Sunday, January 11, 2009

Am I a Historian ?


I awoke this morning at 7:15am to a 2+ after a good 8 hours of sleep. My lower back was not aching but my hip was. Following my am pills, and one wellbutrin, I took 4 sessions in my chair, turned on the Sunday morning talking heads shows, I will have more reports later in the blog, and came back here to prepare my posting at a 3+.

Welcome number 13. Do I now have a bakers dozen?


I watched CBS’s Sunday morning with Charles Curalt, and learned 2 important things. First, the difference between Catholics and Jews, are not so much. Catholics are sorry for what they did, and Jews are sorry for what they didn’t do. I am Irish Catholic so I too understand Guilt. I also consider myself a deaf frog, “all you can do …”, and I feel guilt for not making Mass, does that not make us Jewish? I’m sooo confused! He also interviewed a number of “Historians” to discuss how President Bush 43 will rate in History. Almost 90% rate him as one of the worst, or the worst.
Can I call myself a Historian, even though I do not have a Degree? If I were, I’d definitely be in the majority.
I also watched Bob Shiefer on “Face the Nation” this morning. He had Dick Durbin, Roland Burris and a Republican Leader on to discuss the Burris appointment. While the Republican Leader was from the House, and the question was about a Senate appointment, he needed the Republican, to at least have the appearance of being “fair and balanced”. Is this another hint that CBS is soon to be taken over by FOX or was he auditioning to replace Bill O’Reiley?

I also recieved the results of the poll to set priorities for the DCCC. Could that have been our "Mary" that was quoted on the results page?


Even though I was not a keno winner yesterday, and as I have been reminded before, Keno is not a sport, I was above average yesterday. I just do not know where else to report?

My FFB “Toilet Bowl” team got a good start yesterday with a nine point average for my 3 positions, I still need San Diego to have a good day today. No matter what, I will be an AFC fan at the Super Bowl; I think!


Maybe even direct links to other progressive candidates and organizations? I am calling on my Jury, and any other readers to lend some advice! I am actually thinking of starting a second blog?

Mary Beth Maxwell……….


I started wellbutrin today to help us become nonsmokers on the 11th. Well I am now down to less than a pack a day and I still am shooting for the 11th, that extra help should be good. I have also scheduled a new appointment with my NCA for the 20th.
Our Locals Assistant Business Manager is recuperating from surgery and still should be included in our prayers.
Remember, Homeland Security is watching, and also an English professor. No Christopher I am still not sharing your emails with my writing advisors. Is that other Media Mogul reading yet?
I sure hope Rachel does not get po’d.
I also invited a professional writer for the Longshore workers to visit my blog.
I now have more time to recuperate and still plan to attend.
I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.
And Mike, today is now over 500.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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