Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pills or People?


I slept in till 7:15am this morning and awoke to a 4+. After my am pills and a very good nights sleep of 7 plus hours, I am in here to post at a 4+. Thanks to brother Marty and his significant other Kelli, I made Mikes “Surprise” Birthday party last night. It was great to see everyone and of course they all lied to me and said I looked good. I lasted longer than I thought and I must say that being around family and friends, seems to me, has as much a positive medicinal effect as all my pills combined, along with 4/5 shots of that liquid Irish medicine in an imported pure glass from Ireland.
One of Mike’s guests was the Brother he nominated for the Executive Board last night. After many discussions with him, “not making my long story short” as we all know I can’t do anymore; and a “short” history lesson on Local 235 and 290, I am firmly convinced that my FIRST endorsement in 290’s upcoming election of Bill Duke for the Executive board is not solely based on brother Mikes nomination of him.

Seeing and talking to Marty, Kims, and my good friend Linda, was also very special. And again, I must reiterate, for all those Chamber of Commerce a##*&%$#, I will report that democracy is alive in my union and growing throughout the land! I will now suggest that all who consider Health Care a high priority for the next President. Make some notes on what you think is needed and THEN go to the computer and do a search for the O’bama plan and compare your notes and needs with his plan.

The banner at the back of the podium Friday night, "In Unity There is Strength" would have looked good at Mikes Party last night. Also, my one on one discussion with niece Crystal and nephew Mike, around that roaring elk hunt fire in the back yard, got me as close to feeling like a 5 as I have since my diagnosis. I sure wish Judi felt well enough to be there with me, but at least she awoke feeling a little better this morning. It will be a short blog this morning, because I’ve got football to watch.


Sorry for being repetitive here, but I’ve been unusually busy the last couple days.

Hillary for Secretary of State, Still sounds good to me!

Is D.O.L. part of the Commerce Department? If so, then the rumors of appointing Richardson is another good move by O’bama.


In FFB big Ben got me off to a good start for the weekend, now I need everyone else to step up.

Does the Blazers Greg Oden remind anyone else of that center from 1977 for them?


I am going to send my special thanks here to Marty’s “significant other” Kelli. She works as an advocate for the Veterans Administration, not just my ride to important functions like last night

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing!

And thanks, again Toto, and Kelli!

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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