Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baseball is Life, and my sister is a scorekeeper!


I awoke this morning at 4:30am to a 3- after about 7 hours of sleep. It was a 3- because I had three of my “patented” aneurisms, before bed last night. It must be why my vision and hearing were also a little off this morning, but I’m all 5x4 now. I felt bad about not making my local unions contract vote Sunday but I understand it did pass, and based on what I heard about it I’m not sure if I’d have been in the 75% or 25% group. The 75% group I guess because, as I understand it, the Committee recommended it, and aside from the negotiating committee being big, it was also diverse. I also found out last night that Judi’s MS walk is on Cousin Jim’s Birthday. He is not sure but he also may be a Grandpa by then. Ahh, the spring Dew is a coming.


I listened to Arlen Spector of Pennsylvania talking about the Presidents Budget and as I understand it, there are two ways to present it. One needs a majority in the Senate (51) votes and the other needs (60). He seemed pretty sure he could keep the "NO" party together and maybe even pick up enough Democrats to get to 51 or even 60. He also has said he was for workers rights not too long ago, and he was lying then, so I don’t think we should believe him now.

Is there a viable Labor Party in Oregon? What is a Blue Dog democrat? Is it just someone who say’s, I want democrat voters support when they vote, I just don’t want to have to vote with them when I get my “big” office.


Blazers tonight, it should be a good one.

I have received a lot of information on “how to” play fantasy baseball but I’m still looking foe a place to join that’s FREE.

This is one of the books I spoke about yesterday, It was a good enough read I downloaded it and printed it out. I don’t care what they said, Dads move to first, it was not an illegal move.

“Baseball is Life: Amateur Baseball and the Importance of Leisure in Butte, Montana, 1920-1960”


Definitely worth a viewing, and take note of both guests. http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/index-flash.html

Please help Judi for the MS walk on April 4th. Her team seems to be growing and that is wonderful.

Help for Brandee and babies everywhere, Take a look:

Keep those ads going Mary Beth Maxwell, with the defection of Senator Specter from Pennsylvania, they need more help, and so does Al Franken in Minnesota ……….http://www.americanrightsatwork.org

One of the best Keith Olberman Rants ever, it’s time to sharpen your pitchforks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbRxKIXnLLc

Women in Trades Fair, May 14,15,16 http://www.tradeswomen.net

For your thoughts on the recovery……….http://my.barackobama.com/recovery

To see where your federal dollars goes ….... http://recovery.gov


I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent. I did send them another small donation because they are still doing the Lords work.

Please, You can share the American Rights, the MS walk, March of Dimes walk and the recovery websites; so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

And please a little prayer for my friends Bill & Jeannie.

Mike, I am posting over 600, and I am posting at a 4+, in spite of my aneurisms last night.

Tomorrow is April Fools Day; don’t be one!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog………….

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