Friday, October 24, 2008

260 Hours


I awoke at 7:15am to a 3.5. The DOW was down 421.18 to 8,300+ that’s almost a 60% drop from the 14,000+ high. The good news is OIL is down to 64.31 which puts gas below $1.50.

My NCA reviewed my back xrays yesterday and wants me to wear a removable cast and let my lower back have time to heal. Judi and I had a 20-30 minute lesson on backs and discs.

My computer still has MS by Proxy, so lord knows when/if myBlog can be posted?

I have a card party scheduled tonight. And I’m going to try to get through it without any pain pills and limited Massage chair interruptions. If it goes well I’m going to try to plan a trip.


AOL asks the question. Has GOP given up on McCain?

The last poll I saw last night, McCain was close in the Popular vote, but Obama was kicking but in the Electoral vote.

I think I also saw that Mayor Bloomberg was getting his term limits law changed, to be able to run again. I imagine the Bush people are watching that real close.

I’ve also noticed that the Chamber of Commerce, that super organization, one that looks out for the “real” Americans; is dumping a gazillion dollars in republican races all over the country. Basically saying, because of “Democrats” Americans will lose their right to a secret ballot. They have even got one of Tony Siprano’s “captains” visiting a voter in the voting booth.

The “Senator Stephens” jury is deliberating and the RNC is pulling out of a number of states, I guess Sarah needs another “Shopping trip”. As “pit bulls” go, she needs more than just Lipstick!

Less than 260 hours till the reign of King George the second comes to an end.


Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy! Brent, Your new ad is awsome.

Al Gore is comming in for a fundraiser for Merkley, I'm relatively sure he won't be bringing Lieberman, so I would encourage anyone who can, to go.


The Phillies are heading home 1-1, come on Jamie, let’s get back on track!


I'm thinking, feeling like a 5 is not out of the realm of possibilities.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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