Saturday, October 11, 2008

24 DAY'S


Woke up this morning at 8am to a 3.


Looked like even the talking heads noticed that when Bush, Bernanke or Paulsen were speaking, the Market would take a dive. I watched George Soros on Bill Moyers last night, even he was pessimistic, We share the feelings about Paulsen. The Republican Presidential Campaign is the same it was the last 2 elections, feed the fear!

Based on the news from Alaska last night, Palin is looking more and more like Cheney. Is there “Executive Privilege” for Governors?

Judi’s out walking for Judy this morning. I sure hope they have a good turnout.

The Ron Wyden ad for Jeff Merkley is very good.

Those Smith ads by the Chamber of Commerce are sure misleading.

Governor Gregoire will be in Vancouver Monday for a town hall meeting, hope you all can make it. Dino Rossi is sure trying to come across as a “Compassionate Conservative". But, he still shows he is a part of the GOP. Grand Oil Party!


Should be a few good College football games today on TV.


I am considering revealing my “secret” on Wednesday. That doesn’t give you much time people!

A very short blog again today so we can all get back to our prayers, and I can get back to my chair.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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