Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm Baaack!

Sister stopped by today. It was a wonderful visit, but I think I wore her out. While I'm thinking of it I want to tell my Millions of supporters to do what they can for Cancer research. Susan G. Komen foundation is a good place to start.

A big shout-out, to my neighbor's across the street. At least someone think's I'm funny. :-0

SPORTS - Thank You, J.J. Putz & your 95 mph fastball. Cubbies are back on track , both I and Harry thank you. And the Dodgers zooomed into 1st, Marty thanks you.

BOOK - SPIN - TV SHOW - Sunday Morning - 9/7/08 who came up with ''the surge'' - ''Change vs Different'' - Tom Friedman - ''Hot, Flat and Green'' - Is this supposed to be under SPIN?TBoone Pickens & Chesapeak Energy,

SPIN - Chamber of Commerce add for Gordon Smith - voted FOR ''prescriptions for seniors'' & Dr's & Patients making decision's, instead of government ''Burocrats'', does that mean he is Pro-choice?

BOOKS -Jane Mayer -''The Dark Side''

SONGS - Sheryl Crow - Out of Your Head

STUFF - Anne Koren - institute for analasis of global security --and energy.... -foreign oil dependance and energy security

Sorry if I was repetitive.

Signing back soon


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