Monday, December 22, 2008

Storm preemptions !


I awoke this morning at about 8am to a 2+ after about 10 to 12 good hours of sleep. I will say that it was due to my 3 friends the Ibuprophen brothers which sacrificed themselves to save my last big friend, 25mg, Booyah! After checking the back deck snow level, which was almost over the patio table, I took my am pills and removed myself to my lazy boy and watched the news coverage of the “Storm”. While watching TV yesterday, thank goodness, the only show not preempted by the “Storm” coverage was football. To bad I was out of the FFB playoffs. Both of my QB’s, one receiver, my kicker and at least one RB did have good days. My short and early posting today is because I am anticipating a power outage today. I did check on family members yesterday and, so far, everyone seems to be weathering the storm. I will be trying to post at around 10am at a 3+.


Storm preempted!


Storm preempted!


I did see Portland’s Mayor Elect SAM, and the new Commissioner elect, touting various Community Organizations yesterday in the various Storm coverage’s, Booyah!


Unless I finally get my 25mg pills before Christmas Eve it’s pretty doughtfull I will even make my sisters Christmas Eve dinner. I will be just as disappointed as my grand niece.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them!

And thanks again Toto.

Remember; we now have a direct link to, and if you shop there from this link we get a commission. It’s only a few cents per purchase, unless of course, they start selling cars or houses or such; and it doesn’t add to the cost. Based on what Judi said we received from my own purchase, Amazon is going to have to be selling brand new Cadillac’s for us to get into a double digit commission. At least my Teamster pals will be happy, they are shipping it with Big Brown. Remember, I’m on a fixed income now and I need all the help I can get, Thanks.

And thanks again Harry for the electronic Christmas card, I hope all I shared it with gets it.
Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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