Tuesday, January 11, 2011

TRIMET NEEDS TO BE FIXED.................


I awoke this morning at 6:45am today after 8+hrs of good sleep to a 3-, I had a little lower back pain and it was just freezing and I took my pills and checked the seed on the west deck, it was not all gone from yesterday. I went to the NWOLC E-board meeting yesterday, to pitch participation in our M.S. Walk on April 9th and found out many there had already received my face book pitch and when I got home Judi informed me that GOOD FRIEND, QUEEN DONNA HAMMOND has signed up to walk. It was a very good meeting, and I learned how out of touch I have become. Clackamas County Chair Lynn Peterson was there to get some help on their piece of the Max line extension, a much needed expansion and we talked about the disruption at their last meeting. I offered what ever help I could provide, being we are resident's of unincorporated Clackamas County. I also found out good friend Duke Sheppard has left the Oregon AFL-CIO to go to work for Governor Kitzhaber, that is a very good move on the part of the Governor's office. I found out that good friend Bob Shiprack is running for Metro, so the health concerns I have been expressing for him are definitely outdated. The Trimet drivers are also having trouble with the Trimet board. It sounds like they are going to need another informational picket at their next board (SAVE THE DATE JANUARY 26TH 8AM 650 NE HOLLADAY ST.) meeting and it sounds like the Trimet office is not too far from Kaisers main office, so maybe I can help them and they may help me.

It seems ironic to me that the #1 issue for Republicans for the next two years is Health Care repeal and they will immediately take it up when they actually get back to work. I am still clearing much from my blog. The B.C.S. Championship game was an exciting game last night, even in spite of the dirty play by Auburn, I picked Oregon 41-24, Vegas gave 2 points and Auburn won by 3 (hmmm). You will have to go back to a previous blogs to find that “special” report you really like. I am still preparing for my New Years Resolutions, I did contact Dr. McCallum and she is ordering me some stop smoking pills, today is 1-11-11 and while I am doing better it hasn't happened yet.

Don't forget to say THANK YOU, to all those servicemen and women who have served or are serving. Christopher is back in Afghanistan and I understand nephew Rhyon is heading back there in May, but we did see him, and hope to again before he leaves. So a prayer a day for them from all my readers would sure make me feel better.

I still have to email my AOH brothers to find out if the AOH Memorial is at the Catholic cemetery there next to the entrance of Willamette National. I will put the prayer to St. Jude in here again for Andrew McVey's Mother, Bill Gallagher's Father, 290 brothers Dick Coyle, C.W. Misenheimer, and the families of the Tucson shootings so please add them to your prayers also.

** For Brother's Andrew's, Bill's, Dick's, C.W.'s and the Tuscon families **

Prayer to St. Jude for Eternal Life
You are my solace, St. Jude, in the face of loss and sorrow. I pray that you will guide my heart away from the darkness of fear and into the light of Christ. May the hope that St. Jude keeps alive in my heart be a source of comfort to all those who grieve. For in that hope, we know God's mercy, and we trust God's promise of eternal life. My soul longs for the fullness of life, which is only to be revealed when I meet my Maker in heaven. Stay by my side, St. Jude, so that my soul will always know the power of your healing love. Amen.

God grant that I may live to fish until my dying day, And when it comes to my last cast, I then must humbly pray. When in the Lord's safe landing net I'm peacefully asleep, that in His mercy, I be judged............Good enough to keep.

**** My daily prayer, is to Mary Mother of God…..”O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear our prayer. As your children we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today. For cousin Mick, nephew Arron, Kelli's Mom, good friend Ron Wyden, good family friend Pat Percin, and those who are having health issues; protecting Christopher and Rhyon and all in need. We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help ALL of us, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever, Amen.”

I know I have been repeating things, apparently too much, on my blog; but some of this stuff I need to be reminded of and some of this stuff others need to be reminded of.


The M.S. Walk is scheduled for Saturday April 9th here in Portland and I hope everyone can participate($) in some form or another. THANK YOU, QUEEN DONNA FOR SIGNING UP ALREADY. (the first of 10 registered so far).

Thank you for your participation in Walk MS. Last year, we raised $588,000 and had more than 5,000 walkers across 10 sites in Oregon and SW Washington. Those funds were crucial to expanding many of the programs and services that the Oregon Chapter aims to provide for its clients each year.
To build on this positive momentum, we invite you to participate in Walk MS 2011. To register and get started with fundraising, donate to a walker (WALLY'S WALKERS), or find out about volunteer opportunities, visit www.walkmsoregon.com. Some of our Walk sites have new locations and new names, so grab a friend, come see what’s new this year, and continue your support! In 2011, we set our sights even higher, and hope to engage over 5,500 walkers and raise more than $623,000 to continue supporting vital programs and services for the over 7,200 individuals living with MS in Oregon and SW Washington.

