Wednesday, July 1, 2009

JULY is LABOR month in San Francisco, I think?


I awoke this morning at 6:45am to a 3 after 8 hours of sleep, and a sunny morning. I took my am pills,with only 10mg of my Ritalin I'll be doing lots of napping, I put my flag out and I settled into my Lazy Boy for 4 massages.

My appointment with my NCA Monday was not as good as past visits and the combination of no Ritalin and a rough NCA session made for a less than optimum day, but I did have a couple of good naps. I did meet another patient of Dr Finley who was also in a “back cast”. He said he had been using it for about 5-6 months and felt it was really doing some good. But, he was also looking forward to getting out of it soon. He said he wore it 7-10 hours a day which was more than I seem to manage I think. I bear it for about 3-6 hours max, maybe twice a day. Dr. Finley told me, in his last conversation with the women with MS he has been treating, she said she was determined to get out of her Wheel Chair and that would be quite an accomplishment, because she has been bound to that chair for years.
I told him of my planned trip, and attempt at getting my hand controls and he seemed happy for me. He did say, getting some of that independence back would be good for me and I naturally agreed.

I will also again say thank you to all those who joined my request for prayers for my two friends who went through surgery last Wednesday. It appears that friend and brother Jim's stint surgery went well. Imagine, going through an artery through the heart and placing a stint in one of his veins,or arteries, I don't know which, for the 3rd time, on Wednesday morning, and he was released Wednesday night.

Wednesday afternoon friend Dianna had her surgery early in the afternoon and Judi has been checking on her since. She is still in the hospital but they have had her up and walking and it has been a pretty tiring. They are still waiting for the pathology to get back and we are all hoping for good results and a speedy recovery.

We still need and want the prayers to continue and I am sure they have been a help so far.

Our “Prayer Chain” for Dianna and Jim is having good results so far, Thank You, and I would ask everyone to continue that can. As I said in my email, I AM living proof of good results.

My daily prayer is to Mary Mother of God…..”O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear OUR prayer. As your children we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially for my dear friends Dianna and Jim, and all in need.

We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help ALL of us, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever, Amen.”

I did check the cherry tree as I put my flag out and it did not appear to have any birds attacking it, but it also did not appear to have a lot of cherries left.

I missed Senator Merkley's town hall in Gladstone Saturday, but I watched a little of “Big Ed” Schultz and he was ranting on some Democrats “rolling over” on the Obama Health Care Plan, I hope it wasn't anybody I knew, but he did mention the name Baucus.

It appears the family planning meeting to try to coordinate our trip to Montana will have to be general discussions at my sisters BBQ for niece Amy friday, and Marty's BBQ for the Fourth, saturday.

I seemed to be bouncing from 60/40 gonna go, to 60/40, can't make it. It looks like the 60/40 go is now 70/30 go. It might take a few days to get there but I made reservations for, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Fairmont, and I did hear from Betsy, and I sure hope She and Larry aren't mad, I didn't take them up on their offer, I suppose with enough prescriptions and the sight of everyone I will be fine.

Again, today my format changes may continue. Judi is going to try to get me a Link to my “Hero's” - “Zero's” and “Community Organizations” and “Charities” which are not up yet, but soon I hope. I checked with my friends in the “BULL SESSION”, and I offered myself and my infamous putter as a donation generator for the 2009 Tournament. The Auction and Tournament are scheduled for September 14th and 15th and I hope to make myself available. I also remembered that the “March of Dimes” was one of the Children's charities that was a recipient last year. After talking to Tim (NECA) and Ed (“Director”) it sounded like they liked my idea and I will be talking to Ed later with more details. They also told me that “March of Dimes” was recipient of many thousands of dollars, last year. I am also going to put a link up to their website so, (in case you don't know) you can understand who the “BULLS” are and what they do. It may be a little self serving, but I also think the 3 guys, while driving down I-5, who came up the idea should be on the hero's list, don't you?

