Friday, November 7, 2008


I awoke today at 7am to a 3+ after a good, solid 8 hours of sleep. Today I’m going to try to get my flu shot and may try a short road trip. The DOW was up first thing but still bouncing on the bottom. You will notice I have a new section in the blog today and I will also try to post those posts from “anonymous” I have received to date. Remember, “never say never!” I took Judi to a early dinner yesterday down to McCools in honor of Brent’s victory. The service is still bad, our server was good though, but the food was really good. My optimism, on the O’bama election was also rewarded at KENO, And the frogger machine. This is my 1st posting over 1,000 words, I hope I didn't babble too much?


Congratulations Judy, now Bob can become a kept man. Congratulations Jeff also. The 2009 Legislative conference should be great, keep it up Doc, and maybe……..

Many thanks too all of you from:

From one of my favorite “Community Organizers”.
Derecka Bloch,
Yea Oregon for getting rid of Gordon Smith!!!
For all you other “Community Organizers” please do what you can to help her get a contracting out ordinance in San Jose.

From Jeff Merkley,

Dear William,

I am deeply humbled by the trust you have put in me. It is tremendous. Thank you.

Over the next six years, I will work with Ron Wyden to address the many challenges we face as Oregonians and Americans.

We will draw on the strengths of every citizen to fix our broken health care system; end the war in Iraq and bring our sons and daughters home; and strengthen America's middle class to put our nation back on track.

We will conquer these challenge if we come together, shed old rivalries that divide us, and put working families first. I pledge to fight every single day for working Americans, but I cannot do it without each and every one of you.

I look forward to working with you, Ron Wyden, and our new President-elect Barack Obama in the months and years ahead to bring Oregon the change it deserves.

Again, thank you for your support and for your vote. I am deeply humbled to be your next U.S. Senator.

From Hillary Clinton,

Dear William,

We did it! In this incredible year, we have changed our politics, our country and our nation! And I could not be more proud or more grateful to you for sharing this journey with me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for everything you have done, for me, for Barack Obama, and for all our Democratic candidates, to make these successes possible.

I know that President-Elect Barack Obama will lead our country in the new direction we need. And with the great success of our House and Senate candidates, we can make our agenda a reality.

But make no mistake -- our work is not done! I will be doing everything I can in the Senate, working closely with the White House on the goals you and I set out. With President Obama and our strengthened majorities in Congress, we can get our economy back on track. We're going to make sure every man, woman, and child in America has health care. With smart, effective new policies, we will move toward energy independence and create millions of new green jobs. And we're finally going to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible close and reestablish America's relations with our allies around the world.

We cannot do it without you. We're going to need your strong support on these issues. Those who oppose us may have lost yesterday, but they are not going to give up. We have to match their passion and their effort if we truly want to build the America we believe in, and the future our children deserve.

But today, let's celebrate the amazing things we have accomplished and the history we have made. Our journey has been marked with moments of elation and moments of sadness; but now we can take the time to appreciate the difference we have made.

I'm so proud to be on this journey with you. Thank you so much for everything you did -- for me, for our nation, and for our future.


Hillary Onward for change,

From Christine Gregoire, Friends,

Thank you for your support.

Barack Obama was right when he said this election was a defining moment in our nation’s history. I also think it was a defining moment for our state.

Times are tough right now, and our top concern is the economy.

We made a choice between two very different economic plans. We stood by our values and chose to put working families first.

Special interests tried to divide our state and play upon our worst fears for political gain. They failed, and voters rejected their attacks.

We were involved in the political process like never before – many of us for the first time.

Millions of votes were cast. Thousands of volunteers participated in an unprecedented grassroots effort to reach out to voters, making two million phone calls and knocking on one million doors.

For these reasons, I think we saw our state at its best on Election Day.

We decided to put working families, our children and the most vulnerable people in our communities first. And we helped Barack Obama make history.

I want to thank all of you who gave your time and energy to this campaign. Your support made this possible.

Thank you,

Well, my FFB Kicker got me off to a good start last night, but I must be the deaf frog! Are the Blazers going to remember 1977? Be the deaf frog!


Kudo’s to all those community organizers out there, you really made the difference last Tuesday.

Go Derecka!!!!

A great place to learn how:
Oregon Labor and Employment Relations Association Conference:
Ethics in Collective Bargaining:
Building Trust in the Workplace
Date: November 18, 2008


Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Thank you Toto!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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