Friday, August 28, 2009

I awoke this morning at 8am to a -3 with no lower back pain. I slept 9+ hours. I put out my flag with the yellow ribbons under a slightly cloudy 50+ degree sky. And then came in for a couple of massages and coffees. My day yesterday was a 4.35 again even though the Beavers lost, I was surrounded by excellent company and good friends. I did miss having a cold beer at the ballgame, but the hot dog was really good.
I still have to write a letter to the trust explaining my situation and they have a sub-committee that will determine what help (if any) I can expect for my walk in bath/shower. I will try to get to reading those newsletters tomorrow. I have also been getting some reply's from my PICC emails. I am still wondering if I should do a PICC report section on my blog and based on at least one response so far I think I will. I have the newsletters to review and prepare for the September meeting.
Maybe it's because I have not been able to attend, as a guest, a NWOLC, board or regular, meeting for quite a while but the lack of “labor liaisons” from most of the Oregon delegation was really disappointing, especially now during the recess.
When I heard the cost for a BULL SESSION spot and team, I was shocked. It seems that some have forgotten the reasons for starting this event. I was hoping I could prepare a team for the BULL, but if what I heard yesterday was accurate, they have priced me out of the function. I did get an email off to Ed Ellis and asked Tim Gauthier to give me a call.
I did get a call from Ed Ellis and we had a nice discussion. I will be getting a package from him in the mail and I did sign up as an individual player for the tournament, and will attempt to play in the afternoon session. Judi and I will also be attending the Dinner/Auction also.
The information I got at the labor council was not quite accurate and I appreciated the quick response from my inquiry. (Thanks, Joe & or Cliff), we will (Tim, Ed & I) still meet for a discussion, and I believe it will be fruitful. I am hoping to try 9 holes, and/or a bucket of balls, on Sunday afternoon, with at least, Mike, Marty and Jimmy.
You'll never guess what, my blog, has attracted a google spider? A spider that like recipes, I can't really blame him, as I have sampled them all I think.
I also received a post from a new reader, I do think I know who it is and I posted it on my blog.
Again, I will say thank you, to all those who joined my request for prayers for me, all my friends and relatives, and the men and women in the service of their State and Country.
I would ask everyone to continue the prayers that can. As I said in my original email, I AM living proof of good results. And as I am back to driving, all those OTHER drivers will need those prayers.
My daily prayer, is to Mary Mother of God…..”O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear OUR prayer. As your children we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially for my dear friend Dianna and all in need.
We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help ALL of us, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever, Amen.”
After reading most of the last Labor Press, it was sure a nice thing that Congressman Wu did for Judy O'Connor, she deserved every bit of praise, and then some. I did see the plaque at the NWOLC board meeting and it was special. I just wish he would reconsider his stance on “Private Investment” recovery project dollars. I would challenge him to locate ANY of the current natural gas pipelines in the state without a map that showed their location. And while I do like venturing to Lincoln City and Grande Ronde, It sure seems like someone has a bad case of “I got Mine”.
I know I have been repeating things, maybe too much, on my blog; but some of this stuff I need to be reminded of and some of this stuff others need to be reminded of, and after all I am coming up on a year, maybe then I'll clear things and start over.
This is my attempt to keep track of my experiences with my LDN treatment for my Neurologist and his RN. Day twenty was yesterday and pill twenty one is tonight, I have missed one, but I know I've been experiencing better days, since I started this new pill and I did fill out and send in my Kaiser visit questionnaire. My excursion with cousin Jim, the birthday party, Judy's meeting Monday, my visit with Bob and John afterwards, and my short excursion yesterday, did get me to a 4.375. My NCA was impressed at my last visit, I believe next time he will be amazed . He did his adjustments and commented on the fact that I was not as sensitive as past visits and he showed me the neck traction device and how to set it up, I have yet to try it though. He also commented on my “gait” and mobility. I have done a lot of walking the last week and I do believe this new pill, and his supplements are helping. I did also give his phone number to niece Heidi and I sure hope he can help her as much as he has helped me.
Senator Ted Kennedy has passed away and I am sure he would like some assistance so he can have an affect on the Health Care Debate and actions to be taken. You can help here:
I did see Ron W. at a function in Lake Oswego on the news the other day, and unless I heard wrong he will be voting for the “Public Option”, I sure hope so.
