Sunday, February 22, 2009

2/22 and 444


I awoke this morning at 7:15am to a 3- after about 10 hours of sleep. I took my am pills and settled into my chair to watch the talking heads on CBS’s Sunday Morning, NBC’s Meet the Press, and CBS’s Face the Nation, ABC’s This week and watch the replay, again, of Atlanta and the Blazers. Limited reports to follow. My vision was very good this morning (5+) and my hearing allowed the TV volume setting at 11. Who’s going to win the Oscar’s tonight? Judi and I watched the HBO movie “Taking Chance” with Kevin Bacon last night, and it was awesome. As an HBO movie, I guess it’s not eligible for an “Oscar” just an “Emmy”. Is that sexist? I’ll be rooting for Kate Winslet myself tonight.


The other big three, ABC, NBC, CBS, were being “fair and balanced” discussing the Federal Stimulus package with Governor’s. I thought Arnold did a good job, and on behalf of California, he would be glad to take Ohio’s and Louisiana’s portions. Jindal is only going to take the dollars to fix the levy’s, after all, it was the “Federal” government’s levy’s that failed during Katrina. Who was it in charge then?


Is a little of the Obama phenomena rubbing of on the Beavers?


Sunday Morning had a cool piece on artist Shepard Faiery, the artist that did that Obama t-shirt “Hope”. He was having a showing in New York, with lots of his cool creations. I moved this out of the “Political” section to the “Community Organizers” section because he made a point that his “creations” had a bigger point. Sort of like Andy Warhol.

Mary Beth Maxwell……….

For your thoughts on the recovery……….

To see where your federal dollars goes ……..
Please help Judi for the MS walk on April 4th:

I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

I also hope you can share the recovery website so my taxes can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!

And Mike, Today is 2-22 and I am trying to get to somewhere around 444, if I use the date and scratch one word today I am posting at a 3+.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog………….

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