Thursday, October 9, 2008

Local what? last "hint"


I awoke at about 7:30 this morning to a 3. Spent an hour trying to get online to get a blog out to no avail. Went to Kaiser and got a lower back xray and some pills then headed off to my NCA

My visit to my NCA went well. That’s the reason for the late post. Going in I was a 3-, right now I’m a 4+. I won’t be starting his pills (supplements) till next week. He was disappointed, but my good results after last weeks “treatment” gave us both optimism for the future.

Well my plumber is here now and he will give us higher throne. My HVAC guy should be here shortly so it looks like another short blog.


The Market was up a little this morning but I assume Bush, Bernanke or Paulson, gave a speech cause it’s going to finish down well over 300 points.



I saw my 1st McCain Palin lawn sign in my travels this morning

Hopefully I will be getting my Obama Biden signs from Mike soon so we can all look down on those signs.

Smith and Merkley will be debating tonight AT 7pm on KGW. I’ll have to tape Alex again.


There seems to be a Red Sox fan in the audience, even with Manny in Dodger Blue?

My FFB team is favored again. Am I Jinxed?


My niece has come up with a new “Recovery – Bailout plan”. It is quite interesting.

The secret truth is still out there.

Very short blog today so we can all get back to our prayers.

Well, have a good day; & I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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