I have negotiated contracts with health care for over 20 years in various settings and there were always three factors that had the biggest affect on the money negotiated for a raise. A) The size of the unit you were negotiating for. B) The amount of training (schooling) needed to perform the work at a high level. C) Did the contract have a retirement plan and did the retirees get health care? I don't know if you could see it but I sure have; The accusers of him (Obama) leading us to “SOCIALISM” and “DEATH PANELS” seemed like the same egotistical people I used to run into when I was trying to organize a unit or bargain a contract. You could explain that when you negotiated a contract you would use the example of the best employee that employer had, and the employer would use the example of their worst, and the employer would try to convince their employee's, that the union would not allow “THEM” to pay that top performer what they really deserved because the “union” made them pay those slackers the same as the top performers. Most people in Organized labor would admit that some of the best wages and benefits were in the Building and Construction Trades. After all, for the most part, our job was to work ourselves out of a job. It's always “US” vs “THEM”, those “socialistic government death panels” vs those concerned citizens on “Wall Street” making decisions purely on the patient's best interest and their ability to pay. (Bu$$ $&11) (At least they don't have to pay for the slackers)
The President's responses to questions from the audience at his town halls were excellent. I did see he was in Belgrade Montana; “The heart of rural Republicanism!” my TV announcer said. My message to those doing town halls right now is to start with “No yelling” although it will be hard to do at Saturdays rally; I hope to see you there.
That shouting match, shown on TV the other day at Congressman Wu's town hall was a real joke, but it did get lead coverage on the news. Congressman Wu is not one of my favorite Congressmen but even he deserves more respect.
My U.S. Representative did have his annual Birthday Party; I am sorry I did not make it but I hope the participation was good. I hoped to see him or Willy at the ball game and I had a check in hand, alas I saw neither, Labor Day picnic maybe? We DO really need him there (hero material?).
Brian Baird, just across the river has had at least one “Town Hall” and it really created a small town.
One person that was at the NWOLC board meeting was a gentleman that is running for a seat on the Metro Board. I have personally worked with him on many issues, and based on what I have seen from my lazy boy observation chair, (Metro Council Meetings are televised), he sure is needed there. This candidate's name is Duke Sheppard, and I will do everything and anything I can do to help. (even from my scooter)
Also; I understand, one of my favorite Oregon Legislators, who just happens to chair the Oregon House Labor committee may be challenged in his primary by a youngster that has a passionate wanna be attitude. I used to like this kid, but to move into a district because he thinks there may be blood in the water and it is a good opportunity for him, tells me he doesn't think things through, not a really good trait for a wanna be legislator.
My own State Representative, Brent Barton has had a good run on the Hero's list but I will now add to it; Judy O'Connor has deserved to be on the Hero List for quite a while, for all those reasons that are in the Congressional Record and she did, ALL SHE COULD DO! Thanks again Brent, on behalf of my nephew and all the guard serving as we enjoy the freedom they have p\
rovided. Did you happen to know it is more dangerous in the Capital of the United States than in Iraq. Please, someone tell me I am wrong.
The Health Care Bill debate is really heating up during the recess' town halls. It almost appears a few democrats want to give those supreme court, anti-Sotomayor, r's a run at my zero list. From what I heard yesterday Max Baucus is no longer in the running for the zero list and from what I thought I heard today and yesterday, Ron should be eliminated from consideration. (Kent Conrad N.D.?)
I believe I have mentioned before about the CIGNA Insurance executive I watched on Bill Moyers Journal. If you missed it I would encourage you to be down at Terry Schrunk Plaza downtown Saturday and you can hear first hand about how the insurance industry scuttled “Hillary Care” and how they are attempting to scuttle some, if not all of the Health Care reforms President Obama is proposing. I am going to try to be there, you might have to look below eye level to see me, as I will be on my scooter, but maybe I can find a cool Yellow Helium Balloon.
Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 10 AM
Terry Schrunk Plaza
SW 3rd & SW Madison
Downtown Portland
The recess is winding down and its time to put the pressure on. We want to make sure the last thing our members of congress see before they go back to the Capitol is a mass demonstration of Oregonians pushing for real health care reform!Wendell Potter, former insurance executive turned health care advocate, will be our featured speaker, along with other community leaders and everyday folks like you.

