Monday, November 10, 2008

Lincoln's Birthdayanniversary is ?


I awoke this morning at about 7am to a 3- with lots of stuff to do today so it will be a short report this morning. After my pills and 1 session in my chair I came back here to post and I think I’m at least at a 3. I also received a nice note from Dan Gardner, Welcome Dan, and forwarded to Judi, I’m sure she got a real kick out of it. At first glance the market was down, by the time I finished my chair session it was up. Well I’m off to get my flu shot, so the posting is short. O'bama's going to the White House today, if even just for a visit, thats cool. Did you know he will be installed as President on the 200th anniversary of Lincolns Birthday! I hope all my "Lincoln Republican" friends take note!


I received a utube video from my friends at SEIU that I would encourage all to try to see. Barack’s statements on the employee free choice act. I would have tried to include it in this post, but my computer is still suffering from MS by proxy.

You would have thought that all the talking heads on TV yesterday, secretly, were very big O’Bama supporters. Although, the only place I saw Bartelomo was on a shopping channel. Watching 60 minutes last night I saw the piece on Ted Turner. I thought I recognized some of those places in Montana. Even though he is “retired” he is still beating Murdock. I think his book might be a good read.


My FFB team appears to have won, but after leading by 3+ touchdowns it appears I squeaked out a 2 point win, I do have a running back left to play tonight (Gore) so I’ll be watching just in case.


Everyone needs to try to see that utube video. Be the deaf frog!


Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

again, Thank you Toto!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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