Friday, January 16, 2009

Clinton did It !


I awoke this morning at 6:15am to a 2+ after about 7 hours of good sleep. I took my am pills, including my stop smoking helper, and I noticed it was just above 20 degree’s outside. I settled into my chair and checked out C-span, CNN, and CNBC. My first look at C-span had the continuation of the Eric Holder, nomination for Attorney General and my first look at CNBC showed the DOW up close to 100 points. I’ll have more to say on the Attorney General nominee later. By the time I came back to my workstation, and had 5-6 sessions in my chair I consider my self at a 3+, even though the DOW gave back that 100 points, and then some. Our friend Dianna came by yesterday afternoon to play some cards. After I trounced Judi and her in the first game it was one on one with Dianna for a follow-up game. After a wonderful dinner, we finished our game and Dianna squeaked this one out. Judi’s wonderful dinner proved to me once again, Canasta is just a game.


C-span had the continuation of the Attorney General nominee hearing this morning. Based on what I saw this morning the Republicans are going to fight it pretty hard. I believe they will be using “Clinton did it”, “he wants to take away your guns”, “we can’t politicize the D. O. J.,” and “O’bama supports Domestic Terrorists” arguments that were so successful (not) in last years Presidential race. BE THE DEAF FROG!
Based on the questions and answers in this hearing, this appointment should epitomize the election theme, “Change we can believe in”.

It should also appear evident that the O’bama selection, to head up the V. A., with General Cinseki should be welcome news for all my homeland security followers. He, like I, believe that getting a determination of eligibility of benefits, taking six months is unacceptable!

Judi told me this morning that the Inauguration next Tuesday will not only have probably the worlds biggest audience but the Coverage begins at 4am. We all need to say a prayer that all goes well.


The Blazers got back on the winning track last night in New Jersey, even being short handed. Even though they are on an extended road trip, with little time between games, their second half play has been tremendous.


We all need to contact our various Community organizations and stress the need in this economic recovery effort to “Get it Right”.

Mary Beth Maxwell……….

I am looking forward to exchanges with my newest follower, whom I will call “The Princess of Protocol”.


I hope everyone can share the American Rights at work website so my small donation can be utilized to it’s fullest extent.

My apologies for forgetting this request for the last week but; Whether you attend a church service, a Mosque, G & L gathering, or Synagogue service, please say a prayer that God; yours, mine or ours; keeps our service men and women in the Palm of their hand.

Also Mike A. is at home doing well and he expects to be back at his workstation on the 26th.

Keep those prayers and good thoughts flowing, we all need them! They ARE working!

And Mike, today I am over 600, and I’m posting at a 4-. Based on my stamina last night, brother Marty’s offer to take me and Judi’s allowing us to use my car, with a heated seat, I intend right now to make my Union meeting Friday night..

Well, I’ll see you next time on my blog…………..

1 comment:

dmc said...

For the record, your friend Dianna kicked your ass and you know it!! I agree that Judi's delightful pasta was a high point and canasta is only a game!!