Tuesday, December 2, 2008



I awoke this morning at about 7:30am to a 3+ after a good 8hour sleep and after my am pills and 1 stint on the chair I think I left for my NCA appointment feeling close to a 4. After my back adjustment we went over to the hall to take brother Mike to lunch and check on his 1st day of supplement usage. He said he was feeling better but was not ready to attribute it to the supplements, he thought it might be his morning Starbucks. My excursion to my NCA, lunch with Mike, a quick stop at the AAA store to see if they had a back massager for the car and my kitchen table chair and a quick stop to check my 4spot (I’m still above average, but not yet a winner) We got home and I went straight to my Lazy-boy and got a 15 minute massage. At first glance this morning the DOW was up 40+ and OIL and GAS futures were down.


I watched some of Barack’s address to the National Governor’s Conference this morning also. I was not the only one who liked it apparently, because the DOW closed up 270 points.
The point was made to at least one of the Big Three who must testify before Congress next week. The CEO of Ford is “driving” one of their hybrids from Detroit to DC for his testimony. There was no report on whether he was going to carpool!


As owner of a FFB team I should take a queue from the NFL and fire somebody! My dilemma is, I have good players but my darn manager doesn’t activate the right players; and I’m that “darn” manager”!


The good news is: Oak Harbor Frieght was found guilty of numerous Unfair Labor Practices. The bad news is a ULP won’t really mean anything until after O’bama gets sworn in.


I received an email today from President Clinton, asking me to congratulate Hillary on her appointment as Secretary of State.

Here goes : CONGRATULATIONS, HILLARY ! I hope your at a 4+, because I still am.

Sorry for the late post today and I may be absent for a couple days as we have a “Road Trip” planned.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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