Friday, December 19, 2008



I awoke this morning, the 2nd time, about 3am to 2-. The 2- was due in large part to spending late yesterday afternoon and early evening at Kaiser Sunnyside. I took a dive in the driveway and cracked my head and picked up an asphalt burn on my left hand. I am now a one-fingered bloger as I have a soft cast on my left fore arm and 16 stitches in my head and a nice raspberry on my right knee.. Kaiser was kind enough to treat me to 5 or 6 x-rays and 3 or four cat scans. By the way, it was not the snow or ice, it was the 45% incline of my driveway. Brother Marty and Kelli were kind enough to meet us there and give us a ride home shortly after the snow flurries started, Thanks again, both of you. My massage chair 3 times an hour and 2 oxycodone since 3am and I’ve been able to come back here to post this SHORT blog. Sorry I thought I already posted this morning, Thanks Mike.


I, like many it appears, am concerned over some of O’Bamas appointments. Larry Kudlow on CNBC is a jerk.


Roy gets 50 and the Blazers pulled it off last night.



Just over 300 words and it’s time for bed.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, Boy do we all need them!
And thanks, again Toto.

Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such, and it doesn’t add to the cost. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sucks Wally! I missed reading your blog this morning!!!:(