And I will keep Denise's Walk address up just in case you were waiting for your pension or retirement check. I did get a couple emails from cousin Bobbie and Denise with the address and I will make another try.

It did work! Even though the “race was over” …................................


MN Supreme Court Rules For Franken in Disputed Senate Race
June 30, 2009

The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of Al Franken (D) in the disputed Senate race against incumbent Norm Coleman (R). If Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) now certifies the election for Franken, Democrats would gain a 60-seat majority in the U.S. Senate.

And Franken makes 60,
D's that is; I realize there are a number of D-'s, but there are also a couple of R+'s.

I am sure the RNC is going to pull out all the stops to make some changes in what they call class #3 in the Senate. I will try to do an assessment, from the point of view of “Wally the Welder” in the future, but I do see at least 2 vulnerable right now, Arlen Specter D- Penn. and Senator Burris Il. With that Chicago cloud following him.

South Carolina's governor is in trouble for supposedly sneaking off to Argentina to see his girlfriend. Hey people it's South Carolina, I think he was trying to work out a secession deal. Besides, as I understand it, he is not even related to the women from Argentina. Also wasn't he one of the LOUDMOUTHS calling for Bill Clinton's Impeachment, and I don't think he even left white house let alone the country?

I still don't know what did happen in Astoria? I did get an email from my friend, and sister, Suzanne saying she really liked my letter. However, I don't know if she read it from my blog or if it was published elsewhere. I read Brad Avakians sine die news letter, but I am going to have to look a little deeper in the Oregon Legislation that was passed, and even more importantly, legislation that was stopped. My short look yesterday did have a couple of Hero-Zero candidates, but it will take more research.

Come on Salem did you get behind the President, we need that cleaner energy and those good jobs. Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, and an Energy program (see: clean energy and Bradwood Landing).

I used to be the field representative for Local 235, which covered pipeline jurisdiction for the whole state. I am hearing that the “big” concern on the Natural Gas Facility is the distribution pipeline that needs to be built. Maybe the Bradwood people should publish a map that showed all the natural gas mains and distribution lines already in the State? The Mainlines have to be marked on the ground after they are buried or you would never know where they were. I think I will go online and see if I can find that information.
I am trying to keep my grade for the President from falling from a B+ to a C, because of Health Care and American Rights at Work and also getting the Oregon Legislature from a D back to a C. with the final Franken decision that C should be able to gt to an A.

I have moved the Oregon Legislature down to a D-, right now because I am still watching how, as Peter so eloquently put it, “the Oregon Legislature has Your Back”; to the Oregon National Guard. How about some inexpensive ($40 a month for a computer and internet access)? When I looked on Senator Wydens web site, and ran his speach to the Guard at their muster, even with my bad eyesight I thought I saw Daniel in the ranks and Judi and I (on my scooter)up at the end of the "Rolling Thunder"? flags presentation. (I guess it is easier to cover someones back when you are going in circles?) Could that be why they call it a “Rotunda” at the Capital? A candidate for either Hero or Zero maybe here. ($40.00 a month, come on Peter, come on Ted.) My first look, through the eyes of the Labor Commissioner (No, Dan Gardner, by the way) showed the Senate (Labor) did kill most of the real bad stuff. But I would be remiss in not giving my good buddy Mike Schauffler, Kudo's for his efforts in the House.

OK, what did YOU do for the Guard today.

Health Care Now !

My health care story is posted, so is my cousin Mick Jacques story in Arizona, thanks to Mary Ellen. 30 years in a Wheel Chair, and even on my scooter I think I'd be lucky to keep up with him, awesome upper body strength. While mine and Mick's stories may not be too compelling, I would still encourage you to rad as many as you can.