This is also my attempt to keep track of my experiences with Kaiser Permanente and my M.S. treatment for my Neurologist and his RN. So far with the 4.5mg, I think I'm noticeably better, I have changed the LDN to coincide with my noon regimen and I am experiencing better days now that I'm doing the L.D.N., at noon, and I have started that brand new FDA approved pill, Ampyra and unless they screw it up it (apparently they didn't) is only supposed to be a $20 copay. My BP is 122/74/76 at 11:50am. I am still working on cutting down on my smoking, New Years Resolution #1 ¼ pack by 1-11-11, not there yet but hopefully with a little help from the wellbutrin, if I get it. After I got an “explanation of benefits” this is not a bill but in the billed amount was $84.10 ( exactly the LDN amount) in the next column was allowed amount was $84.10, the member responsibility was 0.00, Kaiser paid 0.00; if the member responsibility was 0.00 WHY DID IT COST ME $84.10?? I will remind everyone that I WILL be creating my own picket sign, and it will be so convenient for my picketing at Kaiser Sunnyside, Mt. Scott, Mt. Talbert and their whole complex here on Sunnyside.


www.credo.com has a petition to tell the republicans in congress, who HAVE government health care to give it up if they are so bent on taking it away from the 30+ million AMERICANS now covered under the new Health Care Law. It appears that shooting in Arizona was related to the new health care law.

I did post the accomplishments for the Presidents 1st 2 years and I did try to list them all; I just wish that E.F.C.A. was one. I know it is a long time still until the 2012 elections, and I'm probably not the first, but I will say right here that; President Obama deserves and has earned his second term.

CHECK OUT PAST BLOGS FOR THE Top 5 Social Security Myths. I will stop listing and I will save space.

Well, here we go......(John Bohener as Speaker of the house), BACK to the BUSH years? (that is in this new Contract on America) Do you suppose he is one of the protégées of Delay, even though he is soooo emotional? After 2 years with him as the big gavel crybaby, it should insure a Democratic Landslide in 2012 !



This Business Plan is for the Oregon Military Support Network (OMSN) which operates as a not-for-profit organization throughout the northwestern United States and is located in Milwaukie, Oregon.

The idea for OMSN began in 2007 as an outgrowth of the Military Resource Meetings that were part of the Oregon reintegration strategy for service men and women who were returning from deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. The effort was lead by a young Oregon woman, Michelle Davidson, who had served her country for seven years as both an active duty member of the U.S. Army and then as a member of the Oregon National Guard. Michelle worked as a paid intern for National Guard Reintegration Team one and a half years and State Senator Martha Schrader for six months and directed the majority of her earnings to cover the costs of traveling throughout Oregon to conduct the Military Resource Meetings, providing materials and refreshments for meetings, and physically taking veterans and their families to service provider agencies if they lacked transportation. Since the beginning these outreach efforts were underwritten through Michelle’s generosity and her unwavering support of the need to connect veterans and their families with much needed services.





If you are flying the American Flag, please keep flying it until ALL our Troops return home.

At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?


The Auburn tigers are a dirty team, I hope to hear from Bobbie, Dennis and Dan on their experience.

Boy, I am sure glad that the Blazers didn't move Marcus Camby, he and Wesley Mathews are sure looking GOOD, they play New York to night.

I did get this off to Giz and he did pass it along:
Mr. Angelos, sir, I hope you have had your people keep an eye on that Mehrens kid, that played fall ball for the S. Cal Rangers, I have been trying to follow his progress on line and he definitely has the right stuff; based on what I've read he will be making a wonderful closer. I spoke, “lectured” him and I am working hard on my next “lecture”!! I must have scared him off because I think he already headed south.


Lets get started with fundraising, donate to a walker, “WALLY'S WALKERS”, or find out about volunteer opportunities, visit and register at www.walkmsoregon.com.

I did get the 2010 BULL SESSION program and results in the mail, and it sure was well done, Thanks Tim. And I think I misspoke before, because after rechecking our total for 20 years it was actually $4 million. I did talk to Jim Moss and he will try to get their website to accept partial payments; the last time I did check, and it wasn't set yet and I got a facebook notice that Ed Ellis is now my facebook friend. Jim did say that the individual entry would be the same rate as last year for the Unions and members. THANK YOU JIM ! AND THANK YOU ALSO TO THE MEMBERS OF LOCAL 290 FOR YOUR VERY GENEROUS DONATION.

I did get an update from Molly Smithson on her “playing for others” program and it is still ongoing also. And Judi got a nice call from Maria and it appears everyone is doing very well.

The planning for the 2011 Hood to Coast in August has started already and Judi has signed up for the walk part, and we are recruiting for the 2011 M.S. Walk which is April 9th. ALL HELP APPRECIATED.

HERE IS THE LINK FOR MY CHOICE FOR THE AOH CHARITY; and it does appear it is garnering more support:


HELP THE KOMEN RUN/WALK – www.5.komen.org/findarace.aspx
The American Rights at Work still needs help. We must not take our eye off that MAIN issue, our two Senators haven't; E.F.C.A. It is very disappointing that it was not lame duck accomplishment, especially in light of that mine disaster in West Virginia and those Rig explosions in the Gulf. I watched the commission on the B.P. Disaster and, from here, it looks like the beginning of a cover up, and based on what I have been hearing the Republican's have Organized Labor directly in their cross hairs for the next 2 years.

The U.A. Local 290 “Don Salee” Member Assistance Program.


, stay positive and we will meet on the golf course (but I'm not sure if Ron even Plays) but I will take it easy on all of you. I also talked to good friend Scott Gardner and he wants to get together for some golf. I also heard from good friend and brother Joe McCarthy and he is going in for surgery on his rotator cuff, but as soon as he is well we will get out also.


May love and laughter light your days
And warm your heart and homes
May good and faithful friends be yours wherever you may roam
May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures
May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, GLBT gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

Mike; My blog, is 5 pages, and over 2,500 words today, I think.

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