the Bill Moyers October 17th show if you can.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Friday, October 17, 2008

Did anyone miss me?


I was up at 8am Thursday and 9:30am Friday. I awoke Thursday to a 3-, and to a 4+ today. I did not feel worse after my treatment’s yesterday, I was just being lazy.

While, I went for my treatments yesterday, Thursday, and finished the day at a 4+. I didn’t feel well enough to make my retiree’s meeting after treatments but did feel well enough to stop on the way home for lunch. We stopped at High Rocks and I played some keno. There were 2 patrons at the Bar and I overheard their conversation. One was apparently taken with Sarah Palin. I didn’t recognize him as one of the “Swift Boaters” I over heard there a few years ago, but he it did seem he was reading from a script.

By the time we got home it seemed all the talking heads were talking about was “Joe the Plumber”, from Wednesday’s debate, so I watched.

What I got from the debate was McCains attempt to “Bensten” Obama with his use of “Joe the Plumber”. Well John, I know lots of real “Joe the Plumbers” and as we have all found out since Wednesday, “Joe the Plumber” isn’t really a Plumber!

I got a call from my old buddy Bruce today. While he/we couldn’t convince our building trades brethren of forming a major coalition for saving money with a health care proposal, it appears Obama is trying to run with something similar.


After the Debate I realized just ONE of the Major differences between Obama and McCain was, Under the McCain plan we’ll tax current plans (read union negotiated) plans and give $5,000 of government money to those without plans (read Non-union workers).

Willamette Week came out Wednesday with their “Voters Guide” for this election. I just HAD to comment. I did so at about 4:30pm Wednesday night.

“As the, still not contacted, President of LINK CDC, I wish to impart some of my Fathers Wisdom, “When it comes to Politics, Every Knock is a boost”. I know Judy Shipracks work ethic, and I think I know what drives her. Multnomah County would be well served with her election.” Thanks WW for the "boost".


WOW! What a comeback by the Sox.

FFB, Sorry Marty, I dumped the Raiders Defense, probably a week to early, but I had to. Hpefully the jinx is gone, I am favored again this weekend.


I hope 5's for everyone.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008



I Awoke this morning at 6:15am to a 3. Started my Mineral Supplements at 6:30am Started my Blog at 8am, feel like a 3.2 now, even at the computer. I saw another McGovern Anti-Union ad this morning. Sorry if I seem to be lecturing later on in my blog, but I’m going to anyway.

I’ve been at my computer now for over an hour, and I’m still at a 3.2.

My Secret is, I’ve been trying to keep my posts at 235 words or 290 words. Don’t my union Brothers and sisters feel dumb! NO WINNERS!

I’ve been having some Internet connectivity problems but Judi assures me it is working now, so I will try to post.


Has anyone really read the “Card check” legislation being proposed?

There was a time when, if a union showed 20% of signed cards for representation they could demand an NLRB election for representation.

Back in the “old days” when I was trying to Organize, that seemed to work well.

My rule of thumb was to get at least 50% of representation cards signed, assuming that if I got 50% “signed” and those 50% + helped with the other employee’s, at election time I would be able to garner a majority.

In the 60’s a new business was established. The “business” of protecting and expanding “Right to Work” state Legislation. Attorney’s throughout the country began to base their “Practices” on how to keep the Union out of an employers business. Some Unions had the gall to say to employers that collectively bargained into their Negotiated contracts a clause, "that anyone doing bargaining work had to become a member of that union". Between those “Attorneys” and the “National Right to Work Committee” the stage was set for the erosion of those “Rights”. They expanded their networks and reached an apex of over 20 states that had established “Right to Work” laws.

One of the biggest obstacles in organizing was the length of time between notifying an employer of the desire of their employees to form a Union and the “independent” election put on by the NLRB. The employee’s were a captive audience for employer’s propaganda tactics and they took full advantage of that Option, especially if they were advised by their “employer representatives”.

