Friday, January 9, 2009

Supreme Court Fix ?


I awoke today at 6am to a 2 because of pain in my lower back and right hip. I did get a good 8+ hours of sleep and I took my am pills, minus the ½ blood pressure pill, and added 2 Ibuprofen for the pains. After 4 sessions in my chair and checking out C-span, CNN and CNBC I came back to my workstation at a 3+. It was a gorgeous morning and I think that was the reason for the plus. Brother Marty did come by yesterday afternoon and we got to spend some quality time together while I ran a few errands. He took me over to the Hall and I was able to congratulate John on his re-election, I set up my new account for dabbling in the stock market, and spent a little time with my other brother at his workstation. I found out Mike Anderson was at home recovering from his surgery and doing well. Best wishes Mike, for a speedy and complete Recovery.


The Oregon legislature reconvenes Monday and they will sure have their work cut out for them. I do believe they are up to the task though. At least they don’t have to worry about an Impeachment effort like Illinois. It was reported that their Governors impeachment passed 114-1. That, I think, will slow down O’bama’s efforts to fix the economy because the Senate will be short 2 Senators for a short time. Watching C-span while in my chair, a Lazy Boy by the way, the House was moving along on the Lilly Ledbetter Supreme Court fix. It will be a great day for our wives, daughters and nieces when it finally passes. Again, today Congressman Miller ( D-Calif.) and Congresswomen Delauro shined. The hearing on the new Secretary of Labor is on C-span 3. I will be missing it live, but I’m sure I’ll find it somewhere later. If we don’t forget again today to call Comcast I will also ask them how to get, or if we have, access to C-span 3.


I watched the BCS Bowl game last night and the Gators did win. Wally wins, Marty loses, but I still think Utah deserves the national Championship.

C’mon people, is keno and poker a leisure activity, or a sport?


I think I’ll try to put this website, as a permanent link, on my website even though I do not get any sort of commission.

Mary Beth Maxwell……….


Maybe today I can get my wellbutrin to help me become a non-smoker on the 11th. I have also scheduled a new appointment with my NCA for the 20th. When I did that he told me that the contractor that referred me to him was at home mending a dislocated Shoulder he got hurt during the snow event we just had. If you can, please let Craig Schoemmer know we are thinking of him. And our Locals Assistant Business Manager is recuperating from surgery and should be included in our prayers.

Remember, Homeland Security is watching, and also an English professor. And soon, maybe, another Media Mogul, I sure hope Rachel does not get po’d. I also invited a professional writer for the Longshore workers to visit my blog.

I received almost an immediate response from my friend at the B.T. yesterday and he informed me that the Legislative Conference dates and Times were moved and now it is in the end of May and they were moved to a different hotel. I now have more time to recuperate and attempt to attend.

Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Hanukah service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand. Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!

And thanks again Toto.

I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

And Mike, it is over 600 today.

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

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