I still have this question? I seem to remember when growing up, they had a “County Hospital” that was for those that couldn't afford Health Care or did not have insurance. All those County Hospitals got taken over or destroyed in the 1950's and 60's, mostly because we did not want to pay for them through taxes. That was over 30+ years ago. Today some the richest Corporations in the country are “for profit” hospitals and insurance companies.
We have been hearing for years (decades even) that we need to DO SOMETHING about health care. I wonder how many Hospitals could be built, and staffed with the MONEY we are paying for Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance, Scholarships to Med School, and Nursing. We could even treat Med School scholarships like joining the National Guard or going to one of the Service Academies. You commit to 4-6 years of saving people for the government in one of these “County” institutions, “paid just enough to get by”, just like the services are now. Wouldn't that be a sure bet for an “All Volunteer” program?

President Obama; I am giving him a B+, with his Supreme Court nominee, Sonyamayor, (Yes we Can).

Lindsey Graham S.C. is a jerk, he has called her a racist. Lets see; White Male elected from South Carolina, I am not sure where he goes to get votes and endorsements, and I'm sure he knows a racist when he sees one better than I, but I don't think she is.

From what I've heard of the Presidents Health Care proposals and based on his AMA speech, his Health Care plan does not include taxing fringe benefits otherwise he will surely fall to a C-. And if he can Sheppard the “Employee Free Choice Act” into law he will definitely earn his A.

I did go to Senator Wydens web site and read his comparatives with the current system and I will share it here, even though they don't have a “Wally Welder” comparison. I am still left with some questions.
So here goes:

Does anyone else think it's weird to see Arlen Specter on TV with a D (D-)after his name?

Bring our people home!

At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?


FSN is doing an evaluation of the NBA draftand I haven't seen anything on the Blazers yet.

I still think Felix Hernandez is the Cy Young leader right now in the American league.

And even though he was roughed up in his last start, I still think Carlos Zambrano is the Cy Young leader in the National league. But that kid with the Dodgers last Friday night looked pretty good.

I am sure Roberto Clemente is looking down with pride. I used to have a complete bb card collection of Clemente, but it was misplaced or lost or I gave it away who knows with my MS.

I still hope to get to a Beaver game even before the “Building Trades Appreciation Night” and San Diego pulls all the talent up. I watched a couple games on FSN and they are very entertaining. I am also looking forward to see the kid from Gresham. I checked on the Beavers website and they are offering “flex” packages that really look like good deals.


The American Rights at Work ads are getting better all the time.

Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?

Here's two, from what I consider the top of the list, the OSBT (Oregon State Building Trades) and the NWOLC (Northwest Oregon Labor Council). Judy O'Connor told me last week she is retiring and Her and Tony are moving to Montana. I have know Judy, and Tony since Lon Immel and Ron Fortune. They taught her well, she learned even better; but I WAS the one to teach her to dance. She will definitely be missed and hard to replace, but whomever does, they will do fine with aid from everyone.


Also, yesterday, I found out the Happy Birthday, I announced? on June 19, was for Molly and Cloe and Grace's brand new baby Brother, Hayden? Oh, by the way, we can add Maria and Hayden Smithson to our Chain. I sure hope Molly and Cloe let Grace and Haden know about my Leprechaun's.

Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, GLBT gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
(Dianna, Jim, and Maria and Hayden also)

I have one zero's list inductee so far, John Boerner, he likes to pronounce it baynor, I like it the other way myself. I am sure there will be additions after Sine Die. Again, because as my father always told me “If you don't have anything good to say..........

I do have a couple more Hero's to nominate but John Smithson, Husband of Maria, Father of Molly, Cloe, Grace and now Hayden. So many YEARS of being outnumbered in that house, he now has an ally. It is now an even match, 4-2,OOOOOOOOh, deserves a few more days in the “COMMUNICATION” section so my occasional reader gets informed.

However; if you happen to be in the Bay Area (San Francisco – Oakland) anytime in July you are in for a treat. Apparently “just having Labor Day in September isn't enough. Watch out for Wyatt's Mom and
Check out

Wow; Mike; My blog is over 2,800 today, and I am still feeling 3+.

Now don't forget to say your prayers. I'll see you next time on my blog.

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