Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Judi's SS started today......yeah.


I awoke this morning at 5:45am to a 3 after almost 6 solid hours of sleep. I did get to send March of Dimes a couple of bucks for Brandee’s walk and I hope everyone that can, will, help also. The email request I received from Brandee got me thinking of that nasty ice storm in the late 70’s when Larry, Betsy, Amy and Brandee were, literally frozen in, in their house in Troutdale. It’s hard to believe that 2-foot tall, little girl is now walking for her little baby in this March of Dimes walk. Speaking of walks, don’t forget the MS walk in April, and thank you, 290 members for that nice donation last Friday night and brother Mike for agreeing to walk for me. I did get fitted for my removable upper body cast yesterday and actually had it on for over 7 hours. I am still concerned about whether I should do my sabbatical or just try to post before I put my cast on? Judi is now recieving Social Security, and I'm not the only one who can't believe she's old enough, hopefully I'm next.


I watched the President’s address to both houses of congress last night, and the Republican response. I think the Daily Show with John Stewart pretty well summed up my own feelings about yesterday’s events. You could sure tell where the republicans were sitting, they were the ones still sitting during many of the two dozen plus standing ovations. Why did Earl change his plastic bicycle from his left to his right lapel?


Mike has convinced me that my keno playing is not a sport, but poker shows up all over the sports networks, so is it past time for another tournament? If I hear from my buddy Joe I would even send him a map. :-p


Please help Judi for the MS walk on April 4th:

Help for Brandee and babies everywhere, Take a look at this:

Mary Beth Maxwell……….

For your thoughts on the recovery……….

To see where your federal dollars goes ……..


I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

Please help MS and March of Dimes.

I also hope you can share the American Rights, the MS, March of Dimes and the recovery website so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working, can’t you tell!

And Mike, Today is 2-25 and I am almost 500, if I use the date again and today I am posting at a 3+.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog………….

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