I Awoke this morning at 6:15am to a 3. Started my Mineral Supplements at 6:30am Started my Blog at 8am, feel like a 3.2 now, even at the computer. I saw another McGovern Anti-Union ad this morning. Sorry if I seem to be lecturing later on in my blog, but I’m going to anyway.
I’ve been at my computer now for over an hour, and I’m still at a 3.2.
My Secret is, I’ve been trying to keep my posts at 235 words or 290 words. Don’t my union Brothers and sisters feel dumb! NO WINNERS!
I’ve been having some Internet connectivity problems but Judi assures me it is working now, so I will try to post.
Has anyone really read the “Card check” legislation being proposed?
There was a time when, if a union showed 20% of signed cards for representation they could demand an NLRB election for representation.
Back in the “old days” when I was trying to Organize, that seemed to work well.
My rule of thumb was to get at least 50% of representation cards signed, assuming that if I got 50% “signed” and those 50% + helped with the other employee’s, at election time I would be able to garner a majority.
In the 60’s a new business was established. The “business” of protecting and expanding “Right to Work” state Legislation. Attorney’s throughout the country began to base their “Practices” on how to keep the Union out of an employers business. Some Unions had the gall to say to employers that collectively bargained into their Negotiated contracts a clause, "that anyone doing bargaining work had to become a member of that union". Between those “Attorneys” and the “National Right to Work Committee” the stage was set for the erosion of those “Rights”. They expanded their networks and reached an apex of over 20 states that had established “Right to Work” laws.
One of the biggest obstacles in organizing was the length of time between notifying an employer of the desire of their employees to form a Union and the “independent” election put on by the NLRB. The employee’s were a captive audience for employer’s propaganda tactics and they took full advantage of that Option, especially if they were advised by their “employer representatives”.
Dues, like Taxes” are the cost of living in a free society. As taxpayers or Union members we demand certain functions to be performed by our leaders, fixing potholes, and negotiating contracts with raises to maintain our standard of living.
Hence, the beginning of the Anti Tax movement, which culminated in the election of Ronald Regan, a former Democrat, Union President and an avowed McCarthy-era Anti-communist.
As a Politician, or Union leader, one of the easiest mistakes to make is, overreaching. Sometimes you can get away with it, “putting a man on the moon”, “electing Barack Obama.” Other times you can’t, Electing George the first” a second time, or living through being a “Prisoner of War and becoming President of the United States”, I hope not/so.
Who do I blame? 3 Democrats, Truman, for Landum Griffith. McGovern,for convincing hard hats they should vote Republican & and Reagan, trying to convice everybody Government is bad. None of which men, I would consider a true Democrat.
To those “progressives” that keep forwarding me emails that show me “how much is a Billion” and “who keeps raising my taxes the most”, I have one thing to say.
The Rays sure looked awesome last night and the Dodgers are definitely up against it tonight.
I sure hope “I” can beat the jinx this weekend.
Should I bother with another "game"?
Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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