Dues, like Taxes” are the cost of living in a free society. As taxpayers or Union members we demand certain functions to be performed by our leaders, fixing potholes, and negotiating contracts with raises to maintain our standard of living.

Hence, the beginning of the Anti Tax movement, which culminated in the election of Ronald Regan, a former Democrat, Union President and an avowed McCarthy-era Anti-communist.

As a Politician, or Union leader, one of the easiest mistakes to make is, overreaching. Sometimes you can get away with it, “putting a man on the moon”, “electing Barack Obama.” Other times you can’t, Electing George the first” a second time, or living through being a “Prisoner of War and becoming President of the United States”, I hope not/so.

Who do I blame? 3 Democrats, Truman, for Landum Griffith. McGovern,for convincing hard hats they should vote Republican & and Reagan, trying to convice everybody Government is bad. None of which men, I would consider a true Democrat.


To those “progressives” that keep forwarding me emails that show me “how much is a Billion” and “who keeps raising my taxes the most”, I have one thing to say.



The Rays sure looked awesome last night and the Dodgers are definitely up against it tonight.

I sure hope “I” can beat the jinx this weekend.


Should I bother with another "game"?

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Awoke today at 7:30am to a 3+.


Last Friday, ABC News aired a segment on 20/20 challenging the intelligence of America’s young people, and consequently, their right to cast a ballot in this year’s election. View the segment.

To quote our good friend Mike Connery (author of “Youth to Power”),
“There is a lot that is wrong with this piece. Yes, there are many uninformed voters, but that category is not limited to young people, who are unfortunately the main target of this piece. Anyone who has ever watched Jay Leno could tell you that many Americans are uninformed about current events. Unfortunately, some see that as an excuse to rob people of their constitutional rights, and Stossel and ABC are happy to play along.”
In response to this irresponsible segment, the Bus Project has put together its own piece. Take a look, and pass it along to your friends. View the Bus Project's response video.

If you want BIG CHANGE, don’t hang on to that spare change!

21 DAYS!


Tim McCarver and Joe Buck seem to be the biggest 2nd guessers in Baseball. That must be why they are on the sidelines, in front of a camera, instead of a dougout!

Bad news, in FFB I’m picked to win by 40 points.


For all of you that have been tearing your hair out trying to figure out the “secret”. You need to copy them & download them to a microsoft word document. Click your tools and do a word count on the last 4 or five postings.

This is really, really, my last hint. The secret revealed tomorrow.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Monday, October 13, 2008



I slept in till after 9am and awoke to a 3. My feelings for Keno yesterday were obviously misleading. I got the lowest return I can remember!


I received a wonderful article from a British writer who closely observed the Palin/Biden debate. I hope American voters were also as observant! Thanks John.

23 DAYS LEFT, Oregon registration deadline is tomorrow.

Is the “October Surprise” the market or ACORN?

Congratulations to the NY Times writer on his Nobel Prize. I put this shout out under politics because all the talking heads are sure that the dynamite inventors prize is just a left wing conspiracy.



Well, I went to bed as a 1 point loser. My brothers baseball team is back as a winner, 1 in a row, he could have rooted as hard for his football team.


The OSU Beaver fans down the hill put up their second McCain/Palin sign. I’m trying not to get down on the Beavers but, Go Ducks.

The market shot up over 700 points Today. It appears that some of Wall Street is actually reading the Obama Economic Plan.

Tomorrow is the day of revelation of the “secret”.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..I’ll try not to be late.

This is really my last hint, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

You need one!


I awoke at 730am to a 3. I did get to Dianna’s step Dads Wake but could only last a couple hours. It sure was good to see Jim and Jack though. I didn’t know it but Bill was a Local 10 Painter. I played a Keno ticket that I apparently miss-marked, so I won’t know until tomorrow if it won. When we finally got home I did a double dose of my chair, and I’m back to a 3+.


