Thursday, February 26, 2009

Could the body cast be working?


I awoke this morning at 6am to a 3- after 8 hours of sleep with only 1 interruption. I took my am pills and noticed a slight dusting of snow on the parked cars outside, it was below freezing and more snow was supposed to be on the way. I only had my cast on for 5 hours yesterday; I’ll try for longer today. I took 2 sessions in my chair and turned on the TV to see what’s up? It was only 9:15am back east so there was not much on C-span and CNBC was predicting the DOW would be up today. Before I came in her to prepare my post I saw the opening bell and it was up right away. You know my affinity for numbers; I saw it was up to 7333.73, HMMM? Marty stopped by and took me to pick up my new keno tickets and we watched a little golf together, that was nice and maybe I'm now close to 444.


Keith and Rachel both had good shows last night. I especially liked Rachel’s interview of the Speaker of the House. I sure hope they don’t let those Bushies off the hook! I did also see Earl a couple of times yesterday and he did move his bicycle back to his left lapel.


It sure appears the Blazers don’t sleep well on the road. The PSU Vikings had a good night last night though. TIGERS BACK and he does not appear to have missed a beat.


Please help Judi for the MS walk on April 4th:

Help for Brandee and babies everywhere, Take a look at this:

Mary Beth Maxwell……….

For your thoughts on the recovery……….

To see where your federal dollars goes ……..

I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

Please help MS and March of Dimes.

I also hope you can share the American Rights, the MS, March of Dimes and the recovery website so my taxes and donations can be utilized to their fullest extent.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.
Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working, can’t you tell!

And Mike, Today is 2-25 and I am almost 500, if I use the date again and today I am posting at a 3+.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog………….

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