I've been watching a lot of the r's give their speeches on what is wrong with the President's plans and the (mostly) Democrats support of them, but they keep leaving that all important first or last line of their speech out......... “I GOT MINE”!

It has struck me, this Hero/Zero list nomination and choosing one is a lot like fishing off the Oregon Coast. While there are some who like BOTTOM FISHING and some bottom dwellers do cook up OK, isn't it more exciting to go Salmon and or Tuna fishing and don't they make for a better feast. Hmmn, just thinking in my holey brain way I guess.

Trina's setting up of my Internet program ( to be able to connect with Daniel, and Christopher directly (and others) and the video-call I had with Daniel and then Christopher, I think has also been keeping me at 4+. I think I've messed up the program though? Trina was in the neighborhood because she is helping out (volunteering) at the Guard near here, and she said she will try to stop by this week to help start that Lefty (the ballplayer – not political ) video I've been nagging about, I am sure glad I haven't seen her yet, as I am not close to being ready.

You would think after nicking our Men and Women in the Guard $65.00 a month for internet access, they could at least provide even a little gas money to their volunteers. HINT,HINT,HINT I Hope Willy reads and tells Earl.

My help with the economic recovery, has gone well with Judi's almost new car. A Ford Focus, just a couple years old with 8,000+ miles. The clunker trade in we had apparently was not considered a clunker by the government definition, but everyone one I know in my family who has seen or ridden in it knows it is a real clunker, even if not defined by government standards.
I still don't know yet, if the “soft landing” bill is done but that is one issue I will keep harping on until I am sure.

As near as I can figure, all that needs to be done for the soft landing at the State Level (Legislature) is complete; thank you Rick and Brent; and everyone. I believe the next brick (pillow) to be placed, is the responsibility of the Federal Government and I believe that it is in the hands of our own Senator Wyden. (a safe place for it right now, I hope) but, as that famous live artist says......GET 'ER DONE. - SOFT LANDING !

I watched those upstart House democrats rallying on the capital steps in front of the camera's who were very firm that “rolling over” for the “Blue Dog” Democrats on health care could lose more than they “gain” in any republican support, hang in there, you liberals.
Health Care Now, with THE PUBLIC OPTION !

We get it and we need to make sure Congress gets it, too. Call your member of Congress right now: 1-866-210-3678

OK, what did YOU do for the Guard today. Daniel's wife Trina is helping, with a houseful of kids and a 3? year old with 3rd degree burns, and with Daniel in the Middle East.

Still sooooo many cages to rattle and wheels left to squeak left, and me with only a three wheel scooter!

For Senator Wydens Plan, it's not a bad plan, it just needs(?) a public option and we need him for budget reconciliation and a return to true majority rule democracy, you can check his plan out at:

If you have any questions or concerns even besides Health Care be sure to attend any of your Senator's or Representatives functions during the recess, and be respectful, even if you don't like the SOB:
And if you do go, please leave the message........GET “ER DONE - SOFT LANDING

By the way; You don't have to be a ”wheel” to get heard, just squeak for a while.
Bring our people home!


When I relate to anyone the story of our Guard members being charged for internet access; everyone I speak to is as disgusted as I.

Before I left on my errands this afternoon I thought the news said that 3 Oregon Guardsman were killed in Iraq today, and they did say the families have been notified and I am sooo glad I didn't get a phone call today.

