Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Biden choice !


I awoke this morning at 6:15am to 3+ after 8 good hours of sleep. I took my am pills, including the stop smoking one, settled into my chair for a couple of massages and turned on the TV to C-span, CNN, and CNBC.
I was fortunate to catch Senator Joe Biden on C-span giving his farewell speech, more on that later. I am sure it will be repeated many times today on C-span. It must have been special for Ron and Jeff to be there.
As was reported on Channel 2 news, Ed B. is also going to go to the inauguration, thanks to Brian B, while I will not, I will have a number of good friends that will, and I expect reports back.
It will be a short report today again, as I have much to do. My MS by proxy computer is back and letting me get my email this morning, but I still think Netscape sucks. My first look at the DOW today showed it down again and while OIL was going down, GAS was going up?


I have just watched Senator Joe Biden’s farewell speech on C-span. I have always considered myself an excellent speech giver and speechwriter. I was not able to see live many of the people that gave me inspiration over the years, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Dwight Eisenhower, or General McArthur. I will say that his farewell speech should rank among the best ever given. At 5pm Eastern Time today he will officially be resigned from the Senate. While I am sure he will be missed, I now know why O’bama picked him for V.P.


I sure hope those injuries suffered by the Blazers last night are short term.


Mary Beth Maxwell……….

We voted on Election Day for hope and change. Now, it's time for action.
That's the message American Rights at Work is sending today, with the launch of two new TV ads. We're showing the American people, and our leaders, why we need the Employee Free Choice Act to make the economy work for all!


I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

And Mike today is just over 400, I think?

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………, I hope?

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