Wednesday, October 29, 2008

4 looking for a 5


I awoke at 6:15am to a 3-. Lower back ache, but a good nights sleep. I took my morning pills and turned on the TV. The Market was up again 60+ points to over 9100 and Oil was down to just under $67.00 a barrel. I sent Mike the URL for the deaf frog. Yesterday and today were both above average KENO days hopefully that bodes well for POWERBALL tonight! I also got my volume setting to 11 this morning on my TV.


I went to Cspan and Congressman McDermott (W) was conducting a hearing on the “stimulus” package. They were interviewing Governor Sanford of (SC), not the junk collector, who was complaining about “earmarks”. The earmark in particular was one put in by a congressman (D) from (SC) and he didn’t like Washington telling him where to spend some of the money that they were allocating to South Carolina. I am sure he wasn’t complaining because the Congressman was Black or the fact that he was a Democrat? I’m sure he just felt that the Governor of South Carolina new better than those in Washington DC what South Carolina wanted.
Where was it that the Civil War started, and Why?

McDermott was great, I hope all you people in Washington see fit to send him back.

I saw Barack’s ad for Merkley last night. It was sure powerful.
Barack was back in Pennsylvania this morning and McCain was in Florida. I still think those fans, both sports and political, are awesome in Philadelphia.


I hope the Series umpires and Bud Selig aren’t investors in diebolt.

Come on, we need to get more people eating at the Greek Restaurants! It’ll be good for the economy too!


Well, after an hour at the computer, at the time of this posting I’m at a 4.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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