By the way; I mean no disrespect for putting the yellow ribbon on my flag pole holder, The flag comes in at night but I plan to leave the ribbon there until Daniel comes over to untie the knot.

My ribbon is up, is yours? My Flag also.

At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?


Over 50 years ago my uncle “Putt” built a cabin at Georgetown Lake in Montana, (Putts Palace). His cabin at the lake and many others like it developed recreational areas for the use of just regular citizens. And while doing this they protected the environment for future generations. He was not a RADICAL ENVROMENTALIST, he was just a mechanic, a Pearl Harbor Survivor with kids that liked fishing.
He believed everyone owned the lake and deserved access to the Public Lands and then came the “Summer Homes” at the lake, and now thanks to those “absent owners” it appears they are “buying” (LOBBYING) to price the riff-raff out of their real “cabins”. I am not sure if I'm part of the riff, or part of the raff, but as they yelled out the windows in that old famous movie........”I'm mad as hell, and I'm not taking it any more!”


I still think Felix Hernandez is the Cy Young leader right now in the American league. Although he didn't look that good in his last outing but they are back to winning. Did you see the game Tuesday? 2 kids from Missoula actually got the rally fries. And the Mariners brought out the Brooms for the Royals.

I also still think Carlos Zambrano is the Cy Young leader in the National league.

Then there is that kid with the Dodgers who is still looking pretty good and also one at San Francisco.

Did you go to the B.T. Appreciation night at he Beaver game? I did and I did see lots of people I had not seen in a while. Old friend, Al Panek, was one of the guys to throw out the first pitch. I did get a piture on my phone and he did make it to the plate.

Also, now knowing I am related, GO ST. LOUIS, and I would advise all you FFB people drafting RAMS players is probably going to be a good move, even though I don't know Paul that well I do know Patti Ann and Bill are first class motivators. I finally got my name and password straight at NFL.COM

I did catch some of that last Seahawks game and they were pretty impressive and they should really improve with their new running back, and that new receiver.


The American Rights at Work still needs help.The National Guard, the USO?

L. C. S. A. - Labors Community Service Agency

M.A.C.G. Metropolitan Alliance for Common Good (Tom, Terry, Frances, we need to talk.)

Here's two, from what I consider the top of the list, the OSBT (Oregon State Building Trades) and the NWOLC (Northwest Oregon Labor Council). Judy O'Connor told me she is retiring and Her and Tony are moving to Montana. I have also set aside October 10th and I sure hope her and Tony are in town. I have known Judy, and Tony since Lon Immel, Ron Fortune and Bud Barnes. They taught her well, she learned even better; but I WAS the one to teach her to dance. She will definitely be missed and hard to replace, but whomever does, they will do fine, with aid from everyone.


“GET 'ER DONE” - SOFT LANDING ! And give them back their $40.00!

So it wasn't bad enough our Men and Women in the Guard got nicked $40.00 before they shipped out NOW they have to pay $65.00 a month for internet access. RON....JEFF.....EARL....PATTY.....MARIA, CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT !

Desert Heaven; It's officially out there now......... here's where the sales page is

On my HERO list, my new member is Judy O'Connor. I hope to see you all at the Labor Day Picnic, and it is sure fitting she is on my list on that day.

Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, the long awaited and past due - The Epilepsy Run/Walk (Team: The Epilepsy Slayers at and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, GLBT gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand. (Dianna, Jim, Maria, Hayden, Maggie, Kelli and her brother also), don't forget the extra one, maybe two, for Dianna.

If your not moved by this story, you can't be moved.............Subject: Former migrant worker about to blast into space, "Si Se Puede!"

Mike; My “short” Friday blog is still to long today, (almost 3,800+- but thanks to you, and my Friday lucky 9's , I am still feeling a good 4.375 again today. Now that I started my new M.S. Treatment (LDN) I have changed my scoring system; to keep track of even the most subtle changes. It is August 28th and even with all my edits I am still too long. I am coming up on the one year anniversary of this blog and maybe that is the time to start over?

Now don't forget to say your prayers and I'll see you next time on my blog

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