Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You Tom !


I awoke at 6:30am to a 3. After a session in my chair I checked the DOW and it was down 235+ points and OIL was down to $59+. I listened to some of the talking heads on Cspan and CNBC. Minorities and Unions were the culprits in the Housing and financial mess. Their solutions were, don’t allow those people (minorities – the Hope Program) to overextend themselves and take away the right to strike from the Auto unions, and don’t let them have ANY say in the Auto Industry Bailout. My comment is BU******. Barack, be the deaf Frog! To all my Servicemen & women readers, Happy Veterans Day ! Short blog this morning, I have to get ready for my NCA appointment. Mike goes on Vacation today and I hope he remembers to play a Keno Ticket for me.


Dear President elect O’bama, be the deaf frog!


I won my game in FFB, but didn’t beat the spread or gain in my division.


Farewell, Tom Reinhart of The Metropolitan Alliance for Common Good (MACG).

Based on the chatter today by the “Talking Heads” you all need to get ready, because they are coming after you.


My computer has a really bad case of MS by proxy.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

Thank you Toto!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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