I watched the usual Sunday am shows and according to Charles Kuralt’s show, “Ugly is in”.

I also saw George McGovern on the Anti Union ads. He must be trying to get back at all those “Hard Hats” that lost him his Presidential Election to Nixon.


I checked my FFB Team when I got home and I was still losing by over 10 points. That’s not easy considering my opponent had 3 active players that had a bye! I need the SD QB to get me 13 points to night. And you need one.


Short Blog today, because I don’t want to miss either, The Bruce and Bob show or the NLCS.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..I’ll try not to be late.

This is really my last hint, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

24 DAY'S


Woke up this morning at 8am to a 3.


Looked like even the talking heads noticed that when Bush, Bernanke or Paulsen were speaking, the Market would take a dive. I watched George Soros on Bill Moyers last night, even he was pessimistic, We share the feelings about Paulsen. The Republican Presidential Campaign is the same it was the last 2 elections, feed the fear!

Based on the news from Alaska last night, Palin is looking more and more like Cheney. Is there “Executive Privilege” for Governors?

Judi’s out walking for Judy this morning. I sure hope they have a good turnout.

The Ron Wyden ad for Jeff Merkley is very good.

Those Smith ads by the Chamber of Commerce are sure misleading.

Governor Gregoire will be in Vancouver Monday for a town hall meeting, hope you all can make it. Dino Rossi is sure trying to come across as a “Compassionate Conservative". But, he still shows he is a part of the GOP. Grand Oil Party!


Should be a few good College football games today on TV.


I am considering revealing my “secret” on Wednesday. That doesn’t give you much time people!

A very short blog again today so we can all get back to our prayers, and I can get back to my chair.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Friday, October 10, 2008

25 days


I awoke this morning at about 7am to a 3+. I thought it would be better after my Treatments yesterday. The treatments perked me up to a 4+ but that only lasted a couple hours. I don’t know if it was the treatments or the fact I forgot my noon pills that brought be back down?


I went to cnbc to check the market first thing and they had Bush on giving a speech about his upcoming G7 meetings. While I watched and listened the Market dropped another 300+ points. Can’t someone shut him up!

The R’s and talking heads are blaming Democrats for the Market and Housing meltdown. It’s all those dam liberal bankers and homebuilders! Getting those dam “people” (read…….Minorities) into homes they could not afford. I alway's suspected those Homebuilders and Bankers were closet liberals! Must be what happened to Johnny Carsons, Ed Mcman?

In Oregon you have 4 days left to register to vote, GET ‘ER DONE.

I thought Merkley did really well against Smith last night.




I’m afraid to check my FFB team yet. So I’m still favored by 5 points.

To that “anonymous” Red Sox admirer, it starts tonight!


No winners on the “secret prize” yet. C’mon, Joe, Jim, Mike, Marty, and all.

Note to everyone, Just because I’ve been diagnosed with M.S. it doesn’t mean I am suddenly stupid, I just move slower.

Shout out to Craig Peterson Plumbing and Trevor, Thanks for the two new thrones.

If you need a good UNION Plumber I would highly recommend them.

A very short blog again today so we can all get back to our prayers, and I can get back to my chair.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Local what? last "hint"


I awoke at about 7:30 this morning to a 3. Spent an hour trying to get online to get a blog out to no avail. Went to Kaiser and got a lower back xray and some pills then headed off to my NCA

My visit to my NCA went well. That’s the reason for the late post. Going in I was a 3-, right now I’m a 4+. I won’t be starting his pills (supplements) till next week. He was disappointed, but my good results after last weeks “treatment” gave us both optimism for the future.

Well my plumber is here now and he will give us higher throne. My HVAC guy should be here shortly so it looks like another short blog.


The Market was up a little this morning but I assume Bush, Bernanke or Paulson, gave a speech cause it’s going to finish down well over 300 points.



I saw my 1st McCain Palin lawn sign in my travels this morning

Hopefully I will be getting my Obama Biden signs from Mike soon so we can all look down on those signs.

