Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell endorses!


I awoke at 9:30am to a 3. I am posting at about 2:30pm and I’m feeling like a 3+. I talked to brother Marty today, he is sure anxious to get home. He told me he was not running again for E-Board. Both Him and Gib will be missed. Thank you both for the time you donated for the betterment of your sisters and brothers.


I watched some of Meet the Press this morning, but I missed Colin Powell, apparently he came out supporting Barack today. One of their panelists attacked the Obama Campaign for their use of McCain in one of their most recent ads, as a negative ad. McCain is doing negative ads, just because he is in an ad, does that automatically make it a negative ad?

Change is in the air.

Thank you Judy for the Obama sign. It’s still up and a guy down the street walked up and wanted one. Judi told him sorry it was the only one we had so far.
The Obama people need to get out in this neighborhood!

16 days left.

Good Luck, Barack, Christine, Jeff, Brent and Judy!

Al Gore is coming to town for Merkley, while I’d like to go, I just can’t, sorry Jeff.
I wonder if the secessionists in Alaska are using Palin to try to get their way?


My FFB Team is down by 5 points right now, but I do have 3 players left to score points with. A special thank you to all my Greek friends! All I have left to do is shut down Donald Driver and pick up 3 points on Sunday or Monday night football.


Get your Ballots out soon, but be sure to catch the Bill Moyers October 17th show if you can.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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