Monday, October 20, 2008

13 day's ?


I awoke at 7:30am to a 3. My first check of the DOW showed it up 114+ points. Then CNBC flashed a congressional hearing where Bernanke was testifying, followed by a statement from Paulsen and showing McCain and Palin in split screen at 2 separate Rallies. DOW dropped 20+ points by the time Paulsen was finished speaking and McCain and Palin were both calling Obama a socialist. Then I watched some of the testimony from Bernanke on Cspan. Earl was doing a good job, Delauro was great, I even saw Brian there. I didn’t see any R’s there, they must be home campaigning, “trying to put out the fires”.

After 15 minutes in my chair and taking my supplements and AM pills I was feeling like a 3.5.


By the way, I know What and Who ACORN is. They are doing a great service for America. Thank you General Powell.

In 13? day’s we will all know how good a job we all did!
Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!


I also watched the latest Smith ad with Wyden. Ron says “Gordon always meets me ½ way”. When we can get Jeff in I’m relatively sure HE won’t be canceling Ron’s vote 50% of the time.


Thanks to all my “Greek Friends”, they must have got the right goat. Even though I scored the smallest amount of points all year, it appears I won. And by the way, Marty, I did drop the Raiders defense too soon.

It looks like it’s going to be Red vs Blue in the World Series. Philadelphia vs Tampa Bay.

Go Phillies, that former Mariner deserves a ring.


Get your Ballots out soon, but be sure to catch the Bill Moyers October 17th show if you can. Bt the way, is anyone reading this Blog?

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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