Smith and Merkley will be debating tonight AT 7pm on KGW. I’ll have to tape Alex again.


There seems to be a Red Sox fan in the audience, even with Manny in Dodger Blue?

My FFB team is favored again. Am I Jinxed?


My niece has come up with a new “Recovery – Bailout plan”. It is quite interesting.

The secret truth is still out there.

Very short blog today so we can all get back to our prayers.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The last hint!


Woke up at 7:25am to a 3-.

My brother and sister-in-law went up to see Brandi last night. They think she’ll be going home today. Your prayers are helping, keep them up.

And now, a special shout out, to Harry. We should “talk” about your email yesterday, it made my brother cry.

Has anyone figured out my “secret message”?


The DOW was down to 9,342, OIL to $87.42. The DOW approximately 34% from it’s high.
6 days left to register to vote in Oregon.
We ARE a battleground state you know.
Does anyone else think this “market crash”, is an attempt to influence the November election?


I would advise everyone to read the John McCain article in the Rolling Stone magazine.

So, who won the debate?

Got any spare change? If you want change, spend your spare change, send it to your favorite candidate for change. All politics is local!


It appears the Dodgers got more from their American League acquisitions than the Cubs, but it was their American League acquisitions that vaulted them through the NLCS.


John, congratulations on your superb work at PDC.

Did anyone get the hidden, “message” in yesterday’s post? My Local brothers and Sisters should get it especially Billy, Mike, Marty and Joe. DUHHHHHHH.

I am trying to put another “message” in todays blog, Thank goodness I have a tools bar on my Microsoft word document maker. This is my last hint. Are your dues paid up?

Barack, Fritz, and Democracy requires participation. GET ‘ER DONE.

Very short blog today so we can all get back to our prayers.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

28 days


I woke this morning at 7:25 to a low 3.

No trips today but I will fully utilize my Lazy Boy.

My next appointment with my NCA is Thursday, hopefully it will get me ready for the weekend.

I still haven’t heard from Brandi. I hope and pray things are improving.


Market is down again double digits. Will someone please tell Bush, Bernanke & Paulsen to please shut up? Well, my call of the Market bottom appears to be wrong again!


28 days till election 08. All you can do is what you can do, Do all you can do.

Merkley has apparently pulled even with Smith. His latest Utube ads seem to be working well.

Brent Bartons ads sure seem to be well done and I think they should be working.

Has anyone else been watching the House Oversight Committee hearings on AIG? Why do I think AIG and Paulsen took the Jeff Gayson scam and “improved” on it.


Giz and Harry, The Orioles and CUBS are still my favorite teams! But, go Dodgers.


Did anyone get the hidden, “message” in yesterday’s post? My Local brothers and Sisters should get it especially Billy, Mike, Marty and Joe. DUHHHHHHH.

Very short blog today so we can all get to our prayers.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Monday, October 6, 2008

Say a prayer


Awake 6am to a 3+

As of 7:04am this morning we are “officially in a recession”, the DOW dropped below 9,800. That was 30% below the high of 14,000.

I would like everyone to say a prayer for Brandi Walters Hindman. She is going through really rough times right now


FFB, I suffered my first loss, because I played the wrong QB. I still had the 3rd highest point total of the day. The CUBS won’t be playing this weekend though. Marty will be happy, I guess I’ll have to start rooting for the Dodgers.


According to a reliable source on the Bill Mahar show Osama is not in a cave, he is in a villa somewhere. I watched it last night on HBO.

28 days till the national election, more of the same or a change in direction?

Smiths latest ad with Ted Kennedy, has me concerned. More of the same? As Yogi would say, “dejavue, all over again”?

34 minutes after the DOW opened it was below 9,800, the last time that happened was 2004. What else happened in 2004?

And No, I still haven’t heard from Senator Smith, on my “letter” request.

