Friday, February 6, 2009

Republican obstructionism


I awoke at 5am to a 2+, after 7+ hours of a good sleep. I took my am pills and noticed the rain had started and it was above freezing on the deck. Following 4 sessions in my chair and a review of C-span, CNN, CNBC, and the local news I removed myself to my workstation to prepare my February 6 reports. Did you know February 6th is more than just one week from my dads 87th birthday? My first look at the DOW showed it was up over 8200, OIL was down to under $ 40.00 but GAS was still over $ 1.24.



I did watch yesterday’s Metro meeting on TV and I came to a number of conclusions. The first one is, the Metro Council’s continued snubbing of the building trades sure makes me long for the day’s of Rena Cusma. The testimony given by both Ed Barnes and Lynn Lehrbach was very good, but it seemed obvious to me, the Council was not looking for the perspective of Organized Labor, but it did not want to PO Trimet or WDOT.

Could someone tell me what Metro has accomplished in 30+ years without the aid of Organized labor?

Councilor Liberty sure would like to get more stop signs on 82nd Avenue.

It appears Vancouver and SW Washington have gotten over the fear that Light Rail will bring all those Gang members over from North Portland.

When do adding 12 lanes that gets down to three or four, clear up a bottleneck?

The Republicans are not only bragging about being obstructionists in Washington, they are trying to perfect that roll.

When is making an inaccurate statement, then repeating it, not just an inaccurate statement, but a lie?


I did not see it, but apparently the U of P game last night was a very good game. Way to go Pilots.


Mary Beth Maxwell……….

For your thoughts on the recovery……….


I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

I also hope you can share the recovery website so my taxes can be utilized to their fullest extent also.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!

And Mike, today I am trying to get over 400. I am posting at a 3+, and this sentence has me over that number.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog………….

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