Thursday, June 18, 2009



I awoke this morning at 5am and awoke to a -3 (with some lower back pain), after 8+ hours of sleep, and a cloudy morning. I took my am pills, and put my flag out and I settled into my Lazy Boy for 2 quick massages.

I am hoping to get a ride with Marty to breakfast and my meeting. Judi did call last night and they did make it to Steph's without incident. I am trying to build my blog and George Will is on C-span so I am sure this blog will be very repetetive.

This morning I am going to a PICC re-introduction planning meeting. I think I will try to locate the addresses for 2 friends, Mike DeAntuano and Mark Johnson. Mike was the Labor Relations manager at Parsons on the Modules in 1988, one of the first PICC projects and now works for the N.C.A. And Mark is the NW Regional rep for Parsons and located in Seattle.

I will also try to keep the e-mail from Mary Ellen and a Jacques grand kids photo slide show of Tanner and Kaleb in their LL Championship. I'll try to set up a link in “SPORTS”.

Denise did give Judi the location of the many family photo's she has on record, so hopefully we can all share, on those walks down memory lane. Denise was smart enough to give the address to JUDI, so there is some hope for access, Judi gave it to me, so I'll try later today.

Again, today my format changes may continue. My permanent “Hero's” box is not up yet, but I am still not sure how to keep it up and add the other Hero's yet and the “pay pal” box for direct connections to MY charities of choice is not complete yet, so you will have to go directly to their link. If “pay pal” works the way I want, a donation there goes to me for distribution to one of the many I list in my “Community Organizers” section. I will try to keep a running tally. I will also try to keep posting the direct links for those charities.

I will check for a direct link for, “DADS DAY”, Dollars against Diabetes.


I still don't know what did happen in Astoria? I did get a email from my friend, and sister, Suzanne saying she really liked my letter. However, I don't know if she read it from my blog or if it was published elsewhere.

Come on Salem, Get behind the President, we need that cleaner energy and those good jobs. I did get a good email report, he thought so anyway, from the Oregon Speaker of the House. I would have felt better if it had a job's report that was not just about roads and bridges. Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, and an Energy program (see: clean energy and Bradwood). I think they even did something about workers rights. Here I am trying to keep the President's grade from falling from a B+ to a C, because of Health Care and American Rights at Work and getting the Oregon Legislature from a C- to a B.
I have them at C- right now because I am still watching how, as Peter so eloquently put it, “the Oregon Legislature has Your Back”; to the Oregon National Guard. OK, what did YOU do for the Guard today.

Health Care Now !

I have a question? I seem to remember when growing up, they had a County Hospital that was for those that couldn't afford Health Care or did not have insurance. All those County Hospitals got taken over or destroyed, mostly because we did not want to pay for them through taxes. That was 30+ years ago. Today some the richest Corporations in the country are “for profit” hospitals and insurance companies. We have been hearing for years (decades even) that we need to DO SOMETHING about health care. I wonder how many Hospitals could be built, and staffed with the MONEY we are paying for Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance, Scholarships to Med School, and Nursing. We could even treat Med School scholarships like joining the National Guard or going to one of the Service Academies. You commit to 4-6 years of saving people for the government in one of these “County” institutions, “paid just enough to get by”, just like the services are now. Wouldn't that be a sure bet for an “All Volunteer” program?

President Obama; I am still giving him a B+, with that Supreme Court nominee (Yes we Can), and what I've heard of his proposals and based on his AMA speech yesterday, his Health care plan does not include taxing fringe benefits.

I use the C-SPAN Mail System. This system sends me regular emails on how my Representatives are voting and what is coming up, I would encourage everyone, who can, to sign up.

Message sent to the following recipients:
Senators Wyden, Merkley, and Congressman Blumenhauer
Message text follows:

June 16, 2009

It amazes me to no end, that Congress found the time to deal with family
smoking, an important issue for sure. But with the Health Care Crisis,
Two Wars and the absolute need for a level playing field with the Employee
Free Choice Act, do you really believe this is more important.


William "Wally" Mehrens

Bring our people home!

At the 11th Hour, on the 11th Day, of the 11th Month a cease fire was signed to end the war to end all wars in 1918. How's that worked out so far?

It's still hard to believe that “Big Ed”, Rachael Maddow and Keith Olberman are on the same network as Erin Burnet and Jim Cramer; I recently recieved the following from SEIU:

CNBC isn't exactly a shining example of responsible journalism.  The financial news network has been ridiculed for enabling the financial crisis with flawed reporting and fawning coverage of failed CEOs.
Well, CNBC is at it again.  Yesterday, CNBC's Jim Cramer and Erin Burnett made a ridiculous, irresponsible statement.  Cramer and Burnett compared the aftermath of Iran's recent election to what would happen under the Employee Free Choice Act.


The College World Series is going on, and there are some pretty darn good ball players out there.

I still think Felix Hernandez is the Cy Young leader right now in the American league.

I still think Zambrano is the Cy Young leader in the National league.

I am sure Roberto Clemente is looking down with pride.

I still hope to get to a Beaver game before San Diego pulls all the talent up.

From Mary Ellen: Tanner & Kaleb Jacques playoffs

Hi All,

Just sending along this website if you want to look at some of the pictures of the boys.  Click on the website address, then Land Sports, then 2009 SCLL Pac Coast Championship Game.  Kaleb is in photo #5, 6, 44, 51, & 55.  His uniform is number 1.  Tanner is in pictures # 9, 11, 28, 38, 53, 54 & 55.  They ended the season in 2nd place after losing only 2 games all year.  Kaleb's NW 8's team also took second place. 


I still plan to get a permanent link for Denise and her walk/run, right now you can get there here:

The American Rights at Work ads are getting better all the time.

Are there better Community Organizations than the National Guard or the USO?


I did hear from Brother Wayne Dragers paralegal and answered her questions as best as I could. I hope his efforts in his asbestoses case is successful.

I am not sure how many of you received my “Purple Hat” email, but we could all use Erma Bombecks advice.

Please, I hope everyone can share the American Rights at Work, the MS walk, the March of Dimes walk, The Epilepsy Run/Walk and the Recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

A reminder, I had a new nominee for my hero's list, Dianna Paulie McCoy.
We met on the Mondale, Ferarro Presidential campaign. I didn't find out until after the campaign that she was the widow of a boat yard hand from the painters, I think. A much more faithful Democrat than I, and an excellent teacher of the Political System to many of my brothers and sisters, the blood in her veins runs through a number of Iron Workers. Also proud to be Irish, maybe even a relative; I just wish she was a better card player.

Could you even say a special prayer for my nephews Daniel, Christopher, Ryan and all the families separated right now. And, ANYONE, not just me, facing some health challenges today.

Mike; I am shorter and I am feeling 3+.

Now don't forget to say your prayers. I'll see you next time on my blog.

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