Just over 100 days left in the reign of King George.

Very short blog today so we can all get to our prayers.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Sunday, October 5, 2008



I awoke at 6:25am to a 3.5.

I reviewed my blog and I didn’t have any comments posted for the month. I’ll send out a notice to 5 more “slackers – bloggers”. I’ll let them decide if they are “slackers or bloggers”.

Happy Birthday Mary.

I heard from, and had a good conversation with a candidate for Business Manager of my local union. To my 290 sisters and brothers, make sure your dues are paid and vote.



I couldn’t get on for another chance at the free roll.

Today is FFB day and I’m still a 16-point underdog.

It appears nobody sacrificed a goat Friday night.

Well nobody had an idea for a celebration, so I’ll reward one of my followers with a year’s subscription to the NW Labor press. Cheap enough, at twice the price. And most of my “slackers and Bloggers” already subscribe.


Thursday night’s debate between Merkley and Smith on KGW should be interesting.

And No, I still haven’t heard from Senator Smith, on my “letter” request.

I watched Bob Sheifer this morning and Sarah Palin did say, yesterday in California, Barack Obama supports Terrorists.

29 day’s until the National election. More of the same or a change in direction? Vote early, vote often and vote for change, “please”.

Just over 100 days left in the reign of King George.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Saturday, October 4, 2008



Near as I can tell, my Blog is one month old tomorrow. I should celebrate. Do you have an idea how?

I am still learning how to operate it, but at least it’s been out there.

Using my personal rating system, 1 to 5 for my days. I started the blog as a 3 and I’m finding I seem to be holding at 4+. Thanks mostly to my NCA, his treatments, and my Lazy Boy Massage Chair, they have allowed me to spend at least an hour sitting in front of my computer without those darn pain pills.


After I posted yesterday, the House voted and passed the “Recovery Bill”. The Market closed at 10,707+ and I think I’ll call that the new bottom. They apparently went home after Monday and got an earful. Under the Bush/Paulsen Plan the American People took a risk and Wall Street got the benefit. Under the plan that was passed, Wall Street takes the risk and the American people benefit. Less than 15 weeks left under King George and I hope I can get my country back!

Kurt Schrader got 2 more endorsements but he still needs help. Erickson seems to believe that his money and a negative campaign can steal this Congressional seat from the democrats and win it for the (Minor Party) Republicans.

I felt pretty good about the “Rescue plan”, at least until I watched Bill Moyers last night.

I sure hope Merkley’s function went well. Does anyone have a report?



Well my FFB opponent woke up and reset his lineup. Now I’m an underdog by 16 points

Did everyone sacrifice a goat last night?

Is poker considered a sport?

I’ve received 2 free rolls on pokerstars so far. I lasted 9 minutes in my first attempt and 3 minutes in my second. I’ll try again in an hour.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Friday, October 3, 2008

They Voted


The house voted on the "Rescue package.

There is a secret message on the following.



Today starts at 7am. It begins as a 4+.


At 8am on Cspan1 the house is debating “The rescue Package”. The market is up 200+ points.

The 2 best statements I heard so far are #1, "Monday, with the Bush/Paulsen package we had, The American people took the risk and Wall Street received the reward". In today’s package, "Wall Street takes the risk and the American people receive the reward". #2, was Barney Frank’s response to an R that was concerned that the Free Market system brought us up to the best economy in the world and this new socialist system would bring us down. Barney Promised the R, “the new system with its checks, balances and reviews should keep Bush from turning us into a socialist state”.

When I came in here to Post my blog, they were ½ hour away from the vote. As slow as I move they probably voted by now. I’m thinking it should pass resoundingly.

Barney Frank is an ALLSTAR!

Call everyone you know, 31 day's left till King George is deposed, let's make sure his successor dosen't also come from the House of Oil.


Any reader with goats must sacrifice one this afternoon.

Do those Republican readers realize that, and I have it on good authority, Manny Rameriz is Muslim?

Will someone please get the deaf frog video to the Cubs!

Lets watch out, I think Rosanne will be singing the National Anthem in LA.

At least I’m still favored by 5 in my FFB game.

Today’s blog is also short, and not so sweet.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Don't forget Merkley



Yesterday finished right at 5 for me. This morning starts as a 4+.

My attempt’s at achieving the “American Dream, winning the lottery” seem to be slowing down.


Cubs are down by 1 game. To the Dodgers……..Come on Z get ‘er done.


The Senate finished their Economic “rescue” plan last night at 9:45pm Eastern Time. It passed 75 to 24. The 3 hours of debate lasted over 4 hours. Obama gave a great speech. The theme for the R no votes seemed to be, they hate government, except when they backup to the paymaster. The theme for the D no votes seemed to be, the oversight and accountability didn’t go far enough. Well Friday, it appears, the House will have to deal with it.

I’ve negotiated a lot of contracts in my previous life, and I never left the table feeling that I didn’t leave something on the table. Having watched this whole fiasco develop and work it self out. I am sure a number of the no’s feel the same way. Saying no now, and taking it to the streets, whether it’s Wall Street or Main Street is not in anybody’s interest. Does that make me a woos?

The house is not in session today. Happy Holiday Mary.

Nothing scheduled in the Senate, just a Performa session. That keeps Bush from making “interim” appointments. Senator Reed of N.H. speaking on his attempt to get Unemployment extensions.

Are you all ready for the VP Debate tonight? Cspan1 has been running some previous one’s. It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since Bentsen/Quale. I wonder if Palin thinks SHE is Kennedyesk.

Don't forget Merkley's watchin at the Hilton tonight with Wyden and Boxer.

Today’s blog is short, but sweet.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008




My day started as a 4/5. I feel real good. I have not started the supplements from my NCA yet. They are supposed to just be mineral supplements. I’ve got some investigating to do on them, but the Chiropractic/Acupuncture treatment yesterday really helped.


I reset my FFB team for this weekend and I went from a 25+ point underdog to a 4 point favorite. Let the weekend begin!


The Senate is voting today about 3pm our time on their version of the “Bailout” Bill. I’ll be glued to Cspan2.

I sure hope Wyden, Cantwell & Murray can get back for Merkley and Barton.

JUDY be the deaf frog!

From the Obama campaign today I received the following:

Our records show you've expressed interest in this campaign, and we wanted to make sure you know about all the opportunities to get involved with this movement in your community and online.

Check out the resources below -- learn how you can connect with fellow supporters, organize in your neighborhood, build our national grassroots organization, and stay informed with the very latest campaign news.

Explore these resources and forward this message to anyone you know who wants to get involved.

To stop receiving these emails, click the unsubscribe link below.


Neighbor To Neighbor

No one knows your community better than you -- and no one is better suited to strengthen our movement from the bottom up. Our new online tool, Neighbor to Neighbor, makes it easy to connect with potential supporters in your own community or sister communities in battleground states. You can reach out to your fellow voters by making phone calls or knocking on doors -- the choice is yours.
Vote for Change Your vote will decide whether we get the change we need or just four more years of the same. With our online tool, Vote for Change, you can find out if you are registered to vote, get registered, apply to vote absentee, and find your early vote location -- in only three minutes. Visit now and make your voice heard.
Invite Your Friends, From day one, millions of Americans have built this movement by spreading the word about Barack Obama and Joe Biden to their friends and neighbors. You can help grow the movement for change right now by inviting your friends to join our campaign.
Share Your Feedback
This is a pivotal moment in the election. Even if you just joined our movement, your feedback will inform the planning for the next phase of this campaign. Take a brief survey now.

The Palin/Biden Debate is Tommorrow night, Are you ready? Did you see the Cafferty-Blitzer video? Did you see the Dailey show Palin piece? Did you see the Palin/